Are you legitimately, unironically racist Sup Forums? Why?

Are you legitimately, unironically racist Sup Forums? Why?

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this is a garbage thread even by my standards, please sweep this trash up mod

Equality is a nice meme but it doesn't reflect reality.

That's really it, in a nutshell. If you are serious about learning more, I suggest you start by examining IQ differences between races.


I cannot be racist because race is a social construct.

What about IQ differences between people who think IQ means anything or not?

Not really. I dunno, maybe a tad.



I dont think im racist but I wouldnt really care if someone called me one

No Islamic terrorism but don't forger Buddhist terrorists like Aum Shinrikyo

No anal pain here. Just a simple question.

Avenue Q song "everyone's a little bit racist" describes me.
A school where only monsters can attend and not humans is racist.
Then suddenly liberals started redefining racism and all that bullshit made me piss off because that is hypocrytical as fuck.

Nah, not in the slightest. Unless not wanting masses of 3rd world immigrants is racist.
I have no problem with educated professionals and other valuable people immigrating regardless of race.

That happened only once. On the other hand they have to deal with otaku terrorists.

No, Sup Forums is a board of peace, friend

IQ tests actually measure how gullible you are.

Nah but I prefer less immigration and I probably wouldn't live in a heavily black or latino area

No. I've started seeing an African chick, they're the best breeding cows. I want 10 kids from her.

I had to hang around niggers in school,

Sup Forums thinks mean IQ is the only measure of a race's potential

yes, whites are better

Yes because I believe in evolution and it is naive to think that people who were geographically separated for thousands of years are equal

I lived with it. I lived in Mexico City for a month, and in college in the American Midwest I live in a dorm with negros. Sharing a bathroom is bad enough, they're practically animals. But interacting with them is to risk provocation to vandalism and destruction of property.

I don't even know what racist means anymore

Leftists have used it until it became the boy who cried wolf

Yes, Racism is defined as..

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

It would be ignorant to think otherwise. We must accept the fact that genetics and natural selection/evolution helped different races in different ways.

Unfortunately, liberal logic is counter-intuitive and they would rather not hurt people's feelings rather than to get back to the truth.

When I walk by a young black male, I use quick statistics to indicate to myself that I am more likely to get robbed, so I make sure that I am keeping an eye on my wallet and phone.

When I am making a business decision, I will always look unfavorably towards the typical Black person and favorably towards the Asian because based on the limited information I have, I can tell that the Black person's credit history is likely worse. That means missed obligations, payments, and more problems for me.

Anyone who looks past race in everything they do is a brainwashed idiot, and will never get anywhere in life.

Even Trump himself was reluctant to rent to niggers when dealt with lower income real estate.

In life, you need to use every advantage you can get, and just know that all else equal, niggers are less reliable.

Considering the modern definition of racist means whatever the person slinging it wants it to mean probably.

I don't accept being defined by commie words

I'm regionalist if that counts

I'm "soft" racist

I see a black I don't know, I'm slow to trust them. I would only trust about 10% of the blacks i first see. I like them after they gain my trust, though. Can be changed in a day if they suddenly break out to be supernig

i 70% of the time trust indians when i first see them, feather and dot. i trust about 95% of asians (that aren't chinese). I trust about 50% of chinese. i trust 80% of latinos. I trust 40% of arabs. I trust 85% of whites.

IQ matters, so would you be friends with a dumb white guy over a smarter black man? Even with your bell curves of IQ, there is an overlap.

I just don't see the point in deciding you don't like people before you get to know at least a little about them.

I'm not racist
And I don't much care for Sup Forums's racism

Everyone is racist by the definition of racism

I judge people on their individual merits, which makes me super racist by SJW standards.

I despise muslims, but that's not a race.

Genetics make things very clear.
Traits and characteristics and abilities are NOT shared, NOT equal, and NOT evenly distributed. Anyone can go research it and you would learn, but most prefer the comfort of ignorance.

