Historic Latino voter turnout

>Historic Latino voter turnout
>33% of them end up voting Trump

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kek. i live in a part of miami that is like 90% cuban, everyone i know went for trump. cubans despise liberals in any shape or form because of where they come from

Fucking morons. Glad to see them gone in a few months.

Even they couldn't stand the sea hag.


what a beautiful angel


latin women are so fucking hot!

I would berry my dick so far in her ass whoever could pull it out would crowned king Arthur.

No you fucking wouldn't, she's disgusting as shit.

Still not White.

>White Nationalists want to take my right away from fucking that

You guys are crazy.

Enjoy it while you can. She will be double her weight once she hits 25, and they are notorious for ripping condoms and forgetting birth control. (They won't forget to pick up the check, though).

>let's keep pandering to a growing demographic that give no fucks about this country and only vote for gibs.

We don't want the Latino vote. We want the Latinos gone

I'm brazilian am I would definitely vote for Trump.

I mean look at the shithole Brazil is now.

fuck leftists

>family is a mix of Mexican and Spanish
>the hardworking and war veterans vote for Trump
>the mediocre and unmarried vote for Hillary



Literally the ONLY guy here who still has common sense. I guess common sense isn't so common these days.

do u have more of that semendemon ?

>wanting a photoshopped image



If he wants to fuck a diseased turd world hag let him

More real pussy for the rest of us


it's only illegal immigrants, bruh. the majority of Hispanics will stay!


>t. Paco

Most of the chilean leafs I know wanted hillary to win because trump reminds them of pinochet

>tfw i got to bask in their tears today

they also have man feet

>latin women are so fucking hot!
They are only hot from 11-15