What were your favorite childhood toys?
What were your favorite childhood toys?
I was a huge fan of Ben Reilly growing up, since I was a kid and therefore wasn't part of the "Oh God the Clone Saga is ruining my perception of comics!" movement. So when I got this figure of Ben as Spider-Man I was fucking ecstatic. Ben's costume was and still is my favorite variation of the classic red and blues.
This, was the only Venom toy I had and he was my favorite
Used to have this.
The Total Justice line, and I had most of them, luckily :)
And THIS one was my favorite.
the quality of those toys was great. Now there's no difference between knock offs and the cheap lines.
I loved the batman forever line and the legends of batman and the spooky legends of the dark knight lines
Those legs bother me.
Superman looks like he's inviting someone to side a dick inside him.
Those were heavy figures, they were supposed to stand on theor own, something modern hollow crap can't do without a pedestal.
I loved the Trendmasters Godzilla toys as a kid, pic related being my personal favorite. Although I mostly had him without the armor.
By the time I was done with this guy, the cape was lost, the logo was almost gone, the belt had been long detached, and the joint were loose enough they could turn wheels on a car.
I loved the shit out of him. I still don't know what happened to him.
I had that Batman, OP. He was on his way to becoming a GOAT, but unfortunately one of my dogs got ahold of it and ruined in before it had a chance to and by that time, the line was out of stores. Really wish I could have gotten another of it, and the Superman of the line as well.
My dude, I'll acknowledge that the articulation looks like dogshit, and the toys were probably a bitch to play with but that Parallax looks fantastic to stand on a shelf in that pose. If you had a decent Sinestro standing straight, held up with a figure holder, even better.
Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who’d use a white string or floss to tie around Spidey’s hand and pretend he was hanging onto something or making him hold something “heavy”
I was a big star wars fag. This nigga right here was always one of my favorites
>Now there's no difference between knock offs and the cheap lines.
Agreed, alot of modern toys are shit
Is that supposed to be Rey? Or Robin Williams?
Superhero toys where you could put them in and out of costume. You guys know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. Unfortunately to make it work sometimes the design had to be changed abit.
Two of my faves included a Lamont Cranston figure. I was big on The Shadow movie but didn't realize at the time it had sucked ass.
And a Clark/Supes action figure based on the animated series.
I always had a thing for toys where you could literally slap armor on them however without the spring head shit that made most of these kinds of toys work
I had (still have, he sits on my desk) a Carnage toy where you can take off his mask. So fucking cool.
Oh shit, my man! That Shadow was also one I absolutely loved!
Also pic related. The nostalgia is real.
That's a store name you don't see anymore.
In response to this guy.
My negro
I remember that shit! I had it too. With the one tendril and shit?
That's the one. I knew I had to have it. So happy someone got it for me as a kid.
An example of the armor I mentioned.
Not really Sup Forums but still worth the motherfucking mention
>Only Marvel and Star Wars stuff
Understandable, I'm a little bit younger than you guys though. My favorite was this karate chopping Sandy I got when I was like 8. I'd follow my parents and grandma and chop them with Sandy's hand. I remember that trip I got at it to ToysRUs too, my sister got a fucking Teletubbie of all things.
Why is reg of all people on the package?
I loved this one so much, such a shame I don't have it anymore.
forgot pic
I think they are trying to give the feel of the episode. The Salty Spitoon is behind her.
That huge green dragon man with the gaping jaw and large wings. I don't knew who he is, or where he came from, but I know it was a comic book.
You just reminded me of this Spongebob toy I fucking loved.
I got a real kick out of the fact that you could remove his pants.
Fin Fang Foom?
I HAD THAT SHIT TOO, when I was really little I had him in the bath. I forgot I even had that one. I also had those ones that you squeezed and then they would say phrases from the episode. I think we got them all at KBToys.
I was absolutely ECSTATIC when I got this figure as a kid. Dexter was my favorite cartoon and up until this point it just had shitty McDonalds toys and stuff. But this was the best toyline they could've done because each figure came with one of his robot inventions that he could ride. I believe there was a bird robot and a rocket ship too, but this was the best one.
This motherfucker right here, as well as any Spawn toys I could get my hands on at the time. I couldn't get any of the girl ones because my mom said it was weird. I think it was Angela that I wanted.
Goddamn fire took'em all though.
