Wouldn't that be a fucking shame.
Wouldn't that be a fucking shame
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I live in Commiefornia, I'd be fucking pissed if we left the US. At the same time I realize it'd secure Republicans in office forever.
What do I do?
Please leave, in fact take the entire west coast while you're at it. Take Nevada too. Hell, I'd even sacrifice Arizona if it'd get rid of New Mexico and Colorado too.
Move to Texas.
>I'd even sacrifice Arizona
get fugged buddy
>I live in Commiefornia
Stay and fight these limp wrist little shits will get what they ask for
Can I move to Michigan or Illinois? The Midwest has always appealed to me and I think they need more right wingers than Texas...
State of Jefferson first leave second
What said, move to Texas.
Got some family that moved there, few times I visited it was really nice.
>I live in Commiefornia
If you call that living.
Fuck these libbies make me feel ashamed to be from Cali. I bet these coons don't even understand the implications of fucking SECESSION from a union like the US
Trump is max 8 years in office and they want to break free? Stupit idiots
I believe in memes. GTFO CALIFORNIA!
I legitimately will do this.
What are some good industries in Texas where I can live a 60k+/yr life?
Hey I have voted Republican for 9 years asshole. Eastern Washington is red and proud!
I have a well paying job and irreplaceable friends or else I would have moved years ago.
Working for the govt or being an accountant
Southern California should secede.
they would immediately go into a massive financial crisis having to import all their water and energy
AZfag here go fuck yourself you fucking nigger
They are literal kids, they don't know anything else but tantrums.
No worries, these rabble rousers will be put down with a swift boot come after inauguration. Plus look at these cunts, would you be afraid to fight a war with them? we could wash our hands of this filth once and for all with a very quick race war.
those fucks don't speak for me.
ITT: People who don't realize the Calexit website and movement are just a parody.
Just cut off their water, and welfare.
Live near the border of new calitopia so you can watch it burn when it's overrun with illegals, has no armed police and suffering it's third riot of the week due to a shortage of iPhone chargers and artisan coffee beans
>cali become its own nation
>millions of liberals die of thirst
>mfw stuck living in CaliFag land
President Trump, can you please nuke us after these numale faggots secede?
>Little water sources to supply such a large population
>Reliant on out of state power sources
>Expensive infrastructure in multiple large cities
Good luck with that.
>that shirt
>front and center
Not surprised.
Go make your own water. Fuck California
lol go ahead niggas, I lived in cali for my childhood and like Texas better
I really wish it would actually happen. Even if they somehow manage to get a vote going the celebrities and rich will shut it down because the expensive property they own would crash in price.
I have my CCNP, MCSA, and VCP6 certs, and after looking into it, the job opportunities are endless.
Would honestly immigrate to Texas once I get a bit more experience so fill out my portfolio.
>trump gets elected
>state of jefferson wants to be established
I will leave as soon as i can.......
Give them back to Mexico
It makes the wall bigger but California can help the Mexicans pay for it
Tell them they can leave as long as they wall themselves off first. That way they can't come crawling back when they run out of water in 2 weeks.
let them leave! I support Calexit. The state would be dead within a week without federal welfare
after annexing california maybe mexico wouldn't be such a fucking failed state that america needs a wall
Good riddance. That way we wouldn't have to waste relief funds when the inevitable giant earthquake turns the San Francisco into rubble
I'm sure they can manage succession just fine, what with their many guns and all.
>vote to leave the union
>after it passes immediately immigrate to America
>laugh while California burns
Can they grow enough food to feed themselves? Will they let their farmers cultivate the land? Will they let their mills harvest their lumber?
Watch how fast the nanny state economically crumbles without fed assistance.
could you leave this mortal coil please?
I moved out. I'm much happier now and shit doesn't cost nearly as much.
Please fucking do it.
I know they won't though. Texans do this shit all the time, and they're just beating their chests.
Thats 55 electoral college votes GONE.
I welcome calexit with open arms and open heart.
I love my state.
I live in one of the most republican cities in CA, and I can't tell you how happy I was to see trump banners everywhere.
People were lighting off Fireworks in my neighbor.
Don't hate me Sup Forums.
I can assure anyone who asks that Californians do not want to secede from the US. Literally the amount of people in that picture are the total amount who would really try to take any action. The rest are liberal college students who just talk and faggots who would rather get back to blowing each other.
Careful there, friend. 37% of the people in Cali voted for Trump, including me. That's major. That's bordering on California becoming a swing state.
I hope they actually try to leave so we can send some troops over there and kill a bunch of liberals. Easy way to turn the US red.
Do it fg8s! Let them leave, then before the news breaks, we tell mexico it can have CA, so just as the califags are getting comfy, Jose fucks their day up with an invasion.
Idiot youths want to destroy their state because of their feefees
News at 11
Also, who gives them water?
