

Damn, Damian is a manlet is that why he's such an angry prick

He's twelve

Didn't Super Sons say he was 14 recently?


And Jason is Gay that why he's such an angry prick.

Dumb 90sfag, Tim is by far the worst.


Nonsense, he has a wife and a beautiful son.


Tumblr to you too. Is this some fancy new greeting?

so was every other robin

>damien being better than any of the other robins
fuck off

There are a number of instances of Jason outright hitting on men and implying a bisexual orientation. The main ones come from various issues written by Judd Winick,

Dick = Tim > Jason >>>>>> Damien

Damian and Dick .

no love for her?


Best Batgirl, not a great Robin.

There's also the interpretation that Jason may have resorted to sex work as a child, based on issues from Green Arrow volume 3, Battle for the Cowl, and Red Hood: The Lost Days, but that's debatable and certainly not evidence of a consensual sexual orientation.)

carrie>>>>>>>everyone else


I think Tim and Jason were both older than that when they joined.

I always figured that Jason's homosexual centered comments were canon.

Damian ,Dick>>>>>> shit >>>>>>Tom , Jason

Dick was 8 when his parents died and he was taken in by Bruce.

Jason was around the same age as Damien though but i don't recall his exact age. 13 or 14 at the oldest.

Yeah, I said Tim and Jason.

You're absolutely right. My bad, i need sleep.

How long into this descends into an r63 thread again?


he's his father's son .



Tim was 9 I think.

Tim 14 or 15

Based on rebirth
New 52
Before new 52
Boy how things have changed in just a decade.

>OG Jason

Where does this meme come from? Do people just not read his runs?

I really doubt it. He was old enough to have the intelligence and planning to figure out Batman's identity and track him down and I don't remember him looking so young, either.

He's just been too shoehorned by others as "edgy" and that always means bad, always, with no exceptions, ever.



I love that kid.

But he's FUN edgy. This fucking flatscan hood rat drops a magic hypno plant on an Apokalyptian intergalactic warlord like it's nothing. Shortly after said warlord got done beating seven shades of shit out of Wondy and Supes. I don't know how anyone can hate that kind of moxie.

Didn't Lobdell say he wanted to make Kory, Jason and Roy a bisexual triple for RHatO but editorial made him change it near the deadline and that's why the relationship came off as weird between Starfire and the others?

Did you just only read Red Hood and the Outlaws issue 1, chimp out because MUH CARTOON, then have MUH REBIRTH cleanse its """"sins""""" for you so you could start enjoying it? Lobdell hasn't changed how he writes Jason.

Tim was 15 in Johns' TT run/by the time his dad died and is about 17 or 18 I think currently.

My mistake about him being 9 though. By the time he'd deduced Dick and Bruce's identities he was 9, during A Lonely Place of Dying he was 13.

>that's Tim, the most manlet-y Robin who's currently 5'6 or 5'7 I think, at age 13
>Damian is still considerably shorter and skinnier than 13 year old Tim

Kid needs to quit the whole vegetarianism thing

absolutely shit taste.

Dick>Damian >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trash Reds

He was in High School.

>Dick was 8 when his parents died and he was taken in by Bruce.
Damn. How old is Bruce again?

His edge during the Morrison run was really bad user.

A robins war thread just in time for Christmas!

Jason > Dick > Damian > Steph > Tim is the only correct answer

>absolutely shit taste.

Damian and Dick.

Depends on the comic.
Golden age Bruce was old enough to be Dick's dad when he adopted him. There was a 20 year age gap easy. Dick started at age 8.
By the Bronze age Dick was mostly still said to have started at age 8, but you'll see a few books where he started at age 12 instead. They have Bruce start younger as well. They settled on a 15 year age gap that lasted through to Zero Hour.
In the 90's they made a crazy compressed timeline with a 10 year age gap built around the still-relevant Miller Year One. Bruce started at 25. Dick started at 16 when Bruce was 27.
It's been hand-waved ever since. Best not to think about it.

Tim > Dick > Jason > dogshit > Damian


Lemme see, in the last Snyder Batman arc bruce says he have 34.
>Damian 13 and Jon 10
>Dick 21/23
>Jason 19/20
>Tim 18
>BatMiles 16?

Interesting order, OP.
Usually people who like Tim hate Damian. Personally, even though I am a Timfag, I don't hate damian (sure, he is my least favorite, but thats because I like the others better) and would love to see them bonding at some point.

>Damian bonding with Tim
Never in his life

You've got Damian like 6 places too high

But seriously, even though Tim is the best Robin, why would you say that here? The batfags here haaaaaate Tim, and call him a Mary Sue without getting what that even fucking means...
and they all loooooove Damian, the edgy boy ninja super detective who can beat anyone!1!!!1 in a fight because he's the best!!!1!1!!!!

This is just gonna be a shitshow.

that's why I would like to see that, I would not know what to expect, but in a good way



That's just Morrison being Morrison. He doesn't really do character nuance. Though I seem to remember he had a cool relationship with his pet Dollotron. I wonder how she's doing these days?

damian>dick>>>>>>>who cares>>>>>>>tim>>>>>>literal turd>>>>>>jason

Pick your poison.

Dick Grayson is a stagnant character who has had no character development since his first appearance as Nightwing. He's a Chad that all the virgins like to live vicariously through.

Tim Drake may have been a good character at his inception, but now all he is is a techgod mcguffin that only serves to be a Deus Ex Machina when the writers need one.

Damian Wayne was an interesting concept. However he is the same as Dick. Literally no character development since his inception. All he does is be a prick and make readers swoon when he shows any kind of sympathy. Literally just moe loliboy bait for all the faggots out there.

Jason Todd is the most relatable of all the robins is the only character who has had some good development at all in the past decades. However he has been plagued with shitty books until rebirth happened. So now it's a meme to hate on him and Sup Forums follows where the meme bandwagon rolls

All of you shits arguing about which character is better belong in the garbage.

Is 5'6 supposed to be short for a 13 year old

>Waaaah my character's book is shit so I have to rag on other people waaaaah