Legit question about female treatment now

Sorry for long green-text but this pretty important to me, would appreciate some help.

>Be me
>Trump supporter
>Gf is blonde hair, blue eyes, short, white and super liberal
>Tells me she's scared more than ever now and hates me for being happy Trump won
>She's afraid men will be more "rapey" because they feel justified with such a sexist president
>Says her female friends have already been harassed a bunch today
>Scared of going out alone because small white girl

What do I tell her? Is the justified? I've always looked the bigger picture of Russian relations, economy, anti-establishment and anti-corruption to take the time and see things from her perspective. Thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:


rape her, OP
do it for Trump

You could try to educate her on female rape fantasy for lulz


>she's a girl
>could she be right or justified?
of course not.

feels over reals

Already literally grabbed her by the pussy many times as a (((joke))) and she's enjoyed it.

>But if it happened to her friends... I don't know man. Some men are creepy ass betas who'll do anything to get with a girl, which is a valid reason for women to be worried.

Accidental green-text
My bad

Considering that "sexism" these days means not worshiping the pussy, id' say you're fucking an idiot.

Also, just in case she's not being a typical woman. I hear lead injections have penile deflating qualities.

self bump
I've got no argument against her lads

Of course she did. Women want an assertive alpha male, not some beta cuck who asks politely before holding their hand.

Yea but I'm not there all the time, and she's scared to go shopping alone and shit.

Leave her, user.

holy shit get a concealed carry you fucking queer.

I mean Christ. i know people these days hate taking responsibility for themselves and only want to be a victim, but god damn.

It doesn't take a made up hysteria to realize the importance of the Second Amendment. or maybe it actually fucking does.

>I love guns and am getting one
>Gf hates them and will never get one
>We've had this discussion before

Almost did today when she yelled at me because I was visibly happy Trump won

you are gay. praise kek

>actually fears for her life
>Instead of being a logical adult willing to take measures against her "enemies" she'll prefer to be a victim
I won't hold being a calicuck against you, after all we gotta play the cards we're dealt. But damn did you fuck up otherwise.

She's not the brightest girl, very VERY emotional which is why she dated me in the first place because I was the opposite. I helped her balance out a lot but for some reason if anything FEELS wrong to her she'll never do it.

Again, we've had this discussion so many times and I can understand why any rational person would have left her yet but I truly do love her and I'm scared these fucking minorities are going to hurt her if I'm either not there or can't teach her to defend herself somehow. She's the staple Aryan women, it would be a waste.

Red pill her

Wife her. If you have not married her you are fornicating therefore degenerate.

I got you Pence.

Been trying to red pill her.
Might legit wife her if she changes, cuz 8.5/10 Aryan who loves memes and super motherly.

Good goyim, fall for the marriage jew.

her friends are liars/exaggerating minor shit in order to stir up fear

>men are going to start committing felonies because some guy used the word "pussy" in a locker room 15 years ago

>a guy smiled at me on the bus today I was omg literally shaking I felt so threatened I know he was just planning to assault me I got out of there I knew I would have been raped if I hadn't
I just summed up all of your GF's friends getting harassed stories

Honestly... most likely.
The only people I'd know here who'd actually harass a woman (Like, real harass not whistling or other SJW triggered shit) are the poc.

Not even kidding I've seen it happen before.

Seriously what the fuck? People that i know IRL have said this and I have no idea where they are coming from.

Over 50% of white women voted for Trump. Sup Forums may think we're dumb but we aren't dumb enough to vote for someone if they were going to put us in concentration camps or whatever these dumbness are worried about.

Tell her to chill out.

old mongolian proverb

if she wont give u the succ, u give her the rape

Well, the way she put it wasn't like she was going to get raped. It was moreso the fact that men will use the fact a "sexist" is president to be more harsh, objectifying, and harass women more.

And to be fair, it doesn't matter if Trump is/isn't a sexist it matter what people think they're justified to do once there's a president who's done the whole "grab em by the pussy thing."

And apparently it's taking effect because her friends are getting "harassed."

If they think they are justified to harass women they already thought that way. The president has nothing to do with that.

Oh my god the stupidity.

Nono, that's much too long. The actual one was

Woman, rape

Well the effect is still stupid people who think they're justified harassing women more, which produces a negative result for women.

Invalid reasoning that produces results still makes a valid problem.

>Men are suddenly going to risk 20 years in prison and destruction of their lives because a guy used a naughty word for vagina

Ok well then tell her to take some self defense classes or something. She can't control what other people do but she can control what she does to prevent it.

I'm a girl and honestly I think your girlfriend is being really ridiculous. Sorry. I mean I'll wait to see the proof of this correlation but...lol

#1 molesters of random women are the rapefugees in europe

Trump has said that shit will stop coming to America

Trump is good for your gf's safety.

All women have rape fantasies.. tell her to make a tumblr and share her sexual ideas with you.. Follow through with her fantasies, but only while wearing a trump mask.

Tell her to put fault to liberal media for painting that picture of Trump. They dug up his tape, they advertised it. His campaign was mostly about economics.

My gf didnt vote but she's told me in private she hates black people and supports trump. Proud of my gf

No you're absolutely right, it's fine.
Really I think the issue is she was brought up by liberals and emotions instead of logic. But some of the stuff she said seems valid.

For example, you're a woman so I'll ask you, one of the things she brought up was how men will hit on her and she'll say no. It makes her afraid because the guys will keep trying and won't take no for an answer, and she's afraid to be harder with them because "What if I'm mean and he just kills me? Remember that one boy who shot up the school because no girl dated him because he was a weirdo!? They're gonna kill me!"

Also she's upset her saying "I have a boyfriend" gets them to stop, because it "Implies I'm not my own person and when I say no, it doesn't matter, but when I say I already belong to someone else it's valid?"

Most men DO NOT think that way, so I think you need to sit down with her and tell her that's ridiculous. This whole idea that feminists are pushing where all men are rapists who are just waiting to hurt women is false and it's more harmful than anything. Like yeah there are crazy people out there. The minority.

I sort of agree with the last thing in some cases. Usually they just stop because they now know you aren't single and have no interest pursuing someone who isn't available and not willing to cheat. Why would they waste their time?