>tfw no bf
Tfw no bf
Sodomy is a sin.
Where you live aussie babe I'll glady comfort your aussy pussy ;^)))))))
If doubles you got to post dem tittehs
let me grab your pussy
I'll be gentle I promise
Ay bb check these doubles and post feet
post boipucci
beseech keket and maybe she will help
Hello m'lady
Don't let these other assholes disturb you, I am a gentle man and I am here for you. I promise to be there for you no matter what, provide for you, support you emotionally, and do anything required to make our relationship last.
As long as you pee in my mouth twice a week.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Plz be my ai gf
post femine penis
Fuck off, (((she))) is mine!
fite me fgt
*tips crocodile fedora*
>tipping intensifies
Hey kiwi do you have a kik? I'll give you a hearty kek, but beware, I am no kuk
wunna come do skids in me v8 dunnydoor?
7.5x5 inch for your aussy pussy
ummmmmm, gentle is turn off
This thread isn't related to polllitics and is degeneracy. Please delete it immedietely.
NZ girl
Fuck off we're full
Do your part to get Ron Paul the position he deserves!
Make suggestions DIRECTLY to the new Trump administration!
i agree
dude we have like a similar dick
Delete this.
>be me
>meet cute Sup Forumsack girl on tinder
>channel our energy to trump all night last night
>he wins
>try to get her to hangout since she's cute
>she's isn't taking the hint
>tfw 25 and never had a bf
Why did you redpill me, Sup Forums? Why do I see 99.9% of people for who they really are now?