It wouldn't be a racewar. Just a purging of traitors.
Come to America and you can buy some guns that aren't cucked.
Good. They need to leave my fucking state. More legal weed and unprotected porn for me.
See the only thing is that shitlibs would soon realize their commie utopia that they thought was going to work out would soon start collapsing, so then there'd be shitlib flight into other states, where they would then start ruining the state by voting in the SAME POLICIES THAT RUINED CALIFORNIA, a la Austin and Dallas
>the treaty of guadalupe hidago isn't applied to the new republic of california
We won't step in like we did with Texas, have fun.
Commiefornia here to, born and raised.
People that leave are just pussies.
I'm staying and fighting.
Won't be satisfied until every county is red.
And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 1:5
>make fun of Texas for wanting to secede under Obama
>California immediately wants to secede under Trump
I love it! I saw many Trump voters turn up in my area, North County San Diego.
But fireworks? Haven't you heard the news?
This is true.
I would support Cascadian independence even if we're a bunch of lefties.
I just couldn't leave the PNW. Too beautiful. Even though we have a bunch of libshits I couldn't leave.
fastest, easiest way to make america great again imo
>one less blue state for dems
are they actually this fucking dumb
I used to live in CA. I recently moved to North Carolina, I love it here. You will be so happy once you leave that shithole.
Do these people not realize that one-third of their state voted for Trump?
>sacrifice Arizona
you realize that if this calexit shit happened all of the liberal retards would flock to california as it would be some libtardtopia. there's a chance that nevada, colorado, and arizona would go full red after that.
>California wants to exit
>President Trump lets it happen
>once its all signed and done, Trump invades the foreign country of California and we take all their resources
>leave them to starve
>YUGE Rally
>Hurr Durr Texas is bases
Texas BTFo
your a FUCKING commie
Can we give California to Mexico? That is one way to send them back.
Ironically/unironically California seceding would ensure dems would never win in the government ever again.
I agree with you there but I bought an AR10 here recently. Bullet button is a 2 minute fix with a screwdriver. Have some 25 round .308 mags that I "found". We're not fully cucked yet.
But that background check for bullets, that's full cuckoldry. I can't fucking believe that passed.
>implying jerry doesnt know how fucked we'd be if we left
once these retards realize this wont happen, they'll run away to Canada and the illegals get deported and are unable to commit more voter fraud
>mfw the upset over the election and trumps actual immigration policy could actually redeem this liberal shit hole
>and unprotected porn for me.
How in the ever living fuck did this get on the ballot, and how did it only get 54% no?
>Requires adult film performers to use condoms when filming, and other health regulations
What the fuck? REQUIRE condoms for porn? Literally why, for what purpose. Procreation? There is birth control. STIs? They check for that shit, I assure you.
What do you like about NC over CA specifically?
Seems like it would get boring super fast after coming from a major city on the west coast.
>No water.
>No power.
>Full of Mexicans.
>Full of Blacks.
>Overpopulated cities.
>Dying movie industry.
>Reliant on tourism and tech, the latter of which would require expensive imports.
I wouldn't even play that if it were a damn SimCity scenario.
Commiefornia here. I thought we would be infected and saved by the red. I don't want to be drafted in order to fight for libtards.
Please! Illegals would go straight there, Republican would win for 20 years at least
We would just be part of the US again and we would never question our god emperor again, as it should be.
Sorry, we can't give up the land.
Better just to deport all the whiny California progressives to Mexico. If Mexicans are so great, they should be happening to live among even more of them right?
> Brexit - terrible
> Calexit - good
> SJWs
> Logical consistency
Pick one
Then Trump can bomb them for resources LOL
>Hell, I'd even sacrifice Arizona
No you fucking asshole I don't want to go with California
Norway, yes!
Dude, you don't need 60k in texas. I lived there for 4 years, made 15$an hour. I had my own apartment for $500 per month in a good part of San antonio. Had a car payment, and I was still able to live comfortably there. It's nice. I moved back to cali, and it fuzzing sick compared to Texas, in terms of living cost
Yeah, I guess Commiefornians forget where Hoover Dam is and exactly what it does for them. Let them secede. It'll be fun.
I would, but it would probably play like a session of Dwarf Fortress.
>implying trump wouldn't build another wall
You'll be stuck there to starve commie
Another tax, senpai. It was filed under a "health code tax" that would've been pissed away on more shit for jerry brown and his cronies...
Cali user here.
I wish this state would pull an Escape From LA and drift off into the Pacific. Would be a great excuse to finally get my shit together and move to Montana.
Great, then you'll have another Venezuela right at your doorstep.
Yeah but it's 76 degrees 320 days of the year and the hotties are super slutty.
Not saying it's a place to settle down but it's definitely a place to be while you're young.