He's an idiot. I've met many Africans that are a lot more intelligent than the people here and I guarantee there. These people never leave the house and are weak pussies.

Practically the differences have no meaning you fuck.

There is still like a 40 percent chance any black person you meet is smarter than you if you are average IQ.

It's interesting to note the big picture, but beyond that it means nothing.

people constantly call me one on reddit

Because Toronto fucking abducted me.

You deserve all my ire!

I shouldn't be here. Everything about being here is fucking disgusting.

You shall be very, very sorry!

That's a stupid image. Tokyo has experienced many terrorist attacks. Islam has nothing to do with the first statement, and the second statement is misleading.

Racist, no. Cultur"ist", yes. I don't care about your skin color, or your nose shape or you hair type. I care if you value the same things I do, for the reasons I do. Culture determines a large amount of that. Culture, language, social obligations. These determine the worth of a man in his own eyes, his parent's eye, his children's eyes, and in the eyes of the social relationships he forms with those around him. If you can't relate to those values I hold dear and important, you are no better then an unthinking animal, and just as much a potential threat.

Plus I love so many different types of women far to much to be racist. :D

No, I just don't like trashy people. There are trashy people in every race, some races tend to have more thank others. I especially don't like white trash though, because they give the rest of us a bad rep

Not at all. I grew up in a very underprivileged area and I've had many black, Muslim, and Hispanic friends throughout my life (inb4 >black friend makes me not racist). I've never looked at them as anything other than extraordinary people who I care deeply about.

I do, however, agree with Trump that the nation state is the true path to prosperity in the current state of the world. This line of thought is the new racism, even though I don't care at all what color anyone is or what they do in the privacy of their own home. If they are legally American and they strive to contribute to American society then I have no problems. We are ALL on the same team within these borders.

Maybe one day when every human melds into a nice olive tan skin tone, we will be ready to cooperate on a global scale. But as long as Islam exists, Africa continues to develop, latinos stagnate, and anglos continue to prosper, I do not think that it is vital to force diversity in any way.

So probably half of the country would call me racist, half would call me reasonable.

I'm casually racist, like most people

>Maybe one day when every human melds into a nice olive tan skin tone
Disgusting, appearance has never stopped us from cooperating on a global scale, we have always been able to deal with and trade with each other, but that is not the same thing as wanting niggers in your neighborhood

I am not fundamentally racist. I can like any race, be they Asian, African, what have you. However, I am not oblivious to ethnic trends. Blacks commit such an absurdly disproportionate amount of crimes in this country it is mere denial to suggest they are not naturally more violent.

Violence has its place in security, but uncontrolled it is the art of animals. The problem with our current society is that we treat everyone like they are the same. Equality is not inherently good, it is a pipe-dream, and an inefficient one at that. If blacks lived apart from other races and were given jobs as military grunts and laborers, everyone could be happy.

But no, because that's problematic.

When the whole world is racist against you. You become racist.

I'm a socialist and anti-racist but I admit that image is crazy. Is it real?

Exactly. It's like reverse isolationism. Cuba, Japan, and America have all experienced racism because when you are disconnected from the world at large, you become concerned with only the interest of your own people.

And guess what white guilt does? Disconnects white people from minorities, therefore generating racism.

If you're racist then you're a retard with tunnel vision and I hope that you kill yourself for being this dumb.

good post



You wouldn't be saying that if you didn't have snow and mountains to protect you, highland jew.

>Are you legitimately, unironically racist Sup Forums?
Fuck no. Racism divides up the people and we'll never get anything accomplished. That shit stinks like identity politics, and that's for niggers.

I dont know. What makes a racist a racist?

The careful apprehension from observing statistics?

Being programmed from birth to preserve your genes and that of your viewed kin as much as possible? The theory of the selfish gene and debunking of altruism as a morality based behaviour?

Or is it simply being evil and killing other people and then having the distribution of victims be skewed because of the above?

