Pic very much related.
What kind of relationship do you have with your father?
Fuck his number is visible. Accident. Im drunk. Leave my father alone he is elderly and a vietnam era veteran. Please and thank you.
You recall the Hillary ad of Donald Trump's lines about women?
My dad burst out laughing at several of them.
We're taking a motorcycle license course together next week.
I'm gonna send him a nasty picture :p
Just this time
Others won't be so hesitant however
You can delete the thread.
10/10 drunk
you left his number up cuck
>Happy Labor Day
>You too
>that man spent his life trying to accumulate as much money as possible.He has no right being President.
Does your dad know about the Clinton Foundation?
My Dad is an Illinois Democrat. We talk every Sunday. My family is in politics. I moved to Missouri when I became disenfranchised with the Democrats between Obama and Blagojevich.
Call him and tell him
No thanks. Not my style.
It's late in the states. Don't wake the man up.
Not close with my dad but we talk more than once every 8 weeks
>Patrolling the streets of Moscow this winter
Burgerclaps so deluded they would stand a chance against the Bear especially in winter
My dad and I watched the election together. Both supported Trump. Respect my dad more than ever.
Mine died about a month before I was born
Redpilled before is was cool
>9pm is late
He's from California
>muh vietnam
we shared a laugh, talked about how guilliani will send her to jail, my dad was a lifer at the fbi tho
Not much a relationship with my mom either
>when I became disenfranchised with the Democrats
why don't americans understand basic and important vocabulary in their own language about their own system of government?
look at your flag you cuck
Yeah there's no way we'd push through to Moscow without nukes flying.
Eh? No, common courtesy.
Yeah I googled the area code after.
>patrolling the streets of moscow
What a stupid thing to say. Your dad knows your an idiot look he ignores you for 2 months
I luv my dad
>am amazing election
I actually believe that's your dad now
I hear nukes make things pretty warm.
just delete the picture mate, most here won't bother to fuck with him but there are people that just come here to troll who will jump at the chance to fuck with someone from Sup Forums IRL so get rid of it.
He died of cancer last year 2 weeks before my B-day. So I dunno to be honest.
My dad loves Trump. I bought him a hat. Life is fucking great!
none because he died 2 years ago
RIP dad
had a pretty good relationship up until then obviously.
same i luv my dady :)
Bro, I'm so autistic I can barely handle conversations with cashiers, you think I want to call up some stranger at God knows what hour of night to tell him about how Hillary is a cunt?
There's really no need he's a good man overall. There are much more deserving victims.
I thought you said mum died a month before I was born and laughed. Then I regretted laughing for a bit.
Would have been funnier if you said mum still though mate.
>dead is die hard democrat
>voted together
>told me he voted trump last minute because hes an outsider
>so did i
pretty good lads
lol desu
at least he didn't have to watch you grow up to be an anime poster
My dad and I share trump memes, he took my siblings to see Clinton Cash when it came out. Trying to turn him from a semi cuckservative into a full fledged proud white nazi. He gave me one of his old pistols after the Dallas shootings to protect myself. I'm glad I was redpilled when I was, I remember as a teen him always hating me watch (((Comedy Central))) and the Colbert Report but never understood why until a year ago.
Are you surprised that the dead are die hard democrats?
sorry man
sorry man
sorry man
sorry man
your dad makes a point.
I respect him.
please anons do not insult his dad.
I have an inspirational story for you bros that brought me to tears.
About 3 weeks ago my dad had a serious stroke which put him in critical care with a 10% survival chance. He's been in a coma since then and hasn't gotten much better, they thought he would be a vegetable. I thought he would die
On the night before election day I had a dream about my dad. I was in our childhood home and as I walk into to the living room I see him stand there smiling, looking as he did before he was hospitalized. He told me everything would be okay. That night Trump won the election. I knew that's what he wouldve wanted if he could have voted.
Today my sister went to see him in the hospital. usually he opens his eyes for about 1 minute and goes unresponsive. When she told him Trump won, and put on the news, he opened his eyes for ALMOST AN HOUR. The doctors called it a miracle. They expect a better recovery and maybe even walking again. Trump saved me dad.
tl;dr my dad who has been in a semi-coma for 3 weeks after a stroke stayed awake for the longest time yet when we told him Trump won the election.
we will user don't worry
Dad is for Trump, I don't really get to talk with him on politics though due to his job having him fly to different states to fix management for his company, along with him working late nights in his t-shirt shop.
