Oh God, my cup overfloweth with liberal tears.
Everyone still wont shut the fuck up (Non american scum) and so shit like this keeps popping up. Is any of it true?
What do you even say to the cacophony of "We Gon' Die Now"?
Oh God, my cup overfloweth with liberal tears
More of "mah Hijab opression"
They are all delusional.
>racism is bad
>not all muslims are terrorists!
>white people are all terrorists and will kill you over nothing
Right? The left was the one rioting and burning flags I didn't see any of this BS anywhere. Is it too hard to imagine though? When extremism is not only permitted into your country but welcomed and defended?
Our lord and saviour Milo Stewart
lmao i live in the south, colloquially known as the most "racist" part of the country, I pass middle eastern people all the time (we have a big oil/gas industry here), my engineering department at school is like 80% arabs, hijabs and all. I've never seen anyone harassed or even asked an offensive question or stare.
this is ridiculous. Shows how sheltered some people are from how fucking neutral most of reality is.
>legal southern american being retared about their status; legal citizens
>fucking 6th 7th generation blacks being retarded
>white women
>asians full retard
fuck muslisms. I have no tolerance for them and the ones that are here legally are obviously safe and the only thing they have to worry about is spredding their POLITICALLY IDEOLOGICAL RELIGION. which is no longer tolerated in the usa. go fuck away if you want to spread cancer or are confused about your cancer.
>They have the freedom to walk around without covering
>In the middle east they'd be stoned/killed
Thanks America
Oh no, her mom told her to integrate into American society! How terrifying!
Yeah, that totally happened.
Anyone who writes sob stories and anyone that likes it should be standing behind their backs and get shot.
>things that never happend
Word, hopefully this will lead to people being able to voice displeasure with the 1000s muhhumads moving next door and taking all the hot child brides because the government has a fetish for military aged immigrants who, admittedly, hate the west. Hopefully Molenbeek will return to former Belgian brilliance.
Its sad that I can't have this conversation with any of my friends because the last time I did I was called a racist :/ Its a fucking religion
> literally
Thanks, I found it a little convenient that all of a sudden muslims became REAL victims. They're just scared because people can call them out on their shit now
hijab isn't even part of the religion unless you're isis brant wihabi
so this either never happened or she's an isis sympathiser
No shit. Their endgame is and will always be Sharia law and muslim rule, wherever they are or how nice they seem.
Isn't it great that Donald J. Trump is doing so much for women already that they aren't forced to wear the hijab by their parents anymore?
Praise the emperor!
How is Sweden during all this? What bullshit pollutes your feed?
Oh shit I didn't actually know that
Professional victims.
What are these people gonna do this time next year when it turn out Trump hasn't taken any of their rights away and is just making sure fucking law is followed instead of muh nigger feels?
Will they literally kill each other and blame it on him brainwashing them to do it or something?
What's Soros' next move and why havent we Keked him dead already?
Soon Germany...
I heard Merkels been booted out from somewhere. Sit back and let the cleansing begin
Why do idiots love, literally over using the word literally in literally the shittiest contexts?
Exactly, I was wondering how I can measure what Doland has done myself so that I can counter all the fake BS that will, inevitably, appear.
This just in Trump Hates Puppies Wearing Hijabs in African Communitees. What happens next will blow your mind. -Buzzfeed.com
>Everyone still wont shut the fuck up
you mean you want them to stop crying? why?
What are these people gonna do when they realise very little has changed. Trump isn't a dictator, he can't just cruise around swinging his dick and doing whatever the fuck he wants.
did the penguin from Batman say that
who the fuck says girlie except children
>Will they literally kill [themselves] and blame it on him brainwashing them to do it
This has already begun though?
It IS literally irksome how literally literally is thrown around like some figurative ball. LiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterallyLiterally
What Aussie city you come from squire?
>Wears hijab
>Twitter picture is her with uncovered hair
This is a reflection of what's in people's hearts.
They think they'll get murdered in the street because that's what they would do to you if they had the power.
In contrast, mexico's trending meme is "payments for the wall will be added to your telmex bill".
why do libs cry now that trump is president the law doesnt exist?
but then we know how delusional these people are.
Haha good point, It feels fucking good man
BUT the crying is always accompanied with "Hes the worst" "everyone who voted for him is stupid/racist/misogynistic[INSERT CATCHCRY HERE] (I had one girl say that the entire US is sexist because they would rather let the world end than vote for a woman. Niggah Please don't get me started). Of course there all upset that Democracy actually worked but now they're just being moronic
Her mother should have never made her wear the hijab to begin with.
There's really no good reply, it's best to simply let them scream themselves out like an unruly infant and harvest the salt.
Its been legit, nice to hear something logical thanks guys. I'll return to Sup Forums for more trump updates later
If Trump is so evil and racist, why don't you move to the middle east where every women has a trash bag on them?
I've had retards defend it by claiming that in the modern context it's a synonym for figuratively
So mad just remembering that
>a person was an asshole to me
i dont get it. why dont they just wear normal clothes regardless? do they think allah is going to punish them for not wearing this in public? if they just wore normal clothes nobody would think twice, but i never seen a hate crime committed towards any muslims and i am in a neighborhood literally surrounded by them
From brisbane city m8 :^)
I, for one, am looking forward to orgy-porgy