Wow, just wow

wow, just wow
really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:

wow what a mandate for shillary
the people have truly been wronged

Suspicious Hillary votes in NC, TX, PA, FL, CA, and many more.

Hillary's cheating only served to make the democrats extra salty in the end.

>It's a establishment pretends like it isn't the system episode

This is getting annoying. Am I the only one noticing this faux anti system bs

If it was the other way around, they wouldn't give a fuck. Also
>libs thinking that the system is rigged against them
How delusional can you be?

>the system

yeah you know, the system which makes us a Republic

Takei can go choke on a bag of dicks, he's a dumbass who has no knowledge of how and why this country works the way it does

leftism is a fucking mental illness

>How to win?
Get 270 electoral votes
>How to lose?
Get less than 270 electoral votes
>What doesn't matter?
The amount of votes

I'm suprised it was still that close with all the rigged machines plus the dead and illegal votes.

Popular vote is a sham in an electoral college system.

People stuck in one color states will not bother to go vote usually if they support the other side. Who knows how many reds were left at home because Cali, IL, NY, etc are just so far blue.

Not to mention all the proven vote fraud, tampering, dead people voting, illegals voting, no voter ID states etc etc

The left has nothing to cling on

I honestly hope no one would seriously advocate for a popular vote, much less in a federation.

It's amazing how people not only do not understand how the electoral system works, but don't understand WHY the electoral system is set up the way it is set up. This is a representative republic, not a direct democracy.

California has the biggest amount of electoral votes and always votes (D), yet they STILL complain like their voices were not heard. They will not be happy until the whole country is under their thumb.

The people of CALIFORNIA elected HRC


What about all those dead people tho?

Isn't Trump actually projected to win the popular vote too now?

How many of those Hillary voters were illegal immigrants? Surely at least a million.

Like I give a flying fuck what that bum bandit thinks.

All hail the God-Emperor.

Noted fag is pissed that the party that put him and his family in camps didn't win.

but it is

When you subtract the illegal aliens who voted in states with no voter ID laws Trump came out on top.

s-stop using logic I"M A LIBERAL!!!!!!!!

It's almost like the Founding Fathers had foresight for situations just like this

i guess those 59 million that voted for Donald don't count huh. lol.

fucking retards.

>foundign fathers come up with a system where every state gets a say to prevent the most populated ones from dominating the country dicttatroship style
>waaaaahhhhh why can't California, Illinois, and Jew York just run the country!? its not fair that other states get representation too!
>we have the most kike beaners, and the kike beaners wanted Hillary!

All the votes haven't been counted yet.
Also, we aren't a democracy, we are a constitutional republic.

Yes, which is why you should encourage people to post this 'argument' as often as possible so that when Trump does win the popular vote you can watch them eat their words

"Only california should be represented even though they're incapable of even existing without water and subsidization from other states and let illegal beaners vote" k

That's how pathetic shillary was

Remember O'Keefe literally repeatedly caught them red handed rigging votes

>bussing voters in
>Pastor vans telling their clueless congregation who to vote for
>Buses taking the same group of people to multiple polling places
>Polling place workers handing undecided voters a straight democratic ticket "guide"
>Polling place workers literally telling voters to just vote Hillary

Popular vote is such a fucking sham. If they were to dive deep into it, all the above and more like dead people and illegals voting would just make them all look even worse.

Based O'Keefe.

The losers always cry about the electoral college

This is the type of person throwing a tantrum: Libs who think they're smarter than they are

Re-open Manzanar.

Didn't Romney win the popular vote but lost the electoral college to Obama?

How the fuck do these cunts remember to breathe? bird brains

>anime profile pic

Obama crushed both

Nah, the last time that happened was Bush vs Gore.

i think it was those dirty johnson voters and that cult leater micmillen or whatever in utah that tarnished and otherwise flawless victory

they need to go

If only California had a billion illegals voting...the popular vote would be crazy, and yet theyd only count for delegates...

Donald could have easily won the popular vote if that's what mattered. If anything, it would have been an easier task for him.

Instead, he focused on the number that counts like a not-retard.

