Yuri Bezmenov, ex-KGB communist agent defected years ago, he laid out the globalist plans perfectly. Trump was supposed to win.

Yuri Bezmenov stated that their plan is always to use the liberals, degenerates, losers of society to destabilize a country, then, when that happens, the elites turn their back on them, and proceed to use the angered conservative hard working individuals to kill off the libshits.

Civil war is the goal. It is imminent. It's gonna happen.

I see comments like this all over Sup Forums

>I've never thought the day would come I would side with the Government to kill a bunch of idiots

That was the goal all along. To get us to feel that way. I'm not going to lie, it will be nice getting rid of all the degenerates or enslaving them. But what makes you think they have room for all of us Conservatives or Republicans to be part of them?

Many of us will be fucked over along with the libshits. Police state 2.0

Could I be wrong? Sure, but this man, YEARS AGO, predicted everything that is happening TODAY!!!

bump for this larping


Sounds like Sup Forums's dream come true desu

Oh wooow.

It's almost like they've been brainwashed by the MSM or something.

Event the KGB he talks about never really went away. I'm sure the still use the same methods from the same manuals.

It's true though; they keep pushing


So what you're saying, in other words, is that part of the civil war needs to involve turning around and overthrowing the government.

civil war soon well at least I know the next couple of years wont be boring as fuck

That's what they want you to think. The modern day Government is all a puppet show. Everyone here should already know by now that the real leaders are the Bankers.

Now, if they were being over thrown... well that would be a completely different thing.

This doesn't hold up under scrutiny. We didn't turn against liberals. We turned against "them".

That said, I absolutely expect Soros to try and ignite a civil war.

Bet you would have called Hillary's emails larping as well until they came out.

But you know better, you're just a shill waiting to dismiss these pages through

>look at me fpbp haha le funny invalidation comment.

What's a republican? Oh, OH that quaint little party that died this summer. Cute.

You aren't wrong, no matter what we were going to get an authoritarian this year, we just happened to get the one who was really fucking good. Should make for a fun fight down the line.

This is now a Yuri thread

We'll have to wait and see, I'm hoping that we did turn against (((THEM))) but (((they))) seem to be pretty calm except for the insignificant ones living among us doing the dirty work of spreading degeneracy

Can we have an authoritarian that will give us our rights back? Let's hope so my fellow American, I am afraid he will be used to fuck over everyone, and people will think they'll be doing everyone a favor.

>police checkpoints everywhere being accepted because they think they're for muslims and beaners when it's really for everyone including us

>no promise of returning constitutional carry for all the states being fulfilled

>More silencing of free speech

These could be negative consequences.

who has the democracy spring screencaps?

What are those about?

stop using the parentheses meme
makes you look like a trump supporter

we don't like you here, (((mike)))

>right wing death squads assemble

why do you hate maldraw so much?
give it a break already

Soro's plan to stop the election, before or after trump victory

pretty much what he did in ukraine

protests-shootouts-uprising by radicals-obama holds office a little longer

Problem with that is, they'll also be used to fuck you over. Unless you're one of them. Which is highly unlikely.

The final redpill is realizing that nobody has power, and its all just a big shitshow

So what's wrong with their plan, exactly?

Sure in the end we all die, I get it Mr.Enlightened philosopher, some of us care for the now though thank you very much

seriously, I don't understand why people are worried about it happening. Of course it'll happen eventually. Delaying it is only delaying the inevitable.

besides, only a god could tell if it would be better or worse for the US to continue.

who fucking cares?? we want this. Stop being a faggot.

Basically it will be cuckservative USA 100%

Freedom will be traded at all costs for the sake of having "your side" win.

How can there be civil war when all the libtards voted against guns?


Everyone has already seen the Yuri video sperglord, fuck off.

This election was an attempt to seize power. Trump was a major blow that they did not plan for.

Remember, we have Trump, but they have successfully infiltrated every level of government.

Yes, and even I admit it will be nice to have heads of those shit stain liberals and niggers roll on the ground, but, this isn't done to liberate us, it is done to further enslave us in the end. Including the victors.

you really are this new

Then people need to be REMINDED, since they seem to have forgotten of a huge possibility due to emotions running high.

Yawn. Fascism is about collective freedom not individual freedom. You knew what you were signing up for.

Holy shit, by claiming that "gov't is coming for us"... they're manifesting their own fucking destiny.. and it's what "they" want.

So, the question is... do we sit back and watch gov't purge the tards? First, they came for the libtards...


> and I was comfy

Oh he will, if he doesn't his constituents will or the men his party elects after he is long gone will, depends on how well he does. It'll spiral but on the bright side the new group of populists that will fill the void we left? They will most likely follow the steps of other revolutionaries like the IRA or Ñancahuazú Guerrilla. The first sign will be when the left decides, "you know what? We don't need gun laws anymore, its a lost cause." Oh your freedoms will diminish over time, but only to keep you in lockstep and safe from whats to come. In fact you'll beg for it.

