If Trump's so fucking great, why did Hillary get more votes than him? Is this really democracy?
If Trump's so fucking great, why did Hillary get more votes than him? Is this really democracy?
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some states are worthless than others
like how yours is worth less than the northern korea
Comiefornia, jewyork and various other interracial breeding grounds
So it's okay for people votes not to count, as long as you don't have agreement with their opinions?
Is that democracy?
>If Trump's so fucking great, why did Hillary get more votes than him?
Niggers and spics.
>Is this really democracy?
No, but who cares? We won.
Nope its a democratic republic you fucking retard.
we're a republic you chink nigger
>Is that democracy?
The United States is not a Democracy.
It's a Republic.
Go learn your history.
Oh and...
The majority of republicans only voted once.
>The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy
He's actually completely correct. The electoral college is disaster for democracy. It prevents the 51% from having tyrranical rule over the 49%. The college is however very good for a republic, which we are one.
You can google electoral college
>Doesn't let inna'city welfare program using, bussed in illegal votes, dem hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' taken in by democrats decide an election.
Latitude inferior Korea, please.
It's a federal republic*
If we didn't have the electoral college, states like California, Texas, and NY would decide who our president is.
The electoral college somewhat alleviates this and gives more power to more states.
And on top of that in California they had their riots every time Trump was around and beat up that old homeless Trump supporting black woman, so there was most likely voter intimidation directed towards Republicans there
When the illegals are finally gone and unable to vote in California there will be a major surge of Republicans there and a major decline in Democrats and it will go red in 2020
>>Is this really democracy?
>No, but who cares? We won.
>average Trump supporter
>he believed the rigged meme
>all these idiots who don't know the definition of democracy
Jesus Christ
My third graders speak better English than you retards, laters
>switch to popular vote
>Trump campaigns in NY/CA, raises R enthusiasm cuz vote counts now
>Hillary campaigns in....TX/.....
>Trump landslide again
It's a republic for one. Two, if you've paid any bit of attention and government, you'd know that a straight democracy/mobocracy is fucking retarded and what the EC protects this country against. If mobocracy was allowed to happen, the media would own this country by steering the popular vote every election
Did you faggots say the same thing when Bush won?
Get cucked, commie.
You honestly are next level stupid. Please have a basic understanding of the country before you post dumb shit.
>What is a democratic republic Alex
>My third graders speak better English than you retards, laters
Nice to see you got BTFO when your argument lasts for a single post.
He's right, but the USA is a republic and not a democracy.
they hadnt finished counti sperg
trump won pop vote too
werent 18 mil of her votes cast by dead people?
anyone have sauce on that i saw it in an earlier thread
>being this assblasted
Good job at failing in your native country that you had to become an expat to get some mongrel, unfuckable puss.
That's where most of the people are . The people of those states aren't getting anymore representation than other states .
In fact, each person is getting exactly 1 vote, same as any other person outside those states . Fucking dumb drumpftard, enjoy the economic collapse which all economists say will happen
Sage and hide troll threads like these.
>Hur hur hur drumpf
You lost, get over it.
a majority of people will always follow whomever the media (TV and especially Twitter) prefers
they've painted Trump as racist, sexist and as Hitler, obviously people will believe it and laugh at him in order to make him seem less important, as a simple psychological defense mechanism just so their little hugbox world where they're always right and nobody ever hurts them keeps turning
but they're not laughing so much anymore
The situation between states differs WILDLY, even between neighboring states. If you allow one state to dictate the entire country, you alienate the rest of the states. Might as well put the U.S. capital in Los Angeles and tell everyone else to pack it in and go home. The whole point of the electoral college is to weight each state in terms of equal representation. Sometimes this fails (see 1860), but as Hamilton said, it's not the best system but it is an excellent system wherein there are so many divisive groups and an electorate that is largely uninformed. Hell, were it not for Jackson, we would still be voting for electors instead of candidates.
>Commiefornia is one of the last states to confirm votes
>Faggots, niggers, spicks, and hippies see that Trump has it in the bag
>Rush out to vote
>So stupid they think that if Hillary gets more votes in Commifornia that she'll get extra electoral college votes
Nice dodging my rebuttal .
Tell me how people in cali or new York, if we went by popular vote, get any more representation than someone in indiana ?
Each person gets 1 vote.
Yes bigger states have a bigger influence (vexause the have more people ) but that doesn't mean these states are deciding elections . Each person gets 1 vote .
States are just artificial lines . We could easily just re draw the map around conservative areas and make these hypothetical states have the most people . Then what ? These states decide the election ?
