You just ruined an old woman's dreams.
You could have helped break the glass ceiling and make real history, but you voted for a meme president instead.
I hope you're fucking happy.
You just ruined an old woman's dreams.
You could have helped break the glass ceiling and make real history, but you voted for a meme president instead.
I hope you're fucking happy.
Senile bitch probably forgot about that meeting the next morning lul
Can you image how much a glass ceiling costs, let alone to break one?
Why do women want to cost such monetary damage?
she wont have to live with the consequences
More like staynigger amirite
I never understood why people think old people/children crying about something is an argument against it
I do feel bad for her, but then I think of m own grandmother in the grave who wanted to vote Trump before she died.
RIp Grandma
More like mildly disappointed.
>voting for someone just because they're a woman
She was voting for war.
Germoney did that and hows it working out for them?
Good now get in the chamber you old bitch
Is Steininger Jewish? It sounds like an actual German name
My grandma's fucking dead and you don't hear her whining
Thatcher broke the glass ceiling.
America's not the center of the universe.
>glass ceiling
you already elected a useless president, obama.
Fucking women, piss off you virtue-signelling bitches this was all your fault forcing the populace to lie about their true opinions in fear of being attacked.
You all are fucking monsters. Can you not feel sympathy for anyone who didn't vote for Drumpf?
> We should have a woman president because it makes a little old lady happy
> We should make some retard president because it makes some down's syndrome kid happy
if you wanted a woman president, you should have chosen a better one. killary is a snake.
Even the ancients can be tricked
maybe hillary should have been a better candidate
> \_('z')_/
someone tell her that germany, uk, brazil all have women leaders
lmao that can't actually be her name
Top tier post straya
I do feel sorry for her but voting for a specific candidate because the alternative will "make granny sad" is irresponsible.
Please refer to
Maybe the US shouldn't be so sexist.
Maybe, just maybe she's just fucking nodding off because she's ancient and it was late, Adrienne, you fucking cunt?
liberal/woman logic based solely on emotion
The need of the many outweigh the needs of the few,sentiment has no place in success
Also I never knew bernie got a sex change
>wreck your country for an old woman who will die before the bitch can even enter the office
Literally retard-tier.
>Trump campaign literally breaks the glass ceiling and makes history by being the first campaign run by a woman to put someone in the white house
>b-but he's supposed to be a exist, we're on the right side of history, aren't we?
"When's the Lawrence Welk show coming on? She'll ask.
Stupid bag of antlers .
Why, you lost, remember?
>wanting to vote in Hillary just because she's a woman and she wanted to see the first female president
Nah, I can't feel too bad.
So what if she's Jewish? Does that mean her opinion shouldn't matter? Do you honestly believe every Jew is part of some conspiracy theory against you?
my 80yr old grandmother did a fucking jig when she saw trump won
she has no respect for clinton, considered her a failed woman after all the shit on bill came out
Yeah, I guess we broke her heart.
We also gave the children of the future a country free of nuclear fallout to grow up in.
I feel kind of bad for her, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna pretend Hillary isn't a fucking retard and criminal.
She should have done more research.
Better luck next life. Maybe she will be born in another timeline.
> what was I sad about again
Cry me a fucking river
Man I fucking love watching women cry. Fucking whores.
to bad, but its stupid in this situation to think everyone should have voted to make the ol lady happy.
She wouldn't have had to deal with the consequences.
Maybe you should have died sooner so you wouldn't have got your hopes up.
Not really because they were trying to vote in a worse candidate. Even worse when they go and protest the system they previously backed by destroying property.
I wanted to vote for a woman and I am an ex-clinton supporter, but she's not the right person for the job. Too corrupt. It would have been nice though, I'll admit.
This weighs heavily as one of the great casualties of the meme war.
One day her dream of a woman president will come true. But Killary will not be it.
I love trump, but this hits me in my feels, this poor old women has no clue how much of a monster this women truly is.
Fuck you. My grandmother didn't want to see a rotten crook in office, and she got her wish because she isn't a loser.
I would rather see her hanging from that glass ceiling.
How did she feel when Obama beat her in the primaries?
Good, boomer scum. Her ilk caused this.
>I hope you're fucking happy.
I'm never happy. This just gives me satisfaction, what did the old hag expect?
the "she deserves to be president because, muh vagna" meme
genitals do not count as qualifications for president
I would vote for any right wing nationalist woman you put on a ticket, no hesitation
but you couldn't have paid me enough to vote for hillary
Stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back
That's exactly what we just did :^)
Hillary being the first woman president would have set a very bad example for future women running. America will elect a woman when a competent, intelligent woman who is not a criminal runs.
>hillary should be elected so this old lady can witness a female president
She won't remember anything once she's dead anyway, which looks like it'll come sooner rather than later for her.
Next time choose a woman thats worth a shit? Just ideas...
"Just" as if it was a simple request.
She's probably a tough old bird
Millennial shits should stop projecting their weaknesses on others
Awwww... Now I hate Trump. Get fucking real.
Ironically Margaret Thatcher was a great leader, yet the lefties literally danced at her funeral
Rip in peace grandma
ugly gnomelet should just die already LOL
CTR working for free???
I feel sad for her. I really, really do. Sadness is a legitimate feeling, and wanting people to experience it isn't what Trump is about. That's not making America great again.
I only hope she gets to experience Trump's presidency. I hope she comes to understand it's the best she's ever had it.
Stfu monster
Ahahahahahahaha you stupid old jew
If Trump was a black female cripple I still would have voted Trump.
Clinton isn't bad because she has a vagina, she's bad because her policies and actions were abhorrent. A person who angrily obsesses about Russia in every single conversation should not be given access to the nuclear launch codes.
Considering the candidate chosen to do the breaking, we did her a favor.
Maybe you should think of actual arguments rather than throwing out buzzwords like they mean something.
Its not a feels contest its who you think will best represent you in government so they can make hard decisions that affect the nation we all collectively live in
GTFO with your bait
I don't care.
My grandma wanted Trump to win and died in early October. Before she even got to see this realize.
I voted on her behalf.
Cleopatra broke the ceilling
Wait so are they for or against old white people? I'm confused.
Emotions > logic n laws n shiet
I feel bad for her, she shouldn't have her dreams crushed. But there are more important things that affect more people.