Its a self righteous tranny


I don't support this kind of whining but I think it's funny that you are all acting high and mighty about it

if the sides were reversed you'd all be bitching about how the system is broken

George is an affable but dumb guy. Even Howard Stern seemed wierded out by some of his shenanigans.

Dude jerked off Jona Falkin live on the air and had his butt pounded so many time it's permanently damaged. Seriously

REEEEEEEEE, its like you faggots don't know what the fucking electoral college was built for, for fucks sake!
The college was built so major population centers can't have tyrannical control over an election. Thats why its based off of county/region and delegates.

Anyone who believes the official vote tallies was not paying attention to the complete lack of enthusiasm for Clinton, both at rallies and online

The fact all the media networks held off calling the election well after it was clear Trump had won, is seriously troubling and suggests they were trying to rig the vote

The riggers only failed because Trump had a landslide backing him up in the rural areas which weren't under the control of Clinton operatives

If they hadn't tampered with the votes Trump would have enjoyed an even bigger win

but The People created the System so I guess being a sodomite impairs your reasoning.

Tell butthurt Liberals to move to Mexico!!!

Cry some more you cock sucking Chink

There is no mandate for Obama's SC candidate.

Illegals get to fuckin vote.

I guarantee you if they kept counting votes instead of stopping when hillary conceded, that Trump would've had the popular vote too.

In fact, someone should push for the vote tallies to continue just to rub it in these people's faces; even after their voter fraud, their vote rigging, their poll rigging, more people voted Trump than Hillary.

>The people
The illegals

Accurate. I live in an ultra blue state (Illinois) so I voted for Aleppo man because voting for Trump was pointless in the general election. I voted for him in the primary though. If I lived anywhere it mattered I would've absolutely voted for Trump.

That's why it's not the united people of America
It's the United States of America
The states give the votes
If they were smart they'd realize overkilling a state at 90% means nothing they only need 51% of the vote
They could get all there other cucks to go to other states to turn other states to 51%
Glad they're idiots though they'll never figure this out let's keep them in California who cares if that goes 100% They'll only win one state

Stop twattering shit you stupid chink. Who would care about little stats like Iowa of there was just a simple majority vote? Nobody would.
The System is here because small states wanted to be heard too.
If it wasn't for the electoral college, politicians would just walk from big town to big town leaving rural folks out.

My (fellow aus) nigga


what a fucking nutcase

funny, it was ok to give primary votes to hillary when berns won the state but its not ok when it doesnt work for her?

How about you secede then?
You won't have to abide by other people's decisions, and they won't have to abide by yours.
It's perfect. Nobody loses.

only angry internet denizens should be allowed to have anime profile pics
that should be the law

>if the sides were reversed

So 5 months of 90% of media shilling for Trump 24/7, rigged debates that favor Trump with scripts turned over to Trump, and paid protesters to provoke violence at Hilldog rallies.

The other side of that coin is that a lot of liberals in Cali might not be voting since they know almost everyone else in the state will vote for the same party, so they are off the hook

She dodged a bullet with the electoral college being won early enough and Trump not having to wreak havoc on the recounts countrywide.

He is at the very least 1 to 2 million ahead in actual votes, certainly more if you count illegal and felons.

Electoral colleges in general are bullshit, I think it's idiotic how in a state like California your vote doesn't matter. Thing is, it was rigged, and Trump would have won majority.

>I-It's a republic!
When generally only a select amount of states votes actually matter, and that your vote doesn't even count
e.g. 51 - 49 or 100 -0 is the same, there is a problem.

Send your love, I guess ;)

Funny how liberals get mad about gerrymandering fucking democrats over but suddenly hate the giant anti-gerrymandering electoral college when it doesn't go their way. They obviously don't understand the implication of a "popular vote" system and states like California and New York would forever insure a Democrat presidency. Not to mention voter fraud would be even more institutionalized then it is now. Republican states would have to cheat every election just to stay competitive with the blue states.

The architects were fucking geniuses to have foreseen this problem in the future and their system still being used today.


Not that the system is broken, but that a corrupt organization who was already caught committing voter fraud had won by cheating.

These slimy fucks cheated AND STILL LOST.

