Trump Tower is going to be stormed and he will die like Gadaffi if you don't stop Soros right now

Trump Tower is going to be stormed and he will die like Gadaffi if you don't stop Soros right now.

There is no way the establishment is going to hand this over to him. They would rather have a civil war.

Other urls found in this thread:

our side has the guns

B...b...but they have the flowers. I'm so afraid!

Doesn't matter, if Trump and Pence get killed the presidency will be handed over to a globalist pedophile and the media will gaslight you into thinking its a continuation of Trump.

implying some buttmad libs are gonna outgun the secret service

You think they wouldn't pay mercs posing as protesters to do it in order to stop Trump? Wrong.

Now would be a great time to test out that biological zombie virus on the lib cucks roaming the streets.

remove tinfoil cap

Fuck off retard.

>fuck off retard
>unironically believes there are mercenaries going to storm trump tower
Fucking kill yourself.

>pay mercs to martyr themselves for globalism

I think you are retarded

>pay mercs to martyr themselves for globalism

You just described ISIS.

Protection by Secret Service & NYPD


because ISIS is filled with operators that could pull of a presidential assassination in the year 2016

Trump on the verge of appointing a Soros plant to Treasury Secretary

check out this guy's credentials

It's not the same when the government itself is an enemy of the president elect and fears he will uncover their crimes.

>Secret service fails to protect the President elect and his VP
>Day of the rope ensues.
>Our side wins because

>faggots playing too much battlefield
>think life is like battlefield
>everybody is a sniper now

Pence is an establishment cuck

>implying they're not just going to use their operatives to manipulate people surrounding Trump into subduing him
He's not going to be a threat to anyone.

>he thinks millennials have the capabilities of killing the President Elect

we are getting ready. btw anyone else get rich today on "infrastructure" like prisons and defense?

He's not even there at the moment..