So, 33% of Latino men voted for Trump. Honorary Aryans?

So, 33% of Latino men voted for Trump. Honorary Aryans?

1/3 worth, yes.

Though "Hispanic" is awfully broad, that could range from anywhere from 3/4th white to 1/16th white.

Anyone know how it compares to previous elections?

How here doesn't give a fuck about being Aryan enough? I just want America to be Great

McCain won 31%,of Hispanics Romney won 27% and Trump won 29%

Dad is Norwegian, Mother is Mexican/Native American.

I voted Trump.

19% of LGBT also voted Trump

But I guess they're not "real" gays and transgenders

No. 30% of latino man that voted voted for Trump. There's a difference.

what do we do when we become the minority? other races aren't altruistic towards us the same way some whites are towards them

You realize Hispanic means from Hispaniola? Which are Celtic people.

I was fucking a latina bitch that was part white and she was a straight cock lover, and she was for trump.

So maybe latinos hard for the BWC?

Hispania, not Hispaniola.

Lol. Thats the exact magin styx predicted. How does he do it

>being this retarded

I feel so bad for the blacks that have to have niggers mixed up in their race.

33% of Latinos are white anyway (Cubans etc) so they already white

33% of Latino men voted for Trump. Is that 100% of legal Latinos?

>welfare sponges
>shithole countries
>shit culture

Holy shit the spirit cooking shit really was the final nail in the coffin.

Well fucking done, lads.

This. Whites are digging their own grave.

Im Dominican American and i voted for him in Rhode Island. I didn't stop hearing it from my family and how I betrayed them.

Wetback here. Voted Trump. Did it for the white man.

I question the black male vote. This is from a purely anecdotal intuition: in 92' when I got laid off with a bunch of guys who worked for Ford in Wayne MI, one black guy told me "you know who can fix this? If Donald Trump was president, he can fix this". That guy saw a trump presidency even before the man himself tried to join the reform party. I bet that negro and his friends all voted Trump this year.

Latin men dont want to see a bitch in the whitehouse when it comes to keeping women in line latinbros are pretty based

Dominicans are bro-tier, loud but bro-tier


probably part of the few that actually pay taxes LOL

Unless your family's are illegals and you plan on personally escorting them to the boarded to be deported I'm not sure how you betrayed them.

Your a good guy user

There's your hard evidence. Minorities are the death of a nation.

Wew lad nigger woman are bad

What's the Asian market share??

I know I did

They have to put up with Haitians. I couldn't imagine doing that

Your'e not alone brother. The Clintons would have consolidated their power with this election and cemented the current oligarchy we live under atm.

>media using these statistics to divide the people and push agendas
Fucking why

yeah. friendship ended with blacks. latino is new best friend.

26 percent latino women is pretty good considering media tried to convince that trump would throw them over the wall by their pussy

>center for immigration studies
Now c'mon user you would trust a La Raza study would you?


The majority of my Hispanic family voted for Trump

We hate those "La Raza" faggots. We hope they get sent back to their dirt country immediately. America should not shelter those who would unfairly disparage it

You know what happen? Those latinos probably entered USA in a legal fashion, with stable jobs and a decent income, most probably fleeing from their own shithole because there they have no future, then they see the same fucking shit subhuman they tried to get away start moving near, making gangs and the same fucking chimp behavior crap that turned the life in their motherland an hellhole. Then they see "muney for muh programs", "food stamps porfavor seƱor", "harambe life matters" and all that infested cancer which in great part caused their origin nation turn into the third world it's right now, and there's a cunt that says "i'm fine with that shit so you vote me and i will accelerate that clusterfuck train so i get more votes". Then they look how they can at least stop it in some sort of way because now they think there's actually a chance to go down the drain like a turd covered in diarrhea. And then Trump happens.

Massachusetts lack man here, nice work. Also voted to #MAGA.

inb4 nig comment, crackas ;) :D

Are these accurate stats? Wouldn't be shocked if it was bogus?

>pulling data from the exit polls
>made from the very pollsters that have been wrong the entire fucking year

Hi there Nate Silver

1/2 Cuban, white (but can tan). Voted Trump fuck democrats.

Black women confirmed for the absolute shittest demographic.

Now wonder why so many of their men want nothing to do with them.

We already have a place for them

Im a light skinned puerto rican so i never had a problem fifiing in with the white kids anyway. Sign me up.

We need to put race, sex, sexual orientation, and to an extent even religion aside. Idelogy should matter above all else. If they voted the right way, they are good people. If they didn't, regardless of race, they are degenerate.

Stop letting the globalist elite use your hatred of minorities to manipulate and distract you. Focus on the real threats guys.

Just earlier today I overheard a black guy saying that he would have voted for Trump if he had gone to the polls. Some random pregnant chick in the hallway said "that makes me very sad" I was smiling on the inside at how butthurt she must be.

Did the Spirit Cooking sway a lot of them?
Anyway this is what you get when you make white men the bad man in your agenda in a country that is majorly white.
Clinton fell for the "can't win without minorities" meme pretty hard.
Would be funny if all this SJW bullshit now suddenly stopped because it turns out it was long elaborated and planned propaganda to make Hillary president and now that it's worthless it won't be spread anymore

Considering the turnout for Trump and the many white and non white people that voted for him, yes.

What's wrong with faggots wanting to be part of another race? Be proud of who you are and let your actions determine your character and worth, not your skin color

Same here. I'm a Mexican in socal and voted for trump. My parents kept calling me a traitor.

Sounds like America is only keeping 33% of Latino men and 26% of latina women. All in all pretty good.

Blacks hate niggers. They show it to varying degrees, and I feel genuinely bad for them. Any move toward a positive life (stable job, family, independence) attracts criticism.

The sentiment among blacks seems to be that there's being black (contributing member of society), being a nigga (could go either way, usually because young), and being a nigger (kill your neighbor and steal his rims).

Self-respecting blacks fought for years to reduce government intervention and just be left the fuck alone, for better or worse. Progressives squandered that for them with handouts and social engineering, and now the levy is ready to break.

they have a desire to be white for some reason