What did Nickelodeon mean by this?

What did Nickelodeon mean by this?

>stop treading on us
>all those references

yep, they did it

gun control metaphor

gun control but really the scorpions are just black people

its another
>leftists acknowledge that their arguments are so facile that they only work on children, yet still see that as a positive

>scorpions are alive and have their own will
>guns are inanimate objects
yes absolutely they are the same thing

liberals should just kill themselves, but without a gun as they are against them

muslims are scorpions

I thought it was a metaphor for immigrants at first until it got to the last line.

Daddy needs his feel good juice...

>perfect analogy against Muslim hordes
>it is actually a shit analogy about gun control...


literally this

how purplepilled can an autistic lemur kang be

It's no winder Dreamworks is in the shitter right now.

based nickelodeon?

Pro-gun control or anti-immigration.




also doesn't make sense

scorpions are animals with their own agency and do things at their own will

guns don't do anything unless a human interacts with it

a better analogy would be

>stingers cannot actually do anything on their own volition
>scorpions keep stinging the lemurs with their stingers
>neuter their stingers and / or arm the lemurs with mutant stingers for protection against the scorpions

the funny thing is this can easily be about black people or guns

really makes you fucking think, lads

holy shit like other people said i thought it was about mexicans or migrants, its about guns? wtf

I thought it was a reference to black people and i was WHATiing so hard

Where was this from? Madagascar movie thing?

Regardless, need a youtube version of that, it might make to some good redpilling material.