How will Donald Trump's presidency affect the climate?
How will Donald Trump's presidency affect the climate?
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Not at all because global warming is a myth.
It seems to have made the environment a lot saltier.
Hopefully by silencing the ecologist lobbies who push this shitty narrative to increase taxes.
The president doesn't control the climate
Probably improve it by the measures that liberals use.
true, but to be fair, spbp too
Will make it better when industry is brought back from China who have literally ZERO regulations on pollution.
Very negatively. Definitely the biggest drawback of a Trump presidency.
I have personally met a climate scientist and oddly enough, he was Chinese.
It's climate change not global warming you monkey
I mean...either global warming isn't real, in which case he's right, or it is true, in which case China produces the most carbon emissions, yet the academics demand western countries pay for it whilst giving China a pass, so he's still right.
I like poos since Trump has won
this is something i'm actually really excited about. it's one of the reasons i hoped he would win. four more years of environmental damage could do wonders.
It won't watch
>US elects clunton
>she stops US coal
>US loses tonnes of jobs
>china buys coal at a cheaper rate and burns more than the US ever did
>keeps coal
>status quo
the climate calls him to announce that they give up on global warming
he wins
This, so fucking hard.
Sage for faux-controversy.
The world's gonna get fucked in the ass by this squirrel-eating-a-chicken-looking motherfucker. Other than the fact that he's literally retarded in all senses of the word for not believing in climate change, I loves me some maga.
t. Oil Company Executive
>It's climate change not global warming you monkey
they only called it climate change because global warming stopped
Why wouldn't China just buy coal cheaper now if it can ?
How would stopping American coal make coal as a whole cheaper?
Ironically, probably easier to pass environmental protections that work. With the level of globalism that Hillary wanted, trying to regulate industries to make them more environmentally friendly would just cause them to move to China or India.
Recently scientists discovered that putting a small amount of dried seaweed into cow's diet prevents methane (cow farts)
cow farts are, believe it or not, one of the contributing factors to climate change
By simply changing the cows' diets we can do more to curb climate change for less money than any other measure
>you will never ever make awoos with Awoo
It doesn't matter. It's already too late to save the climate. You know how they always said it was the "last chance"? Well we had our last chance and we blew it. Not with this election, but years ago.
It's already far too late, the mass migrations and water shortages are already happening RIGHT NOW, everywhere from Afghanistan to Africa to California to Europe. It's only a matter of time until the rising water level begins to flood coastal cities, drown island nations, and fuel massive hurricanes. We had it too good for too long, now we're going to pay for it. Humanity will survive but society will never be the same.
>implying climate change has anything to do with us and not the chinese and indians
i mean yeah we buy their shit but with trump we'll stop buying that garbage
His lack of affect on climate will be yuge
Honestly why doesn't US switch to solar and nuclear, it's cheaper anyway, is it because the coal and oil companies are just that filthy rich that they can buy out everyone?
climate clearly change doesn't exist
This is a terrible set back for the Earth as a whole, and I'm really mad about it as well.
But I've come to the realization that it is over. It is too late to do anything about it anyway.Might as well accept the future of mass migration,flooding,famine,and possibly war over resources.
To fix climate change we needed to start 25-30 years ago. Now it is too late and I just don't even care to fight for it anymore because the fact of the matter is America doesn't want to hear and believe climate change is real because it means we as people have to change our materialistic live style. Gotta have the big hummers,SUVS,gigantic trucks etc.
Change isn't going to happen until shit really hits the fan and panic sets in. Then the Global Warming deniers will have to face reality head on and change MUST happen but by then it will definitely be too far gone.
Honestly if he does roll back environmental protection policies. I say go a head. Do it. Do it even more than he wants to. Americans are for the most part simple minded we don't like to address things that need to be done until it is staring us down to the point where we HAVE to do something.So the quicker we get to the breaking point the better.
Even thought it is a segment from a Tv show this really speaks to the issue:
Honesty at this point I just feel like the legend of Nero as he played a fiddle as he watched Rome burn...but instead I'm at the point I'm watching Earth. All while in the back of my mine is all the warnings that were given and we failed as a nation and a planet to address them in time.
Really? Surely they can't be THAT Rich?!
kiss yourself