America was made for individual freedoms, not collective freedoms.

Oh well though, unless everyone is going to be 100% white in the world, you may be right, the only possible way to live life is through collective freedom.

>lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt

You get it my man, that's exactly what's going on


But I've wanted to slaughter libshits for a decade now

old Sup Forums is more about the slow and sneaky redpill
post trump we're more outright and forceful.
look at the raids we did on liberals like casey neistat. old Sup Forums dont work like that. we dont raid

It is. Once the world is purged, we can enjoy libertarianism and all the ancap faggot memery we want, but until it's all white, we need to be a tribe, and a traditionalist one.

I thought the progressives were suppose to drive out the conservatives so the communists could take over, then they would cause liberals to die out with gibsme policy changes?

Truthfully, if we look at Sweden's example... they had a wonderful society where people were expected to behave and adhere to an honor system. When they started import sand-googles, they've began to realize that honor systems only work with a relatively homogeneous, intelligent populous.

... maybe the FEMA camps / coffins are for the nigs and spics?

It's not in the end. It's that it's an endless back stabbing game with no one truly in charge and everyone pointing fingers

Very much true, perhaps the problems with resolve themselves as they go along. I just hope that we don't become complacent just because we have a president that seems to share our values. We need to keep fighting now more than ever that we have the upper hand.

>Trump was a major blow that they did not plan for.
Bullshit. If Trump wasn't in the plans, he wouldn't have become the fucking republican nominee. He would've been relegated off to the indies & lost.
You DON'T GET to be the nominee for either major party unless you've got the usual dicks in your mouth.

>possibility of civil war forgotten

Are you shitting me

It's not libs who are the main destabilisers. It's minorities. It's very obvious that a race war is being brewed and it would've happened regardless of whether Trump or Hilary won, and yeah, Whites are set up to win. Poor minorities think that they're fighting to set up their own victory, but they're just used as bait to provoke the Whites. (Who would set up minorities in such an evil way?) Hard to tell what the Jews plan to do once Whites have won.

That's exactly what's been happening. Now the gibsme policy just changed on the 8th.


Yep. OP went one level too deep.

lmao cry hard bitch nerd I just jack off to anime girls and post dank memes for the lulz

Yes, I think most whites realize that we can't stop here.

I spoke to my cousin who I hadn't seen in years and asked how he feels on a scale of 1-america for freedom and he said "6. We need more"

DNC emails.

The DNC laid that trump was one of their possible candidates because they thought it would be easy to beat him.

the "bankers" don't have pinkertons. if the US government were overthrown, the financial system would collapse.

Hopefully, but those investments will be used, I just hope so not indiscriminately on our own people, and instead in the anti-american, anti-white, degenerate liberal traitors only.

Trump was on the short list of candidates the dems and media planned to inflate, along with Cruz and Carson. They saw them as easy targets for Hillary and this would be a quick race. However with all the leaks and scandles Clinton played herself

dibi dibi

ctr is dead boy. This is gonna be a whole new beast. If you think this cal exit thing is a joke then you are mistaken, the car bombs are already being made. International terror is so last decade.

dude calm your autism this wave of protesting will simmer down. it can't be any worse than ferguson and all the other chimpouts. especially with leftist morons with no guns. nobody over the age of 28 and an IQ of 105 will take part in this.

The reason and motivation behind it, not the war itself.

>exactly what's been happening
No, they never drove out the conservatives, they only socially isolated themselves from the conservatives and convinced themselves gays and blacks are 70% of the population while conservatives have controlled Congress since before Obama's re-election.

I know this. Does not mean he "needed" to be the actual republican nominee. Were they in on it & planning on losing?

Straight out of the protocols. We'll beg for their rule.

The republican nominee was supposed to be a weak neocon like Jeb Bush. They saw Trump gain traction and overplayed their hand attempting to "shut it down".

I hope that's satire of how a lot of Sup Forums posters operate.

Why would you start a war from commiefornia? It makes no sense.

That's what I mean. It's odd how linguistic "racism" carries connotation of color, yet internally it only relates to severe contempt of a person who lacks intelligence and rationality. Are we entrenched in ideological warfare? It seems so, as ideology is the basis of policy / politics.

What Sup Forums wants to see (an opportunity to really reclaim America) is actually being set up by the elite. They want a bloody left/right conflict. Brexit and the recent election were planned to raise tensions between the left and right, and regardless of who won the election, the tensions were surely raised.

They want us killing each other. The thing is... well... they've given us an actual good reason to kill each other. The invasion on the white legacy is real.

Convinced themselves and many of us.

Remember, Yuri was a KGB agent describing whatever little he knew as an enforcer. Modern times, different country, different measures.

I'm just speaking in the realm of possibility, it'd be good to keep an open mind in these uncertain times.

Mein negger, nice to see that some people have kept an open mind and didn't succumb to emotion.

