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My state is so damn liberal that they want to secede from the U.S and be there own country, I mean come on it's 2016, and we all know how that went in the civil war...

Tell them to have fun with the super drought without the out of state water.

my state is filled with liberals sadly, i was really hoping california would go red

It's not really true. If you look at the votes most of CA aside Frisco, LA, and pseudo-Mexico ultra-south all were barely Hillary or outright red.

Tell them the San Andreas fault is working on it.

ah well, i live in sacramento so it's pretty damn liberal

nigga you dont look like the average californian where the fuck you from bro you live in the desert highway 5 on the way to las vegas nigga you aint in the city

but yeah fuck the cucks

born in washington, but then moved to california when i was a year old

Did her twitter really wish happy birthday to herself?

I understand she more than likely doesn't run her own twitter account, but that is just up your own ass.

At least have a different account do something like that.

yep, she did, she technically jinxed herself

If California secedes from the US and Trump swears in just fine, wait a few months. Maybe a joint Russo-American Task Force will come in, take out all the Republican Voters, and brain every liberal in that damned state. We'd give it back to you, and then you have a Red California in both Voters and blood/brains soaking the ground. win/win.

Californian here and I believe it would be beautiful meme magic if we could make CalExit real

i dream of having a red california some day, hell even the flag says "california republic" not california "liberal"


where from california are you from? i'm from sacramento

This great nation was built on way too much blood and bones to allow any state to succeed peacefully.

tulare county here

if those fagboys on the coast want to leave, i say let them

First post best post

We should encourage this


I have lived all over the state, sacramento, the delta, southern cali, north bay, san joaquin valley and central valley, central coast

Right now I live in SoCal

I want to watch it all burn


You want to leave, you better be ready to die for it.

nocal here, it's miserable and cold

>this is Mr new vegas

Great. I'm all for the Republic and I'm all for self determination and state's rights.

>I'm also for letting that commie beach float off into the pacific where it can serve as Best Korea's target practice for the next century