/redpill/ general

It's been a while since we had a redpill thread.

Let's redpill the normies that have flooded here.

Post infographs about the jewish question, race and IQ, and many other redpills.

We can not let our board fall into ruin. JIDF and Neocon Astroturfers are taking advantage of the Trump victory.

Other urls found in this thread:



Lowered trust in areas with high diversity is also associated with:

>Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.

>Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one's own influence.

>Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.

>Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.

>Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas ofcollective action(e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).

>Less likelihood of working on a community project.Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.

>Fewer close friends and confidants.Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.

>More time spent watchingtelevisionand more agreement that "television is my most important form of entertainment".

This board is full of weak faggots don't even try you don't want them.

>wife is jewish
>family is set for life
>every kid in their family has an all expenses paid ride to college and a guaranteed job after graduating
>this will include our kid (birth control/access to cheap abortions are nice)
>granpa-in-law covered our entire wedding and gave us 50k as a wedding present
>father-in-law is leaving us his vacation property in Alaska

Feels good to be a shill and a traitor.



Just give up goy!
this is bait

I got the perfect pill for you my bro


First time on Sup Forums here, a california native. Would like to learn more. I honestly didn't pay much attention to the wikileaks stuff or anything else. Not looking for fights or anything, just to be informed.

I canvt thank you enough finbro for this


You came to the right place.
Look at these.

Im starting to think that there is a big difference between the elite jews and non-elite jews.
For example, looks like the jewish neighborhoods in NYC voted solid red.

making fun of them works


Nah man, started dating in high school. We got married after I finished with the chair force.

Best part is my family's italian and irish. Imagine the catholic passive aggressive anger when I proposed to a jewish woman.


Are there sources for these claims my leaf friend, especially the ethnic cleansing one?

there is no difference, jews like to play both sides so they can't lose.

Best one I have, truly worth the read.

So what, the elite jews like the Rothschild, Soros, etc are the same as the pleb jews?

Enjoy dying alone with no money left because your jew ex-wife squeezes every last schekel out of you.


redpill = fuck your job

>redpill = fuck your job

What did the gypsy mean by this?

i'm as right wing as they go and this is such shitty history, jesus christ.

Jews did nothing wrong they are humans like you and I.
They are just smarter than the average that's why they are able to pull the strings of simpleton like you.

nobody knows

Sorry, was talking to my monitor., pls ignore.

but there are jews who are not only not wealthy, but poor, and have no power, while a small tight circle of elite jews own the overwealming majority of the worlds wealth/assets. It seems that if it where a chessboard the pleb jews are just pawns and the elite jews are the player.

She's bi and she loves it in her ass. I'm paying less for her than I would for the companionship of a couple of whores.

Worth every silver eagle.

IQ is inversely proportional with IQ - the lower the more offsprings.

IQ is inversely proportional with level and quality of democracy - more IQ more robust and less corrupt democracy.

Democracy always lead to appeal to the lowest common denominator, which is the low IQ filth, whether local or through importing from abroad.

i.e. democracy is doomed to fail.
And it is right now killing Humanity if we do not embrace genocide and eugenics, fast.

JIDF mountain jew
>poor jew

I don't believe there is such a thing, jews are very tribalistic and will help other jews in hard times.

All of them see the gentile as chess peices

> iq inversely proportional to iq ?????

>jew does degeneracy

Go figure.

Oh well. Keep glotting about this degenerate kike whore wife that doesn't exist.

It's okay friendo

Should have married a jew, pal. Good stock that pays for itself.

So, if lenin and trotsky joined in 1917, how is communism jewish ?
Not really read pill, more like a question ?

Sorry, to fertility.
Have a factual falcon as an apology.

>good stock
>is a femfaggot

Pick one

I would like to add, this is just a mean, so, if someone have 5 kids, someone else has no kids, doesn't change the general tendency.

