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They're estimating now that Trump will come out ahead in popular vote?
Also hurry the fuck up, Michigan. Trump needs his 300+.
who is estimating such a thing
Is that not what the OP image is showing? I can't tell if this tab is supposed to be saying they predict he will win the popular vote or if their design is just retarded. According to this, they're still counting 8+ million votes, and she is only ahead 225,000.
Why the fuck is it taking Michigan over 24 hours to count their fucking votes???
It's predicting he'll win the popular vote, yes.
Probably places where voting was in a high school gym.
They have to decipher the votes from Detroit.
Translating nigger speak to English takes time.
remember 2 weeks ago when the media was writing about how Hillary's campaign was "looking past the general" and focusing on helping down-ticket races to get her agenda through?
How tho, he's behind so much
because red states haven't been finished counting yet
If the libs lose this too I'm not sure if their asses can take much more.
Don't get my hopes up pls I have $800 in bets
being behind 230k votes ain't that much, if he's going to get another 100+k just in Utah
They're literally calling it so they have lost the popular vote.
I would assume the remaining counts are from redneck areas.
>behind so much
>behind 227,880 votes
>approximately 9,569,991 votes left to count
Sorry man, I put my shekels on electoral vote cause there was not popular vote on my bookie. Although I tough that he had a greater change to win the popular.
Friendly reminder that if it weren't for the dead, illegals, and twats that vote multiple times he'd be ahead in the popular vote by at least three millions.
I regret it so much. Should've had more faith in the emperor
so the tallies haven't even been counted up all the way and yet MSM is reporting Clinton has the popular vote already? Smh
exactly. bitch rigged it and still got stomped
where were you when donald trump was wrong
I know them feels. I have $500 on popular vote.
we fucked up and should have put on teh win!
I'd laugh my ass off so hard if trump wins the popular vote.
It's just saying that he has been projected to be the winner of the election itself. Nothing to do with the popular vote.
They'd ask from something like 3 recounts. Oh the tears.
Will he win the popular vote? LEFTISTS BTFO
Please tell me it's true.
He already is the winner, no projection there ;)
Trump has over 300
Why does no site post this?
voting isn't done yet, he may take popular vote as well!
If Trump brings in the popular vote so i get a payday from my newfag bet I will paint a giant pepe holding a star spangled banner and aussie flag on my back fence that boarders a busy road.
>win the popular vote too
Red states still counting
Even if a cargo ship load of ballots shows in any state not called its a trump presidency
Ya, I haven't been able to find final results including mich, ariz, and NH, anywhere. You have a link?
Look at AZ in OP pic.
Only 75% counted in a red state means more Trump votes incoming.
Still a projection until every vote counted.
He's right, thankfully we live in a constitutional republic
Just the incoming clinton votes in California are enough to negate all incoming trump votes in red states.
fuck off leaf
kek wills it.
praise thee
I'm unconvinced that this implies that CNN is actually forecasting a Trump popular vote win.
Looking at the remaining precincts, Trump could maybe bring in 100k-200k more votes, but even disregarding Clinton's further votes, that wouldn't be enough.
Trump is not winning the popular vote.
I honestly hope he doesn't win the popular vote. That was just icing on the cake. All the muh democracy bitching makes it even better.
holy kek
>win the popular vote too
California finished already
CNN says 68% in for CA. It's just that it's basically confirmed Clinton victory electorally. Look through the list of states. I don't quite get their projection, but there are a lot of red states with 10-20% still counting.
Rednecks coming into win the popular vote is just the extra salt on an already sodium chloride cake
>300,000+ more votes for Clinton with 8% of mostly CA votes still not in
Nice "win" guy. I'm sure pic related will just go away overnight
CNN also say that all of the counties are 100% in so I don't get it either
How did 10 million voters disappear in 8 years?
>one state's populace should decide a national election
Neck yourself, shit-for-brains,
lower black turnout
Obama got record numbers of niggers voting and there are lots of niggers in America
Voter ID and it's racist ways stopped dead people and illegals from voting.
They're black... None of these candidates were black so.
"y we gonna go n do votin N sheet 4 nigga?"
Just like how he won't win the Republican primary? Or the presidency?
Also third parties ate up a lot of votes. Stein got like a million and Aleppo Man got more, didn't he?
CNN is LITERALLY calling the popular vote for him, and so is every other fucking source.
that's literally why trump won
CA/NY region big city dipshits think only about themselves and either don't realize or don't care at all about the rest of the states
>Shove it in the this fat fucks face
"You must say this sentence to everyone you meet today: "HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE!" The MAJORITY of our fellow Americans preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Period. Fact. If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don't. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he's president is because of an arcane, insane, 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we'll continue to have presidents we didn't elect and didn't want."
hi chink
>calls to abolish the electoral college
It's incredible how stupid these people are. They think rednecks are scary now? Why not show them what happens when the rural areas have their vote disenfranchised by law.