The Rise and Fall of Libertarianism

>You start a movement of young excited people
> Slowly but surely, your movement grows
> People begin to truly question the nature of government and the role of the state
> People read the constitution, people learn the constitution, people respect the constitution

> Four years later, its all gone, replaced by a man with no problem with constitutional over reach
>The young flock to him, his lies and silver tongue unnoticed.
> He builds a wall, further cementing the geographic boundaries of the state
> If only they saw
>It's not to keep them out, it's to keep you in

Where did it all go wrong?

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Simple. We grew up.


The things Ron Paul stood for a 8 years ago and "current year" libertarianism are two different things.

because post modern civilization is not only made for large comprehensive governments, but it would be outright stupid to not have one.

Grew into the people you hated? Began to believe all the lies they fed you? How did this happen?

Like what?

Calling whites racist for bleeding and building.

When he stepped down to make room for his milquetoast son.

We need nationalism and populism to get back to libertarian ideals.

Ron Paul was too early, but the assassination of his political aspirations at the hands of the conservative elite prepared us to reject them for Trump.


okey dokey.

Nonsense. We cannot be oppressed until we are free. It's illogical.

what lies were they feeding exactly?

This. Rand Paul was a disaster

this, Paul is a philosopher, and we got a king, ideally we needed a philosopher king.

We work with what we have.

Ron Paul would be a good president. But he would never have gotten there, he has no nuts. we work with what we get

Where do we go from here. Culturally, the love of liberty has died.

Thank you for making America great again.
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Thank you again for making America great again.

This. I can't wait to see government cuck all these Trump supporters


paul is old now, he will die soon. we can only look to the young for new leaders, rand paul has shown himself to be a failure so all we can do is wait. in the meantime, we fight for climate change and hope things don't get too crazy with a 100% repub. government. Though I have a feeling Trump is more of a centrist than he gives on