Should canada build a big, beautiful wall to not let people from dumbfuckistan immigrate to it?
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I've always said that the West Coast and the East Coast should be part of Canada whereas the red states should be their own Mexico-tier shithole. No idea why we haven't done that yet.
It's honestly more shocking the world doesn't keep us from getting into other countries.
west coast is a shithole, breh
new england is alright
best place to live in the US is middle america though
Listen up kike. ISIS is about to invade soon. Get rekted!!!
We should stop supporting your kike nation and let it be overrun by sandniggers.
I condemn america for electing a dangerous person such as trump for president
Nah we should give the coasts to Fagmerica and Jew York. Then form one big flyover country with the red states.
Dangerous for you kike.
no, what we need is antiair to prevent more chinese
Seems more like a wall like that would be to keep Canadian faggots in.
YES! And they can pay for it, too!
It would be a beautiful thing. Nobody from dumbfuckistan could get out, and nobody from cuckistan could get in.
The ride is over. The generations of Americans that you parasites have used guilt to get your policies into American politics are gone. The new generations of Americans on the left and right are not on your corrupt side. Get fucked!!!
Why are most people so incredibly dumb? Are we dead? Is this hell?
They have one faggot. They won't let anyone with a criminal record in. (((DUI)))? Sorry you're a felon in Canada, no entry.
Trump is the corrupt one you idiot
I would actually be really happy with a bug wall to keep all the 'hurt durr I'm moving to Canada now!!!!1!!' Liberals out of my country
Liberalism is the best thing for society
so Barron being an autist is confirmed? Trump's trying to save more kids.
>looks at flag
Your opinion is immediately discarded
Kike you are done!!! You no longer have power here!!!!! GO BACK TO THE SHADOW FROM WENCH YOU CAME!!!!
Can someone spam how making fun of -istan is Islamophobic, xenophobic and racist???
Kike please leave
At the time Hillary Clinton was an extremely credible source.
Clinton lies ocassionaly.
Trump is a pathological liar
Trump lying 250 times
Smells like you need a bald eagle cream pie son
>Jidf comes back after ctr got btfo
Downtown vancouver reporting in from trump tower LV. Fuck the broke clueless spineless cucks in my country that think they matter. Pussies are tolerated no longer
Correct The Record had a very limited amount of people working in it, and i extremely doubt they would come to Sup Forums of all places
Itching for the Samson Option, you kikel inbred?
USA won't be Israel's good goy anymore. You'll drop dead in a ditch soon.
Kleptomanic schizo Jews...
Tsk tsk tsk
Why would Americans want to move to that shit hole known as Canada?
Yes. Don't let the American liberals escape their fate on the day of the rope.
No, we need somewhere to off load our idiot liberals. Canada seems ideal for this.
What are you buttmad about? Now you can have all the "syrian" """""""refugees"""""""" for yourself.
Canada needs to pay for the northern wall
the thing is, Americans (for the most part), ENTER Canada LEGALLY
a wall wouldn't stop that
Fuck off were full
Yes. Also they should somehow be directed to the mexico that all these faggots love apparently.
Just build that damn thing high enough to keep out the white walkers and those fucking artic airs.
There's a lot of love in this thread
> dangerous person
The person who intended to nuke us sure wasn't dangerous at all.
Clinton did not want or intend to nuke russia you moron
AND TAKE (((hillary clinton))) WITH YOU TO TEL AVIV
That's up to their Muslim overlords.
We're too busy being humans here.
Her husband bombed servia they really hate slavs