Jesus Christ i had it all.
not quite the same but i had this car as a kid, came with a bruce but you had to supply your own batman. i loved the hell out of that car
Yeah, this is it! Must have been 3 or 4 when my mom got him for me. He'd destroy the barbies my relatives would gift me. Not to mention the massive battles with all the Jurassic Park dinosaurs. Good times.
>He'd destroy the barbies my relatives would gift me.
Why did you get barbies?
Man, I see your Custom Coupe and I'll raise you a Matrix Conversion
Because girls got given barbies, user.
Why are you here if you have a vago?
The coolest
I would've treasured that too, I always loved Genndy's robot designs, most giant robot parody designs in comedy cartoons felt simple just cuz they were half-assed, Genndy's designs felt like they were just as good as any action cartoon's.
>tfw no Sym-Bionic Titan toys, ever
>I couldn't get any of the girl ones because my mom said it was weird. I think it was Angela that I wanted.
She probably just didn't want you fapping to angel titties.
I had a Tony Stark figure that was supposed to represent his weird in-between transformation form, but since that was only 10 seconds of bad CGI and he didn't even come with a full set of armor, I really wished that he was just a regular-ass Tony Stark as a kid.
My nephew also had that Lamont Cranston second-hand from somewhere, but I told him it was Bruce Wayne.
>cancel show because theirs no toys out
>companies too lazy to get the toys out in time
Same thing happend with mattel ruining green lantern the animated series and beware the batman even though they were supposed to make toys and leaked prototypes from china were shown for GTAS, they never made them. It also ruined thundercats because bandai was stalling getting newer figures out, so the first wave stagnated because people already bought all the avalible figures so they didnt sell more then they wanted too. Toy companies are incompetant as fuck.
wish i still had this fucker
man I am so with you except I liked his old costume
Particularly because the stylized way they drew the sleeveless half-shirt hoodie to me looked like some kind of shiny metallic armor vest, so it was like he was white ranger spider-man
I had this one. usually removable masks means tiny heads, but because he's a muscleguy the pinhead required to fit under the mask wasnt a problem
i also had a batman that cheated that problem by having bruce's head just fold down under the additional batman head you could put on
my absolute nig, those were the best. the BEST
I used to design my own before I realized what a dumb idea a lot of my methods would be. Like having full articulation and a little clip-on shell for each limb segment. Somehow I forgot joints exist. but I was 8
I did that with Attack Packs
I had this one. I later jammed the tongue mechanism by filling his head with "bioslime" from some other playset.
holy shit I had no idea they made these. I was looking for them, i toyshopped a lot at the time, and I would have bought the fuck out of it.
oh my god
you have the best mom
Shit, that... that sounds a lot dirtier than I meant for it to.
I could never stand to use the slime that came with things, and my mom appreciated that. then my sister would just make a mess deliberately and then I would receive fewer toys that came with slime. Never understood the logic.
didnt realize til later it's just basically water and glycerine so it really cant stick to anything
Holy shit, these were the best! Can't believe I forgot about them!!
My man, I used to attach him to a string and tape the string to my shelf so he'd hang upside down, it was the best
best christmas any 8 year old can ask for
for AGES and I mean ages, the noise-making ones would be making noise somewhere in my closet as they settled wrong. They had a mechanism whereby part of the mouth would lift up in a snarl and only play the first part of the noise, but only when the mouth was opened fully would it do the full roar. Fucking brilliant.
I also had the dragon-head-spitting firetruck one with TIRES that opened up into mouths, and the cement-mixer-wasp
brilliant idea that really needs to come back
I bought that sucker with my own money.. it's weird to think he and optimus cost 40 bucks each. Things overall have gotten more expensive but a transformer that size is still going to be around 30 at most. but at the time they SEEMED huge
i could afford them because my mom shamed my sister by giving me more money when she wouldnt do her chores
The removable battery plate on the crotch was referred to as "jurassic parts" by my parents
I loved the hell out of this. Still have it somewhere, but the tail's been bent wrong and the mouth mechanism eventually wore out.
I never liked the removable gore plate things but I understood 'em kind of, because 90s violence is the best. also Kenner toys always had the best catalogues inside. anyone remember those? little bible tract type pamphlets but with their whole line. robocop, alien, nerf..
I still have these in storage somewhere. Unboxed and well played with, of course.
I literally came here to post this. That was the best toy ever when is was kid. I brought it everywhere.
