I hate these idiots.
I hate these idiots
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They're all talk. Stop hating them and laugh at them instead.
ha, me and a bunch of other white boys make mexican food for a living, with a 99% yelp rating and no bad reviews on facebook. many times have had people from cali come up and tell us its just like real mexican food from back home. kekery dekery doo
Spoken like a man who enjoys Mexican food
I hope the sperg talking about Californian penal codes gets slapped in the face.
this guy mad tho
The logic of that person amazes me.
record all for thr future, the biggest collective butthurt in history.
>Always, ALWAYS finds a way to turn it into a sexism issue
Liberal mental gymnastics are unbelievable
Has anyone made Hall of Anal Devastation 3: Make America Great Again yet?
butthurt white bitch dating hipster spic
Hang on, a fair chunk of the southern US used to BE mexico...
>these guys did bad things when bush was president.
>the candidate i support does the same things but not as much so it's fine.
Why are they butthurt at third party voters? Just because they didn't vote Shillary?
>they somehow bring food into it
Can you blokes just have a civil war already? These fuckwits shouldn't be allowed to live.
Nice. Let's hope not.
>They're all talk, keep hating them and laugh as you kill them instead.
Mexican people have definitely complimented my dad on his cooking.
The "white people can't into spices/foreign cooking" meme is retarded.
This. I want WW3 to happen just so I can kill at least one of these morons without being thrown in jail.
Because the logic in that racist meme is flawed. Anyone can learn to cook. People still push these "people who are (insert color) do what (different color) people can do. It's ridiculous, yet this guy decided to declare it publicly.
can't do*
>All of a sudden you didn't rig anything because you lost
Quick way to get banned for witch-hunting.
Where is this so someone can make a quiet request for the town to be glassed?
Probably the same town OP lives in.
Dont feel like blocking shit out.
This bitch is retarded af
I want america's "redneck hillbillies" top stop sending all their trucks and supplies to the cities, just for 2 days.
Let's see who they call redneck after that.
I love Mexican food. I've been to Mexico and had the real thing good shit. I used to live in Japan, and if you haven't had sushi there, you have no clue what sushi is (what california roll???). I love Indian food, I usually have a curry at least once a month, extra spicy with some Kingfisher. I've also have been to Italy and had a pizza. It was good, but I guess being from New York, I prefer a good piece of slab and a coke. Good shit. Oh, and I voted for Trump.
I love this "You only dislike Hillary because of emails and Benghazi!!!" meme.
They're bad, no doubt. But my primary gripe with Clinton is what she represents. She's a greedy, war mongering puppet on the payroll of banks and corporations. She would only serve to exacerbate the already massive problem of corporatism in the United States. No way will I ever stand for this.
Her friend that was a trump supporter congratulated her on her engagement last night, also she voted 3rd party. Kek
Let me describe this facebook friend I have.
>literal communist
>got a degree in polysci
>complains about being poor constantly
>plays in a shitty metal band
>wanted Bernie but said he wasn't socialist enough
>and now "if anyone in my family dies it's third party's fault"
expect to be beaten half to death
hope this helps
>which my mom had 2
That would be pretty dangerous since for some reason you people use tostadas instead of tortillas.
I wanted to comment "i wish she wouldve had a third"
But felt it was too much. Plus she deletes and blocks you if you say shit. So many people have commented on her shit and called her out. She just deletes it and blocks them
testing my trip out
Not surprised 2bh.
lolbertarian here,
quite pleased with myself tyvm.
another one
Can someone explain why these retarded fucks decided to double down on being retarded
I refuse to believe I'm part of the same species as these mouth breathers
Do these people not realize that LOLbertarians are right-wing.
If anything, more NeverTrumpers split from Donny to vote for Johnson.
Kill yourself my man
>it's personal as fuck
>posts about it on Facebook.
I can't wait for the day of the rope. Niggers hang until their feet quit kicking
Should've been at least 3, imo
>if you disagree with me, I don't want to hear it!
And that's why we're here. She's the reason she's so mad right now, lol
why are you censoring his name faggot?
What I really was trying to say is that I have been around the world and was able to experience other cultures and ways of life, not just food. I also got to see other's viewpoints. I came to realize how great culture is, as well as what is great, as well as bad, about my own. I realized that I want to preserve and protect the culture of my home, my country, the United States of America even more.
but your the retard. You deserve that to happen to you
This kid just sits in his room and plays street fighter 5 all day
Yeah, quoting laws is something faggots do. Just say "shut up, pussy" or something you fedora tipping faggot.
>actually live in India
stop fucking calling my house and trying to tell me you are microsoft
>Rightfully owed...
I'm going to find who this is.
I will collect this person's head.
I just ate 4 quesadillas
pretty good desu
> Needing to lift weights when you have a gun
With cheese?
who the fuck associates pizza with mcdonalds
Is this a salt thread?
this entire page
B-but I'm not Microsoft user
just move to canada or mexico commies
literal liberal tears
Cause they are all literally idiots who jumped on the PC bandwagon, plus you got the bernie rejects who just joined up with the cunt. Now that their "candidate" lost we see how literally fucking ignorant they are about their own cause, they don't even know what their talking about, worst of all is they all think they know what their talking about so they reinforce each other.
I just finished an argument with my cousin and he admitted defeat like 4 posts in after I crushed all of his arguments which were all based on the left wing media and shit that he saw in dipshit twitter/facebook posts.
this isnt reddit you fucktard
is this some hidden amerifat thing
i love it
please don't stop !
"With cheese, Mr. Squidward, with cheese."
yeah it doesn't really add up. I mean the whole convo doesn't make sense, I think there's a lead here...
i start to worry for their mental capabilities
What most people refer to as "Mexican food" is more accurately termed "Tex-Mex." Crispy shell tacos, taquitos, burritos, enchiladas, nachos; none of that shit is considered authentic Mexican food. It's American.
go into city in america pizza and burger joint on every other block
He wont do shit.
All his dipshit lib cuck friends would jump on the opression bandwagon real quick if I did that, I KNOW he saw my post and ignored it, same with his friends cause they can't say anything against it, they prob googled it and realized their stupidity.
>Because of my name
What did he mean by this?
rustling jimmies, hmmmm
lmao the realist last commenter
>burritos and enchiladas
>Not authentic Mexican food
u having a giggle m8?
I wana melt that frost with my big white fire log.
I know you used work illegaly at the local 7-11 but got caught and deported. It's okay.
he would get many ((yous))
Moreover, food is the weakest argument for why foreigners should live in your country. All it is: another way of putting together a meal, with ingredients exclusive or common in that location in the world. But we have widespread trade, and we can grow these foods in all kinds of places.
You don't need a Mexican to make taquitos. You don't need a Jap to make sushi.
You don't need an Arab or Turk to make kebab or shwarma
mfw trump supporter that doesn't live anywhere near a ghetto
It's 9-11 you idiot!
Vid related:
really make me think
>If we survived bush who was 10x worse then we can live with hillary
if we survived hitler then we can live with mussolini right ?
Who actually defends George W? He did 7/11