Is it taking ideological stances that you were bullied into by society because independent thought is punished?

Racists and racism does not exist, it has never been about race. Its all a consequence of the circumstances in ehich this world was randomly created by an uncaring deity or an uncaring mathematical coincidence.

Dont bring up IQ. All you have to say is,
>by definition, individuality and equality are mutally exclusive.

Nope. Ive met a lot of shitty blacks, mexicans, arabs, and jews. But I also met some really cool ones.

>taking the Sup Forums's racist meme seriously.

I'm only partially racist. I hate degeneracy.

I have black friends, I hate niggers. There is a difference. However, I do have a problem with black men dating white women.

I have hispanic friends, I hate spics. There is a difference.

I have fellow white friends, I hate white trash/wiggers. There is a difference.

I have "Jewish" friends, I hate zionist kikes. There is a difference (not as much)

Asians can't really piss me off because they're just adorable as fuck when they try to emulate our cultures.

I have to. Others are being racist towards me.

This is about me

I actually hate racism, even though sometimes I make racist jokes because why not.

Also SJW's should be counted as a separate race entirely and shot into the sun

nah, just a cultural supremacist

I've been saying it's ironic for 10 years but I'm starting to feel it's more unironic. It's kinda like fossilization. The form and material were slowly replaced by a different substance but retained the same shape. Being ironically racist on the internet isn't what it used to be.

>Iracionaly racist

im racist in a general sense. but i'll judge an individual based on character

Depends on your definition.

There are races I don't like as a whole. Blacks and latinos mostly. They're loud, uneducated, obnoxious and they have just the worst taste in music. And they're more or less responsible for their own poverty, dragging the entire country down with them.

But one-on-one I don't judge a person based on their race. I work with people of all races and most of them are dumb as bricks, which is more the fault of where I work than anything else, but they're pretty good guys. Obviously if I work with a black guy, they aren't a jobless welfare nigger. Their taste in music still sucks though.

Nah I judge people by their individual behavior rather than their race.
I do believe though, that if a certain problem arises through a certain ethnic group (Drug traffic terrorism, etc) then that ethnic group should be kept in check until that problem is removed.

No the jpegs have been faked. Its an illusion

>tfw mix from italians and bolivians
>have a negro villero face while being ultra conservative.

I was gonna say "Yes" but I remembered that most chinese are Ratmen like the fucking skaven from warhammer

Please do not insult rats by comparing them to chinese.

I bet all that radiation made the rats in Japan huge

I wasn't insulting rats. Skaven are basically taking the WORST stereotypes about rats and turning them into a race. Diseased? Check. Cowards? check. Backstabbing? Check. Breed like crazy? Check. Literally worships a god of disease? Check.
Further paralells are drawn when you consider that the Skaven live(d) under the fantasy holy roman empire and would regularly abduct peasants to enslave them. Even more paralells are drawn in that they're hellbent on technological "Progress" but their tech is all super unsafe for both the users and the environment.
Also buck teeth

Hmmm, unironically racist. Well , "black people" are ok I suppose. I fucking hate niggers. Jewish people seem alright. We should definitely gas the Jews though. Chinks are disgusting and I hope they starve. Japs are cool as well as most other asians. Muslims can all choke to choke to death on sand.

I don't know, if I accept that there are differences in races such as the bell curve, blacks are better athletic runners e.t.c. does that make me a racist even if it is the truth?

And speaking of the bell curve, it doesn't mean that every single nigger is dumber than all the whites.

Are you implying that China and Japan are master race, soontobeRuskie?

i am racist because i took human biology in high school and learnt simple genetics.

Niggers smell and look like monkeys.

'Racist' is the cultural Marxist term for realist.

Not to mention act like them.

someone is taking regular classes

Nope. I'm not racist at all.

I just want controlled borders, protection from islamic terrorism, term limits on politicians, and respect for people in law enforcement.