Now that the dust has settled
What went wrong?
Now that the dust has settled
What went wrong?
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Literally every thing went wrong. Without a doubt it was the worst campaign in history, for all campaigns, including military. The only thing that could have made it worse is Hillary literally bursting into flames during her concession speech. She crit failed.
Jews (Podesta, Weiner)
>screwing over Bernie voters
>throwing white working class who used to vote dem under the bus
>attacking Trumps supporters as deplorables
Fake ass personality. She even had to practice how to laugh. People don't like that. It makes them realize something is wrong. Even if she owns the media who tried to push bullshit narratives, people saw how much she lies and how evil she is.
>Didnt make one single campaign stop in Wisconsin the entire election cycle
Pushing a narrative that focuses so heavily on minority groups and immigrants that you alienate and embitter a major segment of your voter base.
They promoted her instead of bernie
Election was rigged. She should've won by a landslide. Even with the rigging, more people voted for her.
>Requires a staff of 20 people to spend 8 hours composing a single 140 character tweet
She is the very definition of a fake politician and gov't largesse
How many billions of Jewish shekels did she waste on her disastrous campaign?
the progressive narrative of "white men are to blame for everything" doesn't fucking work.
thats what went wrong
if the Dems don't purge the progressive element from their party, they will lose future election in greater margins until their party simply disappears.
their coalition of the fringes is falling apart at the seams.
((they)) spent so long creating a subversive reality, ((they)) actually started to believe their own bullshit
I'm not sure if we will know fully what went wrong for a while. There are so many issues at play.
>running after a black man who some to believed to have fucked everything up
>has email scandal
>have the DNC literally hand you the position
>have a campaign based on pandering to everyone but rural whites
>run attack ads that don't attack the other's policy at all
>have a husband who allegedly raped women
>don't adapt any of the shit Bernie Sanders talked about
>have a running mate nobody even knows about
Dems didn't show up to vote for her.
1. Rambling about being female gets old after a while.
2. The democrats can't into being the big money corporate/bank candidates and still expect to get the youth vote totals they need.
3. Obama has destroyed the rust belt's economy in regards to everything that doesn't start with a "frack" and end with an "ing."
4. Jesus fuck people Clinton openly proclaimed a willingness to get into a shooting war with the other major nuclear power of the world are you fucking that stupid?
5. Within the last two weeks of the election her unfavorable numbers rose above Trump's and it wasn't just because of Comey.
6. James Comey.
7. For the first time the largest proportion of the voting public was not getting their information solely from the TV or newsprint. By 2020 social media and non-SM internet groups will be dominant. You will never see a standard TV-and-early-net style campaign win again.
t. Styx
not to mention she had an ambassador die under her watch. disgraceful
> ((they)) spent so long creating a subversive reality, ((they)) actually started to believe their own bullshit
forgot to simulate the redpills
She didn't actually try. She thought being president would be free because of what's between her legs.
being an unelectable cunt
>Corruption coming to light
>People not believing the media
>not even liked by her own party
>completely overshadowed by trump's personality and presence
>democrats hate corporate stooges
>stabbed bernouts in the back
>never took Trump seriously until it was too late
>wikileaks, scandals, massive corruption, bribery, payforplay. everything bernie rallied against
>hid from the press
>media pile-on was too obvious and turned people off
>paid celebrity shills
>"inherent racism"
>coughing fit
>flip flopping on social issues depending on whats popular
The Democrats' long-term plan has always been to eventually abandon White voters entirely and focus exclusively on Latinos, Blacks, and now Middle Easterners.
The problem is they jumped the gun and thought White, working class voters wouldn't notice
>no charisma
>a lot of scandals old and new
>part of political elite
>main argument was being the lesser of two evils
dnc ignored the voters, and pushed hillary. america was ready for a populist - either side of the isle. dnc pushed status quo, and disenfranchised a bunch of would-be rabid supporters. republicans begrudgingly accepted the will of the people and won by genuine enthusiasm for change.
Artificially anointing "the next in line" is what went wrong. The GOP made that mistake with McCain and Romney and the DNC was dumb enough to follow in the same footsteps.
Just a terrible candidate. So fucking terrible. It's amazing to me that she's gotten as far as she has. Obama makes her look like a genius from a political perspective. She's literally never held a single office or position that somebody hasn't gift-wrapped for her. The times she's had to actually persuade uncertain people to vote for her, she's fucked up.
