Is he our first chad president?
Is he our first chad president?
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Nah, we used to have Chad Presidents all the time before the country became feminized.
Lol. Get the hell out of here!
all badass generals
Kennedy slayed insane amounts of pussy
Actually the president of chad is Idriss Déby
He fucked his wife right after the election results, your god damn right he's chad.
Pretty much all the presidents were Chads.
Except for Taft. Guy hated being presidents
>Who is Kennedy?
They were all Chads until liberal marxism took over.
>A Chad
Get out.
This. Coked up Texas frat boy.
Didn't Andrew Jackson cuck a guy and fucked is wife?
Obama is ultimate chad
Fucking Bill Clinton you shitskins he got so much pussy he was impeached for it
He's the proto-Chad. It amuses me to no end that this guy who's never been involved in politics before can just decide to force his way into a presidential election and BTFO career politicians while being as Chad as possible.
If only he'd been as good slaying Viet Cong...
Like 90% of our Presidents were chads or rich frat boys.
Trump belongs in the Alpha Male club with Jackson and Teddy.
literally every president was a chad
except maybe Nixon, he was incel looking
I love Billy but he got cought getting head from a kike intern, he could have at least pick a non fat chick.
JFK was a hyper chad. Came from a rich family, good looking, popular at every school he attended, successful at everything he did, had a qt wife. And he had Marilyn Monroe as a side slam piece. No president will ever compete with this level of chaddery
Eisenhower was a cuck
Nixon was an INTJ as well.
Only 6'2+ can join the Chad club.
He's not even texan
CHAD eats PIZZA and becomes PRESIDENT while you hit the GYM HARD and he BANGS STACY because HEIGHT FACE FRAME
This fucking guy
Damn now I really want a Trump Tower taco bowl.
>gets cucked by a commie
No he's the first shitposter president.
Huge but subtle difference.
You mean he raped so much pussy
Thats about how much Id expect a man his age to lift, if theyre skinny like he is, for that particular exercise.
no, just the most recent chad president.
He was literally a wrestling champion.
Wrestling, besides Football obviously, is one of the most chaddest sports.
Reagan was the ultimate Chad.
JFK and W Bush are closer to being Chads.
you're a cuck
That's clearly the president of Romania you mong
>tfw a chad was my first time
Help. I'm an electoral cheerleader.
How do you fuck up a flag this badly anyway?
>"at least I will go down as a president"
STUMPED 800 points!
My name is Chad and I'm a Beta NEET.
Fuck all of you for attributing masculinity and virility to this curse of a name.
Lincoln was a fag. He liked having Chads insert logs into his "cabin".
>had a qt wife
hate this meme
unlike clinton, all the woman kennedy fucked were more attractive than his gremlin wife
Are you kidding me? Andrew Jackson created the term chad.
>Fucked a lot of women
>Told Indians to "fuck off, we're full"
>Owned some many fucking slaves
>Probably cucked some of the slaves from their wives
>Killed tons of people in draws
>On the 20 dollar bill
No one can compete with Andrew Jackson
>I'm mad liberals get more pussy than me: The thread
Damn I keep forgetting how tall he is, he seems like he's hunched over a lot.
Fuck no, your first presidents were leading military campaigns at 17 years old, and Kennedy was a star fucker
You mean you weren't alive when Bill Clinton was in office?
Liberal men don't get pussy, they get dick.
>yfw you realize the God-Emperor likes Qdoba and their taco salads
Jackie O. was cute in an AYY LMAO way. If you want hideous, look no further than Michelle Obama
Shot everyone who ever talked shit to him. Got shot too and lived. Always got out of murder charges. He was like the white president version of suge knight.
trump is autistic
>Shot everyone who ever talked shit to him.
IS this true?
it's a fact buddy
Reagan was chad af.
Nice try Obama
>no Teddy Roosevelt
Kennedy was a total fucking Chad.