My favourite Trump protest picture yet
My favourite Trump protest picture yet
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Why? You gay or something?
Why? You gay or something?
lol, she brought her little mulatto kid to the protest?
The face of happiness
I almost missed the kid
I dunno why but I feel like it must be comfy to be a cop in NY
I feel that glorious black haired porcelain skinned white male's shit eating grin is fucking incredible and completely representative of how we all fucking feel about this whole cuck universe that these niggas were trying to push on us.
Good fucking riddance.
Why? You gay or something?
That cop. "Bitch please"
Funny. Been out all day and you can tell who MAGA by their signature shit eating grin. Well done /pol. Praise KEK
Look at the kid lol, she's a coal burner.
>half black kid
can't write this shit
This, it was extremely noticeable at school today.
Seriously. I was at the aor port today when Obama was making his speech. And you could tell EXACTLY who voted for who. Fuzzing great
definite coalburner
Listen bitch, IDGAF
>half black kid
>no father in sight
>woman approaching cop aggressively with child
my sides
>I'm tired.
>What time is it?
>Where is daddy?
>Why is momy screaming?
>I'm cold.
>My feet hurt...
HOLY SHIT sides undergoing fission
Ayyy yo
*smacks lips*
holy shit post more!
You know that daddy is never coming back
I haven't felt this giddy since Brexit.
Asian ass burger here neutral
I'm noticing that ugly white women date Black guys.
While good looking black girls and Asian girls date white guys.
I'll be honest, I'm butt hurt but what can I do
14th Post is best damn post!
>>Fuck you Honkey, MAGA
Dude this is why people say women are stupid
Lift weights and wear boots manletu
Heaps of weebettes want Asians. Just say your Jap and you like faggy anime shit.
this is how lefties treat kids
>where's my daddy
>I fucking told you once I told you a thousand times Tyrone. He had to go and rebuild the lost Egyptian civilisation. Now stop whining and help me yell ''rape'' at the non threatening police man.
That is some next level smugness.
holy fuck
>smug as fuck white male cop
>scared as fuck black cop
>white female doing what white females do
>her poor little niglet is trying so hard to control her
That cop has that look of "Bitch, I will take this stick and wear you the fuck out"
>when your wife is pregnant with your third kid and you secured the future for them
>tfw daddy went shopping 8 years ago
I'm a ripped white guy and dated an Asian, so there you go. Passed up whites because they were too dumb, slutty and unloyal in college. The grass isn't always greener.
>my wife's son literally has to restrain her
wow, women like this make working retail hell
Went to Uni today and the atmosphere was dead silence, everyone with their head down, professors acting like someone killed their family last night. Believe it or not, one mixed guy, a black girl and I were the only ones with the MAGA shit eating grind on our face. Didn't say a word to each other, didn't have to. A quick nod and smirk, we knew.
Yeah my co-workers who are all Killary supporters all noticed I was in an extra good mood today while they were all suicidal. I've had to play off that I'm apolitical and don't give a shit about politics this entire campaign cuz they would violently assault me if they knew that I MAGA'd (I work in a school). They kept asking me how I could be in such a great mood today after what happened last night. I kept telling them that I got laid for the first time in a year last night.
get /fit/
drive a ricer, bonus points for an acura or nissan 350z
I GUARANTEE chicks will flock to you
So question
Have any of these supposed lynchings that liberals are terrified about actually happening or is it literally just anti-trump-tantrums
Look at that poor fucking mexi/black kid, all he wants to do is go home to play an hour of COD before going to sleep and going to school tomorrow. Instead, his mom just got off work, and instead of worrying about his well being, decided their time is better spent yelling at a black cop over election results.
Liberalism is a fucking disease.
>Please let me tell you your situation, nigger. Pls don't leave the plantation.
communism is cancer!
Poor kid looks miserable out in the rain with his bleeding-heart liberal mother who should have swallowed the red pill when the father walked out.
>pretending to be apolitical after one of the most monumental elections in the history of the world
they fucking know, dude.
i was all smiles today too, when they asked me why i said, "i took a valium to cope with the situation."
said that right to my boss' face and he said, "i don't blame you..."
They will SOON be happening
Okay but will they really
Because I feel like the best thing that could happen is literally nobody gets lynched and all the liberals were massive fuckoff crybabies over nothing
Poor kid. You made me feel bad for him. Damn it user.
No there are never any lynchings unfortunately. It just something they scream about like it happens every 30 seconds on the streets in America
I should've said that, would've been more believable cuz 90% of the teaching staff in my school are Xanax fiends
Why? You gay or something?
>yelling at a black cop
She's yelling at the justifiably smug-looking white dude.
God that cop is sexy.
What an alpha male.
Big city cops make good money, but it takes a special type of personality to do that job in this day and age.
I must be so hard to deal with that - especially when you've got that billy club right in your hand...
Is he /ourguy/?
What does that lady expect the cop to do?
Like why are people so insane… Lady, he can't overturn the election results OK?? Sorry.
Go home and have a bubble bath or something … frankie says relax.
I feel legit bad for those horses. Beautiful animals shouldn't have to deal with that shit.
However I still kekd hard at that pic.
oh this is cringe. The electoral college exist for a reason. its all been said before. back when bush beat gore it was the same situation and dems flipped out. it keeps politicians from having clearcut strongholds they can build a political base from. thats how you ended up with a north vs south war.
*record scratch* *freeze frame* yup. that's me. so you're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation
mom burned the coal
now she pays the toll
i see meme potential in this
from your friends at /nba/ general
i feel i could explain this better but im too high
I dunno, It would be a lot better if she had an obvious jew nose.
Top kek
Was hard to hold back just farage tier grin
Yea, why didn't she have his father watch him?
.... oh yea
This so fucking much
Where the fuck do you teach? Chimpcago?
>Man I can't believe trump won
>I wonder how long this is going to go on for
>What's this bitch even mad about?
>I sure how I'm going to get overtime for this
>Should I use this stick they gave us? I probably shouldn't...
>I wonder what my wife made for dinner
i love that lena dunham hasnt said shit on twitter
Women like to settle with asians though. Just get fit and get decent money and you will have enough pussy before. It is more about charisma.
i doubt it's that uncommon for any public school teacher to be heavily medicated. the majority of the students there don't care about learning. how else can you possibly cope with fully knowing that nothing you work towards makes an impact?
Fuck that sounds awesome. My first year of community college was when Obama was elected. Fucking dealing with that was painful to my soul.
Fucking classic mansplaining
>implying you weren't fully erect when cnn first said president-elect DJT
Hehehe. He's like "calm yer tits lady"
>Man I just want to beat minorities again
>Fucking Chief cracking down on us for it though
>Man I am so awesome. Horny as fuck too
>Can't wait to get home and say hi to my 2 kids
>Can't wait to fuck my wife
>winter is here and it's comfy af
She fucked up, she either moves to Canada and is a laughing stock, or she stays here and is a laughing stock
That is one smug cunt
Journos first to the gallows
That dude just looks nice to hang around with. Just a good man.
Who wants to bet baldy is the step father?
Sup Forums
What is he thinking?
Dude, who cares. I am white, and I couldn't care less if some dumb bitch decides to get fucked over by some gangster thug. I don't own them.
>Black woman cop
>Woah... these people are crazy. I fucking knew I should have called in sick when they told everyone they had to be on duty tonight
>White male cop
>Has that look people in retail have to put on when some angry cunt is yelling about pointless shit and you have to pretend you care
>"Yep. It is a real shame ma'am. Hopefully it will work out. Sorry to hear about that. MMmhmmm. Sure is. Well take care"