A student at University of Louisiana Lafayette claims to have been assaulted by trump supporters.

Her account: a white pick up truck stopped in front of her, two men in trump hats got out, then beat her with pipes. She claims to only remember the letter "J" from the license plate.
and get this, their motivation according to her? To steal her HIJAB.

Give me a fucking break, less believable than the nazi holocoaster stories.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll believe it when I see proof. Hate crime hoaxes are on an all time high. I reckon they'll reach peak over the next few months.

~60% chance they were black.


This is the first FALSE FLAG operation they try against Trump.


They've started riots

>Declined medical attention
>no details
>no video surveillance proof

im pretty sure its a misdemeanor to falsely report crimes

This is 20 minutes from my house.

Local news searching now

lmao good that hijab wearing NIGGER can fuck off to where she came from

>It was a dark sedan not a white pick up

There's ALOT of issues with this account here.

1.) "White hat that said Trump on it." Nobody is wearing "Trump" hats, they're wearing MAGA hats. MAGA shirts. Literally haven't seen his name on a piece of apparel yet.

2.) Her injuries weren't reported. Media reports injuries to build sympathy for victims.

3.) They didn't specify the suspects race. I know it's *implied* white, but they didn't.

Also, this is EXACTLY how the University of Missouri bullshit started, someone claimed a white pickup truck (I think that's wear you got it form OP) drove by some black and called them niggers.

It was later proven, I think through admittance, that that never happened.

Fuck this makes me mad.

Lafayette news in sensationalized, they have been known to report stories before there on concrete facts.

Why would trump supporters do such a thing? Were all happy as fuck where i am, it would make more sense if it was retaliation because he lost but he didnt. Everyone i know who is pro trump is in extremely good spirits and not mad at all.

Also there is no way that there was not any witnesses. This is right in the heart of campus a block away from the library.

she claims she was hit in the head with "something metal" so hard she was knocked to the ground and they could rob her,

also only being able to remember 1 letter of license plate, despite the car stopping in front of her and them approaching her from the front?

The fact that they don't specify race, and me being from lafayette, 9 times out of 10 the person mugging you on the street is black.

This whole story reeks of clock boy

I actually thought it was a parody of that when I first started reading the article

There were tweets spouting that there were KKK-ers marching about as well. No photos or evidence of this of course. If anyone has pic though that would make my dick rigid.
I think though we're going to see a lot more of these racist attacks "happening" in the news and social media. If we can pull them apart lulz shall be had.


This didn't happen. Unlike libtards, Conservatives are decent, rational people.

We need to get a hashtag going and make up stories about how MAGA followers are trying to kill our 'people'. Tell of the gropings, the rapes, the assaults, the racist threats. Let get a race war kicked off.

Genuine heros if this is true.

This is fake. I haven't been on campus since it was
USL but if IIRC this area is high traffic. No witnesses is bull shit

The Trump hat is bullshit. I've seen few MAGA hats besides they say MAGAZINE not Trump

Much more likely it was an oilfield company related hat if that's even real

We might be coon asses but we aren't idiots even kikebook comments say false.

Mobile spell checker changed MAGA to magazine

It had to be red fucking hats as the symbol...

So easy to imposter


It's great. These people have no experience about the world outside of fictionalized portrayals so their examples of what happened always read like something from some shitty movie or TV show.

>thin privilege tumblr stories

>le russian chicken meme

So in other words, dindus din'd, mugged her and she makes up a story about what happened instead.

it's always a white pickup, isn't it?

> my university on Sup Forums
Oh shit

The email the university sent is was a gray "four door vehicle"

Evidently the muslim student is suffering a concussion because she can't even recall the most obvious detail of the attack, but she can identify the "Trump" hat


It looks like they did this strictly to cause protests at the university. Figures; Lafayette never just lets the police do their jobs.