Apparently nobody told her; if you play for the dark side, you have to lose at the end. It's in the script.
She declared war on Pepe and got BTFO
If this is ROTJ, when was ROTS?
>Sup Forums
>war mongering against russia
>political baggage from watergate, benghazi, etc
>associating with rapists
>email scandals
>being under active FBI investigation again
>openly showing contempt for half the country by calling trump supporters irredeemable deplorables
>no personality
Liberals pushed political correct globalism and diversity so hard over the last 16 years, all America needed was someone who would stand up to the things most people hated. And that was Trump. The fact he's not a politician, not a DC personality, and isn't afraid to piss people off won him a lot of popularity, so much that he easily won the primary. That made the DMC so terrified, they pushed the candidate they thought could beat him. If not for Trump, Sanders could have won the primary and moved on to the national election. But no one thought he could beat Trump (because he couldn't) so they chose Hillary, despite all her bad history. Any other Republican might have rolled all over her, simply because they wouldn't have so many scandals like Trump. But no other Democrat could have contended with Trump's popularity despite his flaws. She was their only choice but she was doomed to fail. The Dems did this to themselves by pushing social progress too hard.
No this is the beginning of the empire strikes back, we're watching AT-AT's blow the fuck out of snow speeders.
>Limousine Liberal
>No charisma/charm
>Blaming Russians
>Debbie Wasserman Schultz
>Horrible Sec of State
>Muh historic victory
Identity politics.
Clinton has a lot going against her, but honestly, I believe that the failure of the left to suppress BLM was the 'straw'.
I believe most middle-class whites believe themselves to not be racist (whether this is factual or not is irrelevant). They see racism as something other people do. When BLM first started out, it was possible for whites to just say "maybe it was a racist cop", and move on. BLM was only a distant exisential threat. As it moved on (and BLM kept declaring more and more complete shitbags as martyrs), it started to sink in that BLM was garbage. But it was still distant garbage that didn't really affect the average middle-American white family.
Then the BLM went way off the deep end. Cops being gunned down (whether or not BLM had any real involvement), and BLM praising it, folks carrying around "kill whitey" signs, and in many more cities. I could here grenades going off when they broke up the St. Paul I94 shutdown from my balcony.
BLM stopped being some distant annoyance, something that racists far away should worry about. It became a threat. The news stories painting the protesters as 'ordinary citizens' made it worse. It caused paranoia. Is the guy sitting next to me on the bus one of them, is he going to shoot that cop as we drive by?
So BLM became a threat (mostly imagined), and what did the left do? Coddle and praise them. The left became part of the threat. That is what got middle-America out to the ballot boxes, with the intention of electing someone whom they believed wouldn't tolerate this threat.
everyday people were offended by the collusion of the state, the president, the media, corporations, banks and the world elites trying hard to get her elected
But the truth is she never stood a chance. She is the most unelectable person to ever run for anything.
Do not listen to the media. She never had a lead. Remember last week when suddenly "her numbers dropped?" That was because they knew they couldn't hide it any longer.
She is a nasty, nasty woman. She never deserved any of the positions she held. She is a cunt and I am so happy to watch her fall.
she is literally associated with satanists
Fake as fuck, entitled, pandered to SJWs
That cost her my vote
She denounced Kek.
>if the Dems don't purge the progressive element from their party
You're kidding right?
No, thats what the dems did, they shunned progressives with hillary who is honestly probably to the right of trump.
They're going to disapear if they keep doing that.
Political correctness became the most sacrosanct thing in the world so edgy young people started becoming ironically racist. It's funny because it will lead to actual racism and they would have avoided this if they hadn't pushed for it so hard while playing identity politics.
Also white blue collar people started seeing the collusion of media and politics making them anti establishment. Minorities and the young weren't energized because their hand picked candidate had less personality than a sack of potatoes and was so corrupt she got kicked off the Watergate commission. Didn't help that everyone thought she'd win for sure.
Lastly mimetics made a lovable man cool. He seemed crazy at times but the more sane things he said and jokes he made, the more people genuinely liked him. He was refreshing, exciting, funny, everything Obama was trying to be but only got a quarter way there.