Of course not. Each person gets equal representation.
You are implying that a vote from cali is worth more than a vote vote from say utah. Not the case .
I at least posted an argument before I insulted you . All you did was insult me .
It just goes to show your inellectual inferiority
>No, but who cares? We won.
>average Trump supporter
Damn fucking straight. This is our country now.
>why did Hillary get more votes than him?
There are a lot of dead people in America.
These states have more people that's why the have more influence .
So you let tiny states bully bigger states (where the majority of people live).
How is minority ruling the majority better than majority ruling minority ?
Are you fucking retarded drumpflet?
>Intellectual inferiority
Words often spoken by libs and rarely backed up with more than bluster.
I don't have to debate you, that's the thing, we have won and your opinion means nothing to me.
You and anyone who thinks "drumpf" is an insult, are not worth my time.
He didn't campaign to get the majority of the population, he campaigned to get the majority of the electoral college. Otherwise he would of campaigned in California and new tour and Chicago and still would have won.
>It's a foreigner complaining about the electoral college episode
The Founding Fathers made that to prevent large states from having too much influence. And guess what? It did exactly what it was designed to do yesterday, it stopped California from basically deciding the election on its own.
No one gives a shit that a bunch of Latinos and young voters turning out for the marijuana ballot referendum voted for Clinton in California.
The playing field is equal instead of favoring the larger states which means the minority is not ruling the majority and the tyranny of the majority is not in effect. She POTENTIALLY won a small majority (you can't say she did as the popular vote isn't even in yet).
>Are you fucking retarded drumpflet
Not even a "drumpflet", I just understand how and why the fucking electoral college works the way it does because I give a shit about my government.
Again, can't even attempt to rebut anything I said .
You basically admitted defeated . Good, you drumpf cuck :)
two points i would like to make
1.) We are a republic not a democracy. The electoral college system allows smaller states to have at least some leverage over larger ones.
2.) the votes are not done being counted yet and Trump is projected to win the popular vote as well.
Eat shit.
>Reddit formatting
>Weeb trying to live out his anime dream in gookland
Kill yourself.
Approximate 11-12 million illegal aliens live in the United States.
There are a lot of states without any form of Voter ID Laws, including New Mexico, California, Oregon, Nevada.
I would say at least 5-8 million votes for Hillary came from illegals.
Actually you are not leveling the playing field . You are simply weighting certain states votes.
A vote in a Florida is worth just as much if not more than a vote in California , despite Florida having half the population
If the electoral college didn't exist, people who live in states where the other party massively outnumbers them would bother to vote. Most of those states are Democratic.
To make claims about the will of the electorate under the current system is disingenuous. Besides, you can think of it this way: with a turnout of ~55% of eligible voters, either candidate was supported by little more than a quarter of the adult population.
>A vote in a Florida is worth just as much if not more than a vote in California , despite Florida having half the population
Yes, because California should not dictate fucking Florida anymore than Germany should not dictate fucking Britain.
What part of "I don't have to debate you, that's the thing, we have won" is difficult for you to understand?
Try breaking it down by syllable as you read it.
I know libs are stupid but surely you can understand such a simple sentence.
BTFO. We have won. The God-Emperor will rule.
Are you retarded ? You have to register to vote ......
It's not like anyone can just show up and vote.
If you're not a legal citizen 18 or older, you cannot vote in this country ...
Fractional voting.
He won the popular. We beat the steal with a landslide.
california and newyork inflated their population much faster than other states, it's their own fault their votes count less than other states, why don't the republicans just import a few million nazis into their states to gain more electoral votes
millions of illegals voted for her.
60k felons voted for her in virginia
and they didnt count the last 2 red states into the popular vote to make it appear that she's more popular
no he got more it doest show ever single vote
no, it's a constitutional republic
Germany and Britain are different countries . Florida and California are part of the same country dumbass :)
youre so fucking embarrassing please stop
democracy is a play for bydlo, where populists make brainwashing for poor and marginal. Our great leader as and American founding fathers realized a long time ago.
Such a sad little liberal.
We raped your candidate, and Trump literally ripped the pussy right off of her in electoral numbers.
That's all that matters now. Your whining is just noise, impotent little man, because...again...you fucking lost. Enjoy your years in political exile.
You sound like a fag, probably because you are.
You lost. Your party sold you out.
