Is Skullface an allegory to George Soros?

Is Skullface an allegory to George Soros?
>Hungarian origin
>Lived under a foreign power's occupation of his homeland
>Understands the importance of language and their ties to culture
It's important to note here Soros was taught Esperanto while he was younger, which is a language meant to transcend borders
>Seeks to control the world by silencing it
Where Skullface wanted to use parasites to create a New World Order, Soros seeks to undermine cultures and nations through censorship, globalism, and far-left policies like mass immigration.
>Finally stopped when his plans backfire due to actors beyond his control

Was this a sort of foreshadowing, or just artistic coincidence? Is Kojima trying to tell us something like he did with social media and mainstream media back in 2001?

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Kojima is as red pilled as they come. Dude has been predicting it all from a medium the elite don't take seriously.

I suppose you could say that, but george soros doesn't give a fuck about greater good. He causes social upheavel and then bets that the country's currency will fail.

He is trying to make your country go tits up, then he gets a nice lump of cash and is free to buy up cheap infrastructure. That's how these people work. They only use leftists because right now they are the bigger retards.

No. Skull face kinda had a point and was the good guy.

But what do we do with this information? Was the Metal Gear series a sort of "VR" training for us in the coming times?

So is Soros the new Marxist elite (utilizing "useful idiots") or are they just playing in the same pool of useful idiots?

Can we buy an oil platform?


We just live life, recalling everything we've seen in the vidya, as it actually happens, and think "wow, this motherfucker was woke af"

would love to buy an oil platform


Zero is literally Soros, Rotshild, and other Reptilians Jews combined in one character.

Literally the only good guy in Metal Gear Solid is Ocelot.

Everyone else either fucks up being a good guy and becomes a badguy or tries to stop him and is therefore a badguy

Armstrong is also a good guy but that's basically a spinoff.

Trump can.

I honestly don't know, but soros isn't a leftist, he is just some jewish guy who likes money. He probably isn't even jewish and just pretends to be.

Leftists are indeed the useful idiots, they know it too, they caused trump to get elected by spewing bullshit all over the net and censoring people. And we all know what happens after useful idiots are no longer useful.

Isn't Venom goodhearted, albeit unwittingly?

Machinegun Kid did nothing wrong

White Mamba did nothing wrong.

I would speculate they're (the useful idiots) are under some hypnosis where they aren't aware of it, but it's true, they get thrown under the bus in the end.

Also, I had no idea that he was just a money-obsessed person without any other motive. That seems like a sad life to live.

Zero had good intentions though and got swept up and went nuts from all the uber 7D chess espionage