Well to go over the major stuff
>abandoning their populist ie Bernie
>nominating their scraps from eight years ago that nobody liked to begin with
>attempting to back the voting populace into a corner with shame and buzzwords
p much it
Rule of thumb; Americans do not like being told what to do. You have to be more subtle in your propaganda tactics short of
Hilary's supporters were fucking awful and her whole campaign was based on "vote for me because I'm not him". Her supporters thought if you just called people bernie bros and deplorables that they would somehow want to join you. Also her supporters treating white guys like fucking shit. And also fucking bernie out of the DNC.
trying to start ww3 against russia just because she got butthurt over some leaked emails
They pick fucking Hillary
Any one else could beat Trump but they pick the woman that has had her hands the most in all parts of seedy politics that the people are just getting fucking tried of
I'm not sure this mattered to normies so much. Trump was charismatic and funny and she was just uninspiring. Most people never knew about all the crap she did and only had a vague notion of her sending emails, and getting rich from her position but with no specifics.
Spot on
Also this.
Hilldog came out of the gates with the entire election framed in his regard. It was over before either candidate had barely started on each other.
It wasn't a shock in any respect. It's kind of unbelievable that it actually happened, but you could've seen this coming months in advance.
You're getting your terms mixed up.
"Progressives" are the economically interested wing of the Democrats who want redistribution of wealth and minimum wage increases and shit like that. The Bernie Sanders voters are "progressives." What should be "progressive"ly increasing in that world-view is the median quality of life.
The SJW faction are just "liberals"
I know you probably thought it meant "progressive"ly giving more and more power in our society to whoever has the most oppression points, but that's not how people use these words.
This. So much of this. Arrogance. Plain and simple arrogance that those that had been fucked over would continue to vote as they had in the past. This despite the fact that the DNP has no values that the midwest agrees with anymore. Just pure arrogance.
The shilled so hard and saturated the media so much that they started to believe it themselves and lost sight of the target, mich like Brexit they were so self assured in their victory that even at the end they never considered Trump a serious threat.
It's poetic really that hubris would be the undoing of someone like her, or biblical rather. Pride cometh before the fall.
She was out of touch with, and underestimated, white working-class voters.
She also overestimated minority voters.
totally this.
>a few vocal trump supporters
>hillary begins campaign to shun them and make them social outcasts
>labels them as sub humans that have time traveled from 1850 just after beating their niggers
>bernie gets rekt
>a pool of independent voters unsure of what to do now
>see hillary ruined bernie
>despise hillary
>trump supporters are encouraging one another
>welcoming new constituents with open arms
>hillary still preaching about how trump supporters are racist bigots that need to be stopped
>only appeals to a portion of minorities, LGBT, and flower generation descendants
>trump rolls with the punches, accepting all of the hateful remarks
>people see trump supporters being hammered by hillary supporters
>hillary supporters unknowingly steer potential constituents away to trump while a small portion flee to independent runners
The majority wanted her to win but they weren't motivated enough to actually vote for her.
this. the DNC got so full of themselves that they thought they had it secured, in the bag. so damn cocky that they thought that clinton was gonna win, but it just turned on them; they underestimated the power of her actions in determining votes along with their campaign decisions.
>shady dealings re: the DNC
>divisive rhetoric (deplorables)
>air of superiority. People want a president not a fucking queen
But most of all, the worst thing that happened to her was going up against Trump. Any other candidate would not have said half the shit he did, and along with the media controlling the narrative, she would have been able to gloss over all of her failings as a candidate and a human being.
I like her outfit here, very presidential. Why did she wear retarded kim jong il pantsuits during the campaign?
>Being more corrupt than the worst Soviet politician and not having a retort besides MUH RUSSIAN SUPERHACKERS
>Cheating in order to win the nomination
>Demonizing a huge part of the electorate not just once, but twice, IE white working class (or white people in general) and the Deplorables comment
>Pander to minority groups and arrogantly expect their full support just because they're part of the Democrat plantation
It was arrogance really. Democrats just assumes that blacks and latinos would come out in droves for her just like for Obama, and ignored or even talked down to the whites who make up 60% of the country.
trump had god's favor
She's too fucking robotic and self centered.
Yeah TRUMP is a billionaire, but he says whatever comes to mind. Everything is for the most part genuine.
everything Shillary said was focus grouped tested.
Trump was just a giant middle finger to modern US politics. He was popular because people got really tried how politics were going the last decade and here comes a person that (as they see it) can't be weighed down by bureaucratic tape and has the power to destroy everything, thus bringing a factory zero setting to the white house.
