Did a Sup Forumsack do this?

Did a Sup Forumsack do this?

What ya sayin, nigga?

Well the black guy probably made it himself, so if he's a Sup Forumsack then yes.

Pretty sure her boyfriend wrote it.

Her friend's name is car? How did someone put a note on them without them noticing?

I really fucking hate the left
Their insanity drives me insane

>Touches it instead of calling police to dust for prints and catch the racist

oh yes totally legit

It was her, the writing style is effeminate (men are typically horrible handwriters)
It would make sense she wrote it for retweets.

Her car is parked in a garage. She did it herself

Check the niggers hand writing, probably a perfect match

She wrote it and is doing a false flag.

I forgot about all those business card attacks in the 30's 40's and 50's

Such a violent, and paper cut filled time.

Why do I get the feeling that this is another attention thirsty false flag effort?

>being racist is a crime
>niggers commit crime

That's not even original, at least put some effort into it. If it was a real racist or supremacist he would key the car also not just leave a note.

Plus it looks like he's in his garage.

She did it. Who the fuck knows a black person is the owner of the car? Unless they had spinning rims and a busted tail-light.

Hey jamal, watcha doin?

What would make you think that?

I'd ask the woman to write it out for me on a new piece of paper.

Why are people doing this? They really value shallow social posturing over a nation divided by violence brought about over literally nothing

>The racist woukd know which random car belongs to a nigger

No man worth his salt would ever add a exclamation point, let alone 3

Are googles actually fucking retarded?

>Nigga watcha doin'?

Their victim complex is so deeply rooted they have to make this shit up

>implying that's how real racists act

>there are witnesses

We can only hope.

These hoaxes are hilarious.

There was another one today with spray painted "make america white again" with a swastika. That phrase is popular among leftists to photoshop as a sign trump supporters are wearing or holding.

B L M ?


Nigger shit is fake and gay.


imagine how often this shit will happen when whites are the minority

>Hey D'Quan watcha doin?

Then who was phone?
But seriously we are going to find the Democrats who falseflagged that black church and we are going to hand them over to some brothers with a blowtorch and a Sawzall.

She did it. Liberals love to false flag

Yeah look at the G's, no man writes them like that

God damn the false flags are in full force today

11/10 chance she wrote this herself


Notice how the word president is darker? It is because whoever wrote it was briefly unsure of the spelling of the word.


fake and literally gay

>24,000 people unironically shared this

Real talk, how is it fair that humans are all considered the exact same species

These people are modern day Neanderthals

National Pastime

>This was made by a racist white
>Not in cursive or at least ordered writing

Looks like someone wrote it with their left hand. Pretty mongoloid desu

Muh Hijabi

>what, are you deaf or something u nigger?

Head wounds bleed a lot but not that much. Blood also doesn't have the same consistency as jam.

t. Accident prone as a kid and had frequent trips to the hospital.


They're acting like it's another goddamn shoah.

Oh no! Trump won, that's such a bad thing!

I live in the middle of America in a red state and have not heard a white guy use the word nigger in real life since 1986. The last white person I saw say that word on TV was Louis CK who I guess gets a pass cause he fucked a black chick once.

no one WRITES multiple exclamation points, fucking retard

>the nigger is being a nog

>a white man using 3 exclamation marks


that's a girl's handwriting. you can tell by the exaggerated curvature. She wrote it.


Fake and Gay. Dindu did this herself

Hate hoaxes are a snowflake specialty.

hello i am CarFriend i am here to help! *honk honk!*

ps you can also tell she wrote it herself by the fact that she used a note, lol
An actual racist would have keyed it on to her car.

Fags bleed corn syrup and food coloring. I did not know that.

these cucks getting upset over their made up stories are so annoying, i wish they cared about real shit like the EPA/net neutrality that trump's establishment friends will muck up

Only ever seen, other than actual children, adult niggers have a child's handwriting, so no. Though most of them having shitty handwriting is fitting because they certainly act like children desu senpai.


>Watcha doin there Rabbi?

My (Hispanic) family is being financially raped by Obamacare so I have lost all sympathy for dindus. They can all sing from a rope for all I care.

"his firearm" so was it bullpup long gun shotgun,

who the fuck talks like that

Lol, check her handwriting and compare the two. I bet the bitch even still has the red marker in her front pocket.

Hey jamal whatcha doing

>"How scared are u, u black bitch"

These people are beyond fucked if we ever get a reason to actually hate on them openly.

it's possible that is real, but whether or not it was a Trump supporter or simply a drunken Hillary voter who became enraged at her loss is debatable

Things that happened.

more false flags by libtards trying to make their own hate crimes ok

a true racist would have also smashed his windshield or at the least keyed his car

Hey Reverend, Watcha doin?

No more tennis for black Americans, it looks like.

>people can't write notes themselves

This is literally the exact same process as Brexit.

>Crying and fear all over twitter and facebook
>Then protests
>Now this
Expect some minorities to "get beaten" (won't be by Trump supporters). Jesus it's literally the exact same, can these idiotic niggers not realise how stupid they are?

This definitely happened. The fuck is wrong with Trump supporters?

I bet that's her fetish

>Things that really happened the Facebook post.

>nigger in field
sounds like where she should be


These guys were probably involved

>"I came wittin 2 feet, ten noticed he was white"

So democrats pretty much confirmed then.

I bet she totally called the police as the gas station will definitely have cameras from which the police would easily be able to trace the culprits and the licence plate of the vehicle. Or maybe she is just making shit up, I couldn't possibly comment on which of these two scenarios would be more likely to be true.

I was walking down the street yesterday minding my own business when a negro assaulted me and said, "Fuck you Finland. This is payback for Trump!" I was like WTF. Is this how it's going to be like now for us cumskins?


We literally write the same as you.

this I can believe because I'd make the same damn joke to some cunt I don't like, if I was a teenager

How was he offended? I didn't think they could read.

Not talking about black people, I'm talking about niggers

Yep I would bet on it

>yo nigga, whatcha doin'?

underrated post

She wrote it. Never seen a man write like that.

Whites are the modern day neanderthals, idiot.

That's a chick's handwriting. She wrote it.

These people should be in straitjackets.

This is one of the most unbelievable stories an adult has ever told, and we just had Hillary Clinton running for President.

Watcha doing rabbi?