Liberals saying that 11/9 (the day Trump won) is as bad as 9/11 (oh they are just so clever). No end to liberal insanity. Check it out...

Not really surprising. Many liberals minds are so warped that it really does make sense in their own heads that Trump winning is as bad as thousands of people being murdered by terrorists.

I have learned to never underestimate the mental gymnastics that Liberals are capable of. Hell... I had a conversation with a guy today (he's gay) and for some reason he TRULY BELIEVES that Trump wants to force some sort of straight conversion therapy upon gays by law. No fucking clue where he heard that, but he BELIEVES it.

Mossad hacked the DNC and gave the info to wikileaks because they knew Trump would be a better ally
Jews were responsible for 9/11 and 11/9

For whatever reason there is a huge uproar from LGBT people about Trumps plan to "take away their rights". Not sure where it originates from haha.


Keep on giving, you retards

This shit is the funniest thing I've seen

Really? I thought Vladimir Putin was behind everything...

What rights, though?

I think there's marriage for gays, but I'm sure that's not going anywhere, except for perhaps some states overturning it

Pretty sure they'll be able to say what they want and buy guns all the same

Yes this is correct. Putin is the only reason Hillary isn't president and why white males are still allowed the freedom of speech.

this one is actually kind of funny. if i didnt know they actually meant it i would give them props.
even tho he actually won on 11/8

I really don't know what "rights" all these people are talking about. Besides... Trump hasn't actually said anything bad about LGBT people. It's just fabricated fear mongering that spreads itself among the idiots.

It's amazing isn't it!? I wonder how long it'll be before this kind of thing calms down. Can it possibly last the entire duration of a Trump presidency? Hoooooooooly fug!

Yea the REALLY crazy thing is that these people really do mean it. How can there be this many brain dead zombies? Is it seriously the media?

the terrorist attack exists for the counter revolution. If you have the counter revolution, you can forget about the terrorist attack

>arabic letters

Ofcourse its a fucking sandnigger

It's as if they thrive on and live for being outraged. It sustains them.

There's a bunch of other ones saying the same thing from regular ol' white and black liberals.

Praise Kek. I'm so fucking glad these retards are going to have their safe spaces torn away from them. All the children still in their formative years are eventually going to see the absolute contempt that the MAJORITY of this country has for fuckwits like that.

Under the rule of God Emperor Trump, may the radical left NEVER rise to prominence again.

Liberals are quite literally the actual terrorists.


Is that you, Mark?


If so, should I openly admit it in a Sup Forums thread?

This assmad nigger on CNN is hilarious

Weird. That's kind of like us before we found kek. Always raging at the newest sjw video or going from happening to happening. Kek saves.

Reminder that the only time the majority of Americans voted for a Republican Presidential candidate in the last 24 years was in 2004

no, it will just feed the retcon and character assassination machine

We don't hate each other because of 9/11. We hate muslims because of every terrorist related incident that revolves around that shithole religion since the 80's.

I'm watching it too... my sides are getting sore.


That's awesome. Reminded me that we need to remember who our enemies are, and who among us turned their backs on the Movement the second an opportunity presented itself.

Fuck the cucks. Liberals BTFO. Can't wait for him to drain that swamp.


>arabic symbol handle
surprise surprise

Yup. Any idea how Trump and Duterte will get along?

It's glorious. Is this THE triggering or will there be something better in the future?

this really is the last stand of libtard SJWs. it's been a long time coming and it's amazing.

praise kek.

If you watch the video that's actually the only one with an arabic symbol. Most are ordinary names (white and blacks).