God damn those were the best. I got the zeo ones too which werent springloaded. I didnt notice weird proportions back then. Jason was the only one who remotely resembled the actor. I have to imagine they didnt bother getting likeness rights since they paid them like pennies on that show.
I wonder what the deal was with the tampographed coins in their chests in all the merchandise, and how the dragon coin wasn't right. surely they weren't using pre-production shit THAT far into the game, when zyuranger had already ended in japan.
To be fair the 90's Iron Man was meant to be fairly toyetic or rather that's how I'm sure big wigs saw the variations of armor and what not.
They were probably expecting the consumer to have multiple Iron Man toys they could snap on at will. As the guy you responded to I can say without a doubt that I was jealous as fuck when I saw my friend with one whenever he came to the house
I wanted that one. I got the bird robo suit and lab set with Computer and Dee Dee
As a kid who was crazy about PR as a kid and was a merchandise slut for it all I never understood for the life of me why they had the coins set in the middle when that shit was nowhere to be found in the actual show.
This is the only time you will see the actual material look like all the coloring books and toys and what not.
Transmetals Rattrap was my favorite. I even had this giant Chinese bootleg one too
i used to love this fucking toy it even made fucking noices.
>they explicitly mention what episode it's based on right on the front of the packaging
Huh, has any other cartoon-tie-in toyline ever done this?
>They were probably expecting the consumer to have multiple Iron Man toys they could snap on at will.
I did, too. I had Stealth Iron Man, Hydro Iron Man and Space Iron Man, but could't find regular Iron Man, so I was forced to make due with Tony in techno-pajamas wearing a helmet and shin guards.
Awww man, I got Zack and Jason second-hand from a garage sale as a kid, with plenty of scuff marks , then they re-released Tommy in 1998 and I got that for Christmas, so damn pristine and shiny, I spent so any play sessions having him swap that golden bling shield with the other Rangers.
I've wondered that for years - the closest thing to an answer I've ever been given is "they figured American/western kids respond better to superheroes with chest symbols"
Man, they really lucked out with Kibaranger actually coincidentally having a chest symbol that exact size and shape.
I was fucking obsessed with the Disney Hercules movie, and my mom got me every figure they had for it. I remember this one being my favorite because there was a lever or something on it that you could use to kick his hind leg
That was so my toy experience. if you didnt get in RIGHT AWAY you missed all the good ones. i never understood why shelf space had to be so damn limited
Right? Was Dairanger out yet in japan at the time? were they maybe already thinking ahead?
i always assumed chest coins was zyuranger design material from before its final release but am i even sure about that?
wow the chinese one kinda looks better.
the ones aimed at adults but still based on very silly cartoons do that, yes. they realize people are literally trying to buy things they remember
the simpsons lines did a ton of this
I loved swapping the shield around. same on the larger scale figures but it didnt quite fit the same on those because they tended to have back-peg gimmicks.
Wow it is generous to call that a figure and not a statue. also i can't imagine it's even anywhere near in scale
it's so weird seeing how many things existed that I definitely would remember noticing if I had seen it in stores, but sometimes friends had. Aladdin toys i remember.. this one genie had multiple expressions though i forget how that worked
i tended to use my imagination instead of props since I could simulate the physics properly. Make him bounce on the imaginary web as it stretched and sprung back, etc.
god i miss being able to enjoy things that way. what the fuck happened to us? i can't focus on one thing anymore
One of the best parts about that set.
why did we love interchangeable stuff like that so much? it was awesome how they actually did it in the show. in japan it was permanent because dragonranger straight up died
although unfortunately they never included the arm bands too. it never bothered me but making pink and yellow male bodies too never bothered me either
your mom lol
>Transmetals Rattrap
Agreed there. Also loved Dinobot razor hands.
I still have this
it's really too bad how there was this intentional aversion to projectile weapons in the transmetals so they were all pure melee but they were still so awesome.
how much does it hurt that they finally have all the toys we ever wanted now available for collectors but theyre all over 200 bucks each
>it's really too bad how there was this intentional aversion to projectile weapons in the transmetals
What was the reason?
wait what?
also, pic related is mine. his buzzsaw was my favorite part.
I also had Transmetal2 Megatron
it wasnt censorship or anything they were just trying something new. like what if theyve sort of turned their robotic and animal aspects inside out, so now the animals have boosters and wheels and whatnot but the robots have to make do with whips and maces
it's interesting it's just kinda crap for TV so they invented new ones