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Cali here
I like it here. If only the cucks left
you'll make it once you get out of 7th grade
What is this cuck meme everybody keeps going on about?
Here's your (you)
are you a dependent? if you're an adult that provides for yourself, move.
You fucking deserve it. I'll be sure to send my team of Shillary voters to your door and fuck you up. Coming from a white man to another white man. ;^)
Chill, I live in a fucking Blue Country
>eugene, oregon
kill me
I lived in a blue state. Then I started talking to people about what was important.
And guess what? According to most sources, my county was responsible for Michigan going red last night.
If enough right-thinkers enlighten their friends and neighbors, change is possible.
>Living in the new cozy state of red Wisconsin
>Living in Milwaukee
Oh wait nvm. Feels pretty shit.
I feel you Op, coloradofag here. Its so sad to see that such a beautiful state is filled with such fucking stupid people.
Im considering moving to Waco, Texas because its a red state, the housing and property taxes are dirt cheap compared to colorados, and plus theres less libtards there.
I'm in commiefornia. The leftist outrage is glorious
Don't worry user, in time, your state will be called on to defend America from the cucks, but that time is not now. Republicans did it last night, but one day you will be called upon.
came this close
the state senate and house are red though
you kill me i kill you, we both get what we want.
OP wtf are you talking about the tears in California are so sweet
>tfw watching my home state, Minnesota turn redder and redder
>tfw District 2 resident
>tfw Based Jason Lewis is my rep
>tfw Paulsen won reelection even with millions of fucking TV ads aired every day
anaheimfag here
enjoyed the salt but now I'm incapable of talking to anyone without giving off a huge grin
does this mean my boring desk job where I don't have to deal with the entire city complaining is gone?
w-what do I do now bros
MA here
At least it's not the west coast, as far as I'm aware Boston isn't on fire yet
Move out senpai. I'm planning on moving to the US after becoming an EMT.
How bad is it, user?
Here in Florida, people are talking about it, but people will soon move on.
What's it like in a blue state?
Im from WA its cnacer, everyone looks sad as fuck. My friends know I voted for him, and just say White power to me.
its really fucking bad here in Seattle, the cali transplant niggers are passing weapon bans/siezure laws and removing taxes for "low income people" aka niggers. my lawn sign was stolen 3 times. fuck this city, fuck king county and fuck washington. im moving to arizona.
Im a UNI student at UW Milwaukee too. Man were the liberals depressed. Half of the regular for all classes just didnt show up. The other half were just constant bitching and tearing up. It was glorious.
Holy shit. Fellow polster in Jason Lewis district. We're probably neighbors
>tfw live in Madison, Wisconsin
It's been a blast seeing all of these libtards butthurt. They are so out of touch with the rest of the state it is hilarious.
texasfag reporting in. godbless my beautiful red state
the pain
i feel sorry for you user
eugene is a shithole, but at least there's no riots here
oregon was closer than it has been since 1988 to voting repub and i'm at least proud of that
It's called a locked door and a shotgun for defense noob.
Dakota county?
Move to the massive red areas in your "blue" state
king county has been flooded with chinks because of the new industry thats popping up here, the mayor keeps reducing taxes for "low income" people so now we're getting niggers bused in from all around the state, and the crime rates are sky rocketing. not to mention the thousands of dudeweed tourists that "forget" to go home.
Damn shame. That stupid fat little fuck probably doesn't know any better then what he was breastfed from his mother at age 13.
at least you don't live in Massachusetts
in a huge university
i swear to god like 100 people want me dead after today
go protest, raise some hell, be an agent provocateur.
Come to Indiana! We need all the help we can get to turn Indy red!
Of course,the city will never turn the state blue, but it'd be nice to be solid red.
Same. Walking around the city most of the students were literally on the verge of tears today. It was great.