And now they are WHINING about it.

The people don't elect the president and never have. The electors do.

The only good reason for getting rid of the electoral college would be if we were to switch over to a multiparty parliamentary system.

meanwhile had Hilldawg won the electoral vote but Trump won the popular vote by a huge margin Takei, Perry, and the rest of em would be preaching how effective our election system is to keep monsters like Trump from being elected by the feral masses.

>do away with electoral votes and everything becomes popular vote
>makes the people that live in blue/red dominate areas out to vote that otherwise wouldn't because that county is going said color.
>still get pissed and jump off a cliff if/when the conservatives come out in even more numbers

>all these people acting like if it was the other way around Sup Forums wouldn't be shrieking their heads off about how the electoral college is rigged

>if the sides were reversed
You mean things that never happened? How is it that Hillary gets leaked debate questions by her party chair and it gets almost zero coverage?

Yes, just go ahead and let California elect all your presidents. What could possibly go wrong?



No,Obama had 65.9 million votes.

funny thing is... this system helps the democrats

OOOORRRR maybe the cunt shouldn't have rigged it against Bernie first. Instead of complaining when the ancient system set in place doesn't work in your favor this time. Then you'd have an argument.

The democrats could have tried to fix that while they were in power.
They didn't. Now they have to deal with it.

The system is rigged. Down with the system.

Obama and democrats had full ability to change the voting system when he was elected and they didn't. Know why? Because they had their precious "blue wall". Republicans could never win again! Oh wait.

MSM projecting a Trump popular vote win
92% reporting, its not done being counted yet

All those dead democrat voters elected Hillary too.

didn't bobama already appoint two justices?

Doesn't work because libruls don't get as easily vote disenfranchised as conservatives who know they're being treaded down upon.

What was that great advice Obama gave recently? Oh yeah.... "STOP WHINING!"

>If it was the other way around
Yay! America! Fuck Trump!
Fuck off slant

>import tens of millions of third worlders to turn country blue
>they only settle in CA and NY



Except we aren't full retards like liberals; we know the whole thing was rigged from the start against us, but we won ANYWAYS.

We have had EVERY RIGHT to be mad about this shitshow of an election. From the bullshit the media pulled in their 24/7 round the clock character assassination of Trump, to Hillary literally cheating in the debates, rigging the DNC primary, all the way to democrats committing voter fraud and inciting terrorism and getting caught doing it.

Now the cheaters are whining that they lost and throwing a fucking tantrum.

The lack of self-awareness is ASTOUNDING

ignore the (you) it was not earned it was a mistake

I could really take this more seriously if the Democracts didn't shaft the candidate who was actually railing against this and not put the nomination on the candidate who was perfectly willing to use this system for herself.

hey al gore, youre fired

Do none of you fucking autistic monkeys understand the electoral college?

It was created so that one state couldnt decide the election for the entire country.

You realize that like 60% of the US population lives in 4 fucking states right?

Florida. New York. California and Texas.

The system works.

What. Are all the other states supposed to just put up with liberal policies and presidents forever because there are a fucking shit ton of liberals that live in those four states?

Someone who lives in North Dakota has fucking NOTHING in common with someone from california.

The united states is full of different states, different lifestyles. No two states are the same. We have differen accents, different cultures, different foods, music, etc.

The popular vote is fucking retarded because if we did it that way california and new york would decide the election EVERY FUCKING TIME because thats where most people live.

Fuck you.

The same outcome happened for obongo didn't it? I remember more people voted for the other guy but obongo got in

it doesnt matter cause he got the popular vote too

It was because the Republicans controlled the Senate and the House and would have shot down anything he tried.

If this is all the Democrats have, I'm fine with it. Meanwhile we win....
> Presidency
> Senate
> House
> Supreme Court

They can go right ahead and fucking have the popular vote by 200,000 votes. Praise Kek.

Cocksucking autists btfo

>1 post by this ID

wtf I love the electoral college now?

People don't understand that the US is the UNITED STATES, not some behemoth unitary state

The federal government has way too much power over the states, and I think that's part of the problem - but hey you never see lefties arguing against that (in fact they argue for more power) so they can suck it