The liberals, in all their genius, thought the best way to slay this foe was to bring the most cliche politician the world has seen. One who has in her pocket the most power politicians and has network to the point she is reaching Robert C Bird levels in politics to where "Big mama" could describe her influence. They pick a person who could be dress as the straw (wo)man to everything the American people are tired of in modern politics and threw her out their as his opposition.
This election was fucking stupid but not for the reasons the media say.
I seriously don't see how trump didn't sweep all the votes up. I can't believe people voted for that bitch.
1. her entire political career is based on nepotism and americans really dislike that
2. she had a million tons of baggage from her husband's scandals and the republican base has had 30 years to develop a narrative that makes their base hate her
3. she's not a natural politician at all. she has a lot of trouble connecting with people and just seems cold distant and unconvincing most of the time
4. her handling of the e-mail scandal was just as horrible as it could have possibly been. if she had just been more forthcoming about how she fucked up it would not have snowballed the way it did. for what it's worth, other than mishandling classified info i don't think she's actually committed any crimes in relation to her e-mail, that's all spin that she enabled by being cagey about it
5. she very openly fucked over a super popular and charismatic nominee to clinch the nomination. this really contributed to the narrative that she was a cold, calculating political opportunist who didn't actually give a shit about change
6. she really banked on being able to win against trump by focusing on his personal flaws instead of building a policy narrative that appealed to voters. you just can't win an election based on nothing but people voting against your opponent
- Low energy and charisma compared to Trump, should have nominated someone who could butt-heads with Trump.
- Probably got more votes, because she's a woman; not the other way around
- Public FBI investigation damaged her reputation even if it was inconclusive.
- Left-wing policies losing their favor. Democrat's should have utilized a more moderate platform to avoid losing left-leaning Republic votes.
- Despite her numerous political accolades most knew her as the wife of Bill Clinton. While Trump is well known from television and what not.
- The prevailing idea that American ideals need to be defended despite being in no greater danger then they were 30 years ago. Trump utilized hysteria very well.
- Democrat's incorrectly assumed they would sweep a majority vote with leftist policies.
Pretty entertaining granted how much popular media opposed Trump. Goes to show media doesn't reflect the ideals of most Americans.
>Attacking your opponents' supporters is a big mistake one of her biggest
>Though she's too self-absorbed to recognise it, emphasising her experience over Trumps' is bad strategy where much of it is questionable and corrupted (or perceived as such) and much of the voting pool had had enough of insiders-- she should have kept the focus on her plans, policies and proposals and soft-pedaled her experience
>Her personal attacks didn't go over so well. She should have kept them to a minimum instead taking a condescending, presidential tone and left attacking Trump to her surrogates and CTR shills
I sometimes wonder if they feared that trying to build a policy narrative with her was to difficult to work due to her history. I mean people either hated or loved her. Maybe they just hope that was how Trump was going to go but with more haters then lovers?
Regardless I'm sure heads are rolling over how bad this all went.
pretty much this
Email scandal
Unnecessary pandering to elements that have become increasingly alienating to white voters (social justice types would not have voted for Trump no matter what)
Third Party involvement
The Internet weakening the effectiveness of the press in determining public opinion
PC culture/outrage manufacturing (which is a fairly mainstream concern at this point), with help from clickbait articles, making a lot of fuck paternalism libertarians who used to hate Evangelical Christians turn right
Clinton had every reason to think she would win. I thought she would win. The polls were strongly in her favor, and two days before the election this board was in despair.
Democrats are hardly finished though, unless democracy is. Alienating Hispanics was, long term, probably a bad move, unless you manage to seriously change the demographic shift for this country. Latin Americans were pretty socially conservative and hard working, so they generally start voting like Whites after a couple of generations.
>Probably got more votes, because she's a woman; not the other way around
If a man politician commited half her crimes, he would have been in jail decades ago
change -> 4 more years -> fuck you we're here to stay
if people didn't believe the media then Trump would've won almost every state
The simplest answer is that she is just inherently not a person who is well suited for politics. She is someone who could have been a fine biglaw partner or an effective non- elected government official, but could never be a great poltician.
Occupy Wall Street killed the DNC.
Millions of americans agreed that large corporations needed to be reformed, most of them just wanted every person to get taxed like they were a w-4 worker, regardless of where the source of income comes from. At least, this is what my friends and I supported.