>non Americans
You are not part of this country or our elections in anyway , and believing so is just cringy as fuck , spic
jesus fucking christ.
read the other hundred thread about this you fuck sandnigger cockbag cunt
Popular vote per state > popular vote of the nation
One gets electoral votes and one doesnt
the worst part isnt even that they breed demos, not a single person gets this and i dont fucking know why lol.
all polls would be different if people were aware of the electoral college being ignored.
many friends in california that are repubs and democrats didnt vote at all, because they knew it would do jack shit in a permablue state.
so, no one fucking gets this. even the faggots rioting, "she got more votes" its because theyre moving mother fucking goalposts.
me 10 years ago
>direct popular vote democracy is better instead of the gerrymandered trash which are current day elections
me 5 years ago
>i see the intentions of the electoral college to give rural votes more power but it's clearly failing as they are still ignored in favour of swing states
me 2 years ago
>the electoral college makes some sense to encourage decentralization (everything fusing into a giant mess while 99% of land neglected)
me yesterday
>the bongs/ anglos were actually geniuses, the electoral college actually attempts to give dying/ actually in trouble zones (read: not facebook "victims") a larger voice
grow up
The electoral college can actually disincentive people to vote.
For instance, in California i know plenty of people that didn't bother to vote because we are a deep blue state
The same could be said about liberals in Republican strongholds
This nigger really thinks you have to live in the U.S. to be a citizen.
Typical democrat voter, can't see the forest through his shitty haircut.
>missing the point this fucking hard
I mean, I know you're just rustling jimmies for the sake of it, but try man.
I'm not Spanish, you monumental cretin.
Ever heard of an airplane?
They are a wonderful invention, capable of taking a man from one country to another.
Sad of a libtard to resort to racism but even that falls flat.
No, faggot. I'm not retarded.
In a stunning ruling, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down an Arizona law requiring voters to present citizenship proof to register in state and federal elections.
The law clears the way to illegal alien undocumented immigrants voting in national elections without substantive means of preventing it for many states. The highest court in the land ruled 7-2 that federal law “precludes Arizona from requiring a federal form applicant to submit information beyond that required by the form itself,” as Justice Scalia wrote. Professor Tom Caso of the Chapman University School of Law in California told the Associated Press that the decision “opened the door” to noncitizen voting.
Choke on a black dick, CTR.
You saw what happened in the O'Queef videos. Add that and the Soros machines she could have easily scraped an extra 200k votes
>Is this really democracy
no its a republic
We live in a constitutional republic. Democracy is a meme; always has been. Repeating it shows your normie ignorance.
Should 4 cities decide the fate of the entire nation?
>the bongs/ anglos were actually geniuses
Next step is to take the constitutional monarchy pill.
Start by reading Hobbes and you'll see why it's such a powerful system, even though he argues for absolute monarchy.
just for some corrections here. the USA is NOT a democracy. it is a REPUBLIC
Jesus fuck the lack of education, yet I'm the un-educated white male cause i voted trump.
wait wait, so more people voted for hilary and she lost? Someone explain how the fuck does that make any sense at all?
> CTR defunded
> being this retarded
have you just not taken US history yet in school or something?
>Is this really democracy?
No its a republic where the interests of states are balanced with the interests of populations.
Knowing Trump, he's probably bothered about not winning the popular vote despite being president elect.
гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы ...
ههههههههه هههههههههههه هههههههههههه هههههههههه...
because #cuckexit
Whos founding principles are based on democracy
plenty of repubs stayed home in california and ny since they knew their vote didn't matter, there's no saying he would've lost if the popular vote mattered
We are not a direct democracy. We are an indirect democracy.
Jesus christ you fucking chink, for knowing english, you'd think you'd understand that none of the following words means what you think it does.
Get ready to pay for that wall, hombre.
your votes count far more in the current system
your vote means nothing if it was a purely popular vote.
They are still counting the votes. Trump is actually projected to win the popular.
Its a fucking REPUBLIC not a democracy you mongoloid potato.
Let's them act like children. It's delicious,
The same way our elections work you fucking retard. The person who gets the most votes doesn't win, its whoever gets the most points from locations.
The reason it works this way is because each state wants something different, and because of their population size, their need are greater than others.
If it was just a blanket most votes win, how would you decide who rules at state/city level.
I'm also sick of hearing people bitch about trump winning just because of electoral vote. HIllary came into that with a 55 point handicap, all democrats are guaranteed California, and that isn't fair.
America chose Trump. Mexifornia and Jew York chose Hillary.
Trump will also likely win the popular vote.
hillary was up 3 million in california but less than 200k nationwide
The electoral college actually never reflects the popular vote. You just don't notice it unless the loser is winning in that area.
He's projected to win the popular vote.