>Were they in on it & planning on losing?
Who Cruz and Carson? Everything we see goes against that with Cruz making that team up in the 11th hour. No one saw Trump coming because these people are so disconnected to the American people

Also why would a civil war be more profitable than a war with Russia? With WW3 you get a foreign enemy, a longer war, and the same agitated state the country would be in but worse because it'd be the right.

Okay. So for once the elite is actually doing what the citizens want. (I'm assuming if the left revolts, then it's because they want to revolt.)

That's what we wanted, right? For the elites to finally listen to the people, and give us what we want. Right?

Either way, it beats trading missiles over the north pole.


The later emails show that they were quite scared of trump winning the nomination with the way trump was gaining popularity.

Of course, and we must fight NOW, but we must remember who put us there, and why.

It would have been infinitely easier, to have never introduced multiculturalism, degeneracy, etc into our culture, and instead have had us remain separate from the barbarians since the inception of America.

To have kept of homogeneous like the Koreans. Instead we were purposely led to a nearly white genocide. And are finally being told to fight back now that we've been weakened immensely.

>All the FEMA coffins were for the degenerates that will be getting slaughtered in the upcoming civil/race war

The Clinton's modus operandi is Triangulation. It's just almost impossible to have a meaningful conversation about it here or even anywhere else. I tried many times to discuss possible scenarios like losing fair-and-square, etc but no engagement.

lmao "armed resistance fighters"

wont work
>That's exactly what's been happening.
except it isnt. trump is a communist, nothing about him or his supporters are communist.

what yuri was describing was what wouldve happened if the globalists won and got hillary in. theyd have kept using BLM and shit to agitate until people accepted (((communist))) rule.

trumps basically the 4th reich

What if, that's what they wanted you to think? These people are crafty enough to do this, they rule the world, counter intel that's so backnforth you can't even tell which way the world is spinning anymore

fuck off you stupid coal burner

dems don't have guns. their footsoldiers in a civil-war will be thugs, and they will either turn on each other, or become disenfranchised with each other. this is of course assuming they don't get absolutely fucking steamrolled by the gun owning right, police, and national guard.

Civil war is a bloody conflict. that's why gun nuts fantasize about it, cause we actually have a chance at one. dems are loud-mouthed brainwashed cannon-fodder, and nothing more.

Breaking news Sup Forums alliance with Tumblr
libtards and fags on the same side

I'm open to hearing you out like a civilized human being, can you please expand on what you mean by their way of operating being Triangulation and how it extends to having lost the election fairly?

Kys, you 400lb larping faggot.

>What if, that's what they wanted you to think?
(((they))) arent that smart. they didnt expect the 400lb hacker to shit on them.

i doubt (((they))) wanted all their moloch pizza to be exposed ether, which is going to destroy them and it seems like assange wont be stopping with it anytime soon, since we already found he was tortured as a child by one of their cults.

theyve lost. this isnt what yuri was talking about. this is what yuri was talking about when he said you needed a nationalist surge to beat them.

Nah. I'm calling bullshit.

Look. Everything your little KGB agent said is true. Yes. That's an effective way to manipulate the public. But this shit happens anyways, as the wheel of history turns. Now, there may very well be some old men who think they're sitting at the console, steering this train, like a child playing with a toy steering wheel while society drives itself. Good for them. I hope they're having fun with that.

At the end of the day though, each person's decision is their own to make.


Jesus Christ a coal burner? I've been calling for the deaths of niggers, liberals, and degenerates the whole thread. Please don't associate with white race if your I.Q. is so low as to think it's just about a simple stupid race war.

There's so much more involved, and I'm SPECULATING, a word I'm sure you have trouble spelling and pronouncing, let alone understanding.

Feel free to leave this thread to the adults discussions political possibilities and consequences. There's plenty of KEK WILLS IT and MEME MAGIC threads around for you to play in.

>since we already found he was tortured as a child by one of their cults.
WTF I go away from these threads for a few days to focus on the elections and I'm already missing on stuff like this...

>american civil war
>republicans have the house senate and the white house
>most of the guns are owned by republicans
>liberals fucking started the war
seems like an ideal situation for me


Ive tried to warn you.

I never stood a chance against the mass media machine but at least I TRIED

Trump was chosen a LONG time ago to become president right now. We never even had a choice, it was all an illusion

You'll all wake up to this sooner or later.

If people would have told you about the Hillary Clinton emails, and they never came out, you would have said the same thing when you heard about semen and breast milk drinking and spirit cooking.

If you don't like the thread, see your way out please. This thread is obviously not for normies of average I.Q. and no vision and understanding.

The protests going on right now are tactic.
If we get up and do something about it we will be proving we are the intolerant racists they say we are.
If we do nothing they will push until they get what they want...
OR you see thru their bullshit and call them on it.
Laugh in their faces while calling them out. It's all you can do

That would only make sense if these emails were to be seen by enough people to some effect.
Which there aren't, not only were the emails largely ignored, even more so some emails talking about trump's campaign from the DNC's point of view.

It's literally useless information.