So I've been practicing Loomis a bit, how am I doing?
So I've been practicing Loomis a bit, how am I doing?
How did you do before?
How are we suppose to critique your progress without a frame of reference?
you dont have what it takes im sorry
i'm sorry too
And that's everything, it's all just heads and faces, I got some older art, but I don't think I want to show it
Art major here. Best way to get a good critique for how you're doing is to show where you were previously and where you are now.
this is my probably my oldest drawing
I''l save this
Terible, just terible.
oh well
Now draw hella jeff
you're dedicated, but move out of your comfort zone. Try real people and work less cartoony, cartoons come from simplifying reality. Be alright with being bad, you'll get better if you study right and keep drawing. Try looking up 2 point perspective and draw 3d shapes in space, makes the images look less flat and static, lines following the 3d space, overlapping to indicate weight and form, so on.
If you're dedicated, know where and how to improve, look at failure as opportunities, never give up, you'll achieve it. Also try to make it a habit instead of relying on fleeting motivation.
Good luck and keep drawing, develop your own style without forgetting the basics. And always, have fun.
Keep it up you dumb mothwrfucker!!!! Never give up
Take this shit to /ic/. They aren't half as bad as everyone says and you will get a far more honest and thoughtful critique than you will here.
The sticky alone could do you wonders
why did you post this here?
Bauhaus threads are Sup Forums
>actually posting loomis sketches
Ah, to be 11 again.
The common trend in all of these is that you copy his examples just fine but fail to actually apply the lessons from them. Look at your own attempt at the bottom of this page. Do you not see how flat it is? How it lacks geometric shape?