Also with my job by the time I get home he is asleep.
It sort of sucks, but the occasional talks we have I enjoy although it gets awkward due to us not knowing much about one another.
I hope he can retire soon so I can actually get to know him.
Don't worry lad. That would have been funny and I kind of wish I had said that.
Ask your dad how he liked my text. Pic related.
Thank you Leaf. I hope shit stays safe up there during these next few months.
left a message extolling the virtues of trump
We're really close. We go fishing together, hiking together, and like to talk politics. We both are libertarian leaning republicans. Also, I won't hassle your dad. We shouldn't eat our own.
I didn't do it.
But I might...
An excellent one. My dad and I don't agree on everything but we have great discussions and I think he was the best role model I could have asked for.
Reporting the thread- hopefully a mod can delete it.
You don't need banned- just an honest goofup.
transcript of my family group chat last night
Brother: Omg
Dad: Frightening, sick to my stomach
Brother: I cant believe it.
Dad: We just can't watch the tv for the next 4 years
Brother: Cut the cable wires we don't need it
Dad: He is so repulsive
Brother: So disgusting to say this but at least we're white :/
Dad: So true, we will be fine, but some of our friends won't
>they're chatting this back in my home state of connecticut
>i'm /comfy/ as fuck here celebrating my ass off in florida
thank the lord i moved here
Pic related. Thumbs up is from me. Thank God for redpilled senpai.
Redpill OP's dad l
My dad voted for hillary and thinks theres going to be a real civil war
he thinks the emails are retarded because "everyone has a personal email"
I've slowly been talking to him less bc i think he was a weak parent and a shitty role model and i dont have much in common with him, I can't hold a conversation with him before he starts screaming
guys i think it's raining
he's gonna feel my wrath
Relationship is excellent, but he's definitely 100% cuckservative. Slowly feeding him red pills. He'll come around.
"Trump was a successful business man! DISQUALIFIED!!!!"
Your dad is a dumbass.
Oh I get it because you're pretending that you cried reading the post but don't want to admit it haha
During the election
The censored part in his text is my name
Lol his faggot father is fun to troll. Anyone else texting him?
My dad has long been a Rubio cuck. I have been memeing for Trump since the beginning. It was really a joke at first, but I would never shut the fuck up about Trump just to make him mad.
I went to visit my dad today mostly to talk about the election (and sports). He was so happy. It was great raking the yard together and just laughing about how assblasted the MSNBC panel was last night.
I think the point he was trying to make was that he has spent his entire life thinking only of himself and thus doesn't have the moral right to start now, only when it helps him the most.
This was my dad's response after I said not to worry about the market because it will bounce back.
>the internet
His phone number is there you can call him
>a fucking leaf
>saying sorry
My mom and dad both love Trump so it's been pretty easy going for me.
>Trump won't win
>It's just uneducated people who lack empathy
>climate change laws are good, we fixed the hole in the ozone layer
Meanwhile my college education led me to vote Trump.
The last time I visited him was 5 years ago.
Graveyards are the worst 2bh
Your dad is a moronic cuck.
>patrolling streets of moscow
>implying you'd make it that far
Russia would eat you whole.
I converted him to Trumpism early on. We are best friends.
My father was in the Chicago DNC riot in '68. He's the typical liberal baby boomer trash, but he is trying as hard as he can to hold onto that, I can see all the tells of cognitive dissonance whenever we talk about Trump or politics.
I tried redpilling my parents these past few weeks.
Mum is on board, which is neat. My Dad, however, is not. Sent him a bunch of wikileaks links about how corrupt Hillary was, and all he had to say was "too deep for me bro".
I hate that my Dad could use the word "bro" without a hint of irony, but what's worse is his willful ignorance. He's my Dad. I want him to have a fucking spine, at least. Teach me something.
go home beaner
>Dad has been redpilled since 9/11
Needless to say our relationship is very good
t. ran out of fuel again
I woke up this morning with a 6am voicemail from my father: "Can you fucking believe it!". He was joyous.
He voted for Ross Perot back in the day
He also voter for Ross Perot 2.0(Now with less Mexicans!)
>helping you fuck with your sister
I love him
My dad and I are very happy for Trump, even if we aren't American.
Hope nobody messes with your dad.
What the fuck does anybody else do in their life though really? We all want as much money as possible, and as much pussy as possible. The meaning to life for any organism is to reproduce as much and as often as possible.