Then it got hi-jacked by blue haired femenazis that tried to but a hierarchy of "victimization." Gay native american transexual's opinion was worth more than a mexican woman which was worth more than a gay woman's. ANYONE calling themselves a minority was worth more than a straight white male's.
At the time, I didn't care. I just wanted reform. Before I knew what the fuck was happening, the movement was ice cold dead, the white house was lit up like up in gay rights colors, and corporate greed didn't matter as long as the bosses were waving a rainbow flag.
That's the day a lot of life long democrats got fully redpilled. Deep down, there was a little voice that whispered "the jews are fucking us." No one will ever actually come out and say it, but actions speak for themselves. There's now a drive to actually reform wall-street, with the goal of building a country where generating wealth is the primary goal of it's citizens. By breaking ourselves off from globalist sovereignty robbing trade deals, we come closer to shutting down the (((fed))) and returning the rights of printing money to congress.
she's an old hag, totally unlikable. who did not see it coming?
think about it like this:
Clinton vs Trump
i mean, let us be real here. no one wants Bill Clinton's wife.
and it seems obvious the elite's first choice was:
Clinton versus Bush
I mean, is it any surprised? some old woman who has another painfully familiar last name?
and Bill Clinton was a moron, too. and he cheated on her in office. why the hell would we want to elect her? its just stupid.
Hillary and her celebrity endorsements. Trump said it best when he commented that he didnt need any dumbasses like Jz or bonjovi to draw people to his rallies.
Building your house out of cards.
she and bill havent sacrificed enough children to moloch
he's slowly draining the life out of both of them to claim whats his
trump gamed the media to get billions of free airtime swamping the message of anyone else. i blame the commercial media's addiction to trump tweets and murdoch's 24/7 hate machine.
Clinton is a very weak, flawed and just horrible, unlikable politician and years of calling Trump and his supporters dumb, redneck bigot nazi fascists didn't change that.
Being the definitive insider in a country that's been getting ever increasingly anti establishment for years.
Like the media was colluding with other corporations to shut Trump down.
and that's just this decade
She was born.
that is what is amazing to me is how much the media hated trump.
yet in away it all seems so perfectly scripted. it almost makes me wonder if the jews are really subordinate to some other force that is betraying them mockingly.
She played the woman card at the wrong times and didn't play it at the right times. She tried to run as the "I AM MORE EXPERIENCED" politician in a race about how people fucking hate the establishment.
This. Obama was the biggest fake of this century and the last.
The guy rode in on "change" and what did they get?
They got a fucking CITI bank exec e-mailing his campaign his cabinet.
They got a Noble Peace Prize winner that spent the majority of his presidency bombing brown people in 5 countries.
whereas pol is the acknowledged refuge of racists and trump overtly appealed to racists, so actual racists resent being identified as such
but trump as a person is such a disgusting vile loathsome slimeball ewwww, who would want to sit next to him or shake his hand, disgusting
Might want to look at just how red the country really did vote. Only the big cities voted Clinton. The map should scare the shit out of Democrats.
You suck at this.
>all the money in the world
>media in her hands
>Even POTUS full shilling
>still manages to fuck it up
I wish i could see a Trump vs Sanders populist slugfest for the election.
Too much money
Seriously, Hilary spent 1 BILLION dollars on this campaign. Trump spent less than 50 million. I live in Arizona, about as Red a state in the SW as you can find short of UTAH, and she bought so much commercial time here all you saw on local TV was HRC commercials. Which puzzled me like no one's business because there wasn't a single state poll with her closer then 3 points, EVER.
She probably wasted more money in AZ then trump spent in the whole election. Why? Why would you do that, but NEVER ONCE go to Iowa, Wisconsin, or Michigan and only go to Penn in the last weak of the election? She never ran a single commercial in Wisconsin.
Yet you have the trump campaign, with NO POLLING department, NO ANALYTICS department, NO POLLING advisers, sending trump to all of those states AND running commercials in all of those states.
Think about that. A complete political novice with a bare bones operation, no state "get out the vote" workers, or "ground game" and no "polling department" figured out the states he could win, spent his money carefully at about 1/20 the pace HRC did, and he won.
Seriously? What the fuck did HRC spend all that $$ on?
What fucked Clinton was Obama not delivering any hope or change and just more of the same. Clinton was doomed.