Lenin and trosky are big pushers of communism and they are both jews

>phat ass
>dat hip to waist ratio
>likes to be tied up and beaten
>like to watch other woman be tied up and beaten
>likes to tie up and beat other woman

It's amazing. She has a SS outfit she'll wear sometimes during play. Fucking hot.

well yes, except, they're not jews, they were russians

That's some kinky ass shit right there lol

Stalin was georgian and Lenin was a Tatar (turkic)

>cucking your wife
I bet this is a two way street for you

Nah, the closest we've gotten to that is when we abused one of her trans friends together.

'she' had her balls removed and got implants in college. it was pretty fun watching xer cry. he popped the safe word after the car battery. Could even remember the info card I had it memorize before the game started.

maybe hittler meant bankers

>Roleplaying this hard
timestamp on your wife's tits or gtfo. You know the rules.

Go get your own jew fag.

The Talmud is what all jews follow on how to treat non-jews.

I mean, he was surprised, English guys weren't on his side.

the pleasures of running currency, I can't imagine.


Case closed everyone. Just another autist roleplaying.

everything for free, basically

Jews are bankers

>this desperate to see tits
google is a free service you know.

why are swiss not in eu ??? duh, BIS

One of the earliest rules of this site. Tits or gtfo. We all know you're full of shit. You're just like all the other roleplayers. Live with parents, on the autism spectrum, overweight, probably edgy and yell at your mom.


These are the only redpills normies need to see Trump was the right choice.

they used to be

nope, probably a roleplaying faggot

Read top one

>le me-me rules of Sup Forums

they don't apply, you realize that, right? they never did.

you're just pointing out how other people run jews

They still are

there's a lot of newfags here, is very likely to be a female plebbitor

/redpill/ threads are critical for purging retards from the_donald

yellen, dragi, chinese guy, russian woman ?

ha if this is true, we would all do the same.

Daily reminder to filter shills by ID

They can't get sheckles for (you)s if you can't see them

step 1. be attractive
step 2. don't be unattractive

srsly, women are not red pilled, they're gold pilled

Redpill from my personl Expirience

>Go to a lecture by extremly gay man(This is what he calls himself, I also use his choice of words and try to not being subjective)
>He complains about less gay people being homophobic towards him
>He complains about the "heterosexual insanity" witch is dominant in our society. He means that all sexual preferences are equally normal
>At the questiontime I ask him: "Isnt heterosexuality normal because it is the only sexuality that produces children in a natural way?"
>He thought its provocation and didnt give me an answer worth mentioning
>A girl(?) from the audience told be that its only MY worldview that we need to reproduce and that she doesnt care about the existence of humanity(That is what she said, I am not taking anything out of context)
>She basicly says that its subjective if you want humanity to survive or not

These people are the most narcistic, disgustig, humanhating beings I have ever seen in my life.

My personal opinion is that they have to be massexecuted, they are the personification of cancer. LITERALLY.

This und

absolutly correct
he is right, the conclusion of this is that we must resist not.

Fuclk you, angela, you're not so hot youself.

I had hoped that they would go away after the election.


fuck you islam guys

how is this related to my post?

I second this, Adolf.

Glad to see that maybe my country will peel back gay voting rights due to Trump Presidency.

They hardly marry anyway.

I don't know just shitting on people

>jews didnu nothing.

I thought phones qnd laptopz were banned in concemtration camps, schomolo

>unless you're just shitposting


fuck off back to r/donald, degenerate normie

Holy fuck........that was too much red pill bro......

that is not what I meant
I am antisemite

Its just retarded to say that they are evil, they are our enemys and they have their goals that contradict with ours.

We can learn from their behavior to have a better chance at achieving our goals. Just like we did with KeK.

We worshipped a deity to have an outcome we wanted

Ein Volk! EIN REICH!!!

Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

We must learn the ways of the jew so that we may out jew them

Basicly yes

>we like kek
I don't worship.a fucking meme because that is fucking retarded

Hail God and Jesus and may one day the Earth be returned to Him.

>morality is subjective!

No. It isn't.

Figures a reddit memeeordhipper wouldn't think jews are evil.

Read the fucking talmud and then tell me that while looking me in the eye.

what is croatia ? you muslim ? , white supremacist ? christian ? socialist ?
lol, google doesn't like me


What do you say about Trumps relation to Israel? Are we liking Jews now?

