This is irrefutable fact.
This is irrefutable fact
>actually spent the time making this
lmao how little do you have going on in life
Define "good" and "evil"
>good and evil
pick one you pathetic underage.
fuck off
Wrong, America dictates our policy.
It is the HQ of many globalist organisations.
Is there any way to filter posts from specific countries? I never want to see another leaf post ever again.
>t. chink
I bet you're one of those faggots from Nova Scotia.
10/10, great troll
>Canada not a HQ of globalists
>China not the main slave labour force for globalists
you're an idiot
At least the Balkans are correctly colored
Anglo spotted
He has England as evil too wtf
Maybe you should make Thailand good because your masters adore the dynasty ruling it and their underage prostitutes so much.
Evilbros WW@?
Fuck off and suck globalist cock
Fuck off Toronto/Vancouver faggot. I hope Trump makes Trudope his little back room bitch.
Yup, OP. Pretty much.
>North Korea good
>SK bad
Are you clinically retarded
red vs blue WW3
who wins?
Hey leaf, here in Spain our conservative party won, and not only that, the socialist one self-destructed, and it's new leader is a conservative mole.
go away slovenia
>Canadians think Germany is good
cucks think alike, you can both enjoy your rapefugees together.
Fuck off Torontoistani
Lie. Media are rigged. The gouvernement sellout.
> Brazil
> Evil
But why? We just want to drink, watch soccer, and huehuehue all day every day.
Clearly you've never been to China. Trust me, they aren't "good".
Balkanizing Canada will be fun...
Yeah go fuck yourself.
Shouldn't Antarctica be red? Its mostly white and successful people
lol errytime.
also you guys started the yugo war
Nigga how the fuck is Bermuda evil?
Loving with color blindness must be such a burden along with your flagrant faggotry OP.
>Rape Capital of Africa
Honorabo memba, I think the South Africa is not good.
fixed it for you
calling people evil isn't nice, canada
stop it I'll tell mom
red would absolutely stomp blue.
>USA #1
>Russia #2
>France #strongest military in Europe currently
>Asian and South American power block
>infinite hordes of niggers, poo in loos, and sand people to sacrifice as human shields
>China (not really that strong yet)
>small/weak European countries
lel no contest
Fuck off, leaf.
We are evil.
if only
>South Korea
If these are united then I want to be evil
give us norway and we'll be golden you faggot
Ok I'm curious, why is Haiti, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan evil?
I like this one more than OP's.
Paint Bolivia blue tho.
Back over the wall you go
>literally aliens hideout
>hundreds of ships and planes missing
>not evil
Mexico is literally an europe-sized cthonic death cult.
We're chaotic evil with points in needless cruelty.
you read it wrong
Oh yes I did. Didn't not zoom in sorry m8
getting baited by a globalist chink
probably migrated to vancouver from hong kong
>Implying It's not just Lord Kek creating new reef systems for little fishies
Remember pol: every Canadian poster is Chinese until proven otherwise.
>Didn't not
>Sending people out of the wall
Had to be a leaf shitposting lib shit!
It's just methane g-go-guys.
You gave me a gut laugh.
I'll give you a (You)
gtfo chink leaf
Wew lad
Antarctica is pure
>Saudi Arabia
>London (New Islamia)
>Allowed to stay
if people here had any other form of media to get their news rather than water down cnn news here we would be red as fuck
i fucking hate this
I'm fine with this.
evil is cool you loser
I hope Trump builds two walls tbqh
oh my I am in the axis of evil
well, time to put on my black leather coat and go on the run in germany, kicking babies and burning trashcans
>south africa
nigga what are you doing stop that
I thought Duterte was a liberal
Bait or not your autismo
Of course a fucking Leaf would make this.
Take a break why don't you, jesus. It's over.
> china, iran, north korea and mexico good
this is clearly bait, and you should probably kill your self
If right wing makes us evil then I'm completly fine with that.
What a random map
>africa almost all evil
um wow racist much????
whoever made this picture just fucking killed me, I haven't seen a better picture conversion on this site in years.
Dammit OP is this based on that map of Potnhub searches for "ass" and "tits"? Because parts, but not all, of the map matxh up to that one.
Add us to the evil list please.
>Australia listed as evil
well then I can't really complain
Go fuck yourself.
>Armenia, England, Russia,Australia, Japan, Greece, Mongolia, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Poland
>Azerbaijan, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and Turkey
kek, how many cocks have you sucked today, faggot?
spanish are just as evil as we are
China is good? DA FUQ!