Well then, isnt this, abit, um,., Awkward??
Well then, isnt this, abit, um,., Awkward??
hi australia
damn trump btfo. im a jebhead now
God i look forward to these threads dieing out
The real MAGA hats were made the US, the made in China ones are knock-offs idiots bought off Amazon.
You're right user, we should have voted Bernie into office over this
Oh wait
I wonder if retards like you realize "made in USA" almost never means it was actually made in America
2/10 made me reply
the fake hats from ebay are made in china but the real ones are made in usa
reddit upvoted the picture on the right to the front page with 7000 upvotes a couple of months ago unironically. Probably wasn't the first or the last time either
HaHA. WelL ThEn that., s b i.t, awKWard..,,,, me. BtFO..... ;((((:;(((((((((((
That's not even the official MAGA hat
damn im a bernout now...
Even if they were the real hats, like said
Trump is trying to stop this practice in the first place, but as long as it is economically viable to do so, he would be a shit businessman and a shit employer to not take advantage of it.
Trump is trying to structurally change the system so that cheap china labor is NOT economically viable anymore, not lead by example and somehow try to convince companies who don't care about feelings, by using the feelings argument.
This is why this federal income tax shit argument is bullshit. You can only stop this behavior by making these things economically unviable.
Well, ||/. Th./en.]. isn,t t]his, a,b i[t ... 'Awk'War/d..?
You got BTFO so hard you became mentally retarded
Do you need 911?
to be fair it'd dumb for any candidate to use products not made in america.
rly fires up those neural synapses...
If he didn't play the game correctly, he wouldn't ever be in a position to change the rules of the game.
You must first gain influence and power, you do this by playing by the rules. That's why. You can't change a system from the inside in any other way.
Now, if he doesn't follow through with his promises because he LIKES being the establishment, that's a different story. But to even BE in the position to make a real change, this is the only way you can do it.
wOwworReall y mAkes YUou Thiank WellL Then this iosint a bit a libitlttel bit aEAWkward:000?? w reall]2y make]s[ you; thi;;/;
/nk we;ll i;snt this a ;';'rd
Real hats are made in Cali. Nice try faggot
Wtf? I guess I'm with her now. Is it too late to switch votes?
>this shitpost
>four repeating integers
Now what did Lord Kek mean by this?
wowo MY thinkas tReally pepep thje fropog MEMems magic re"A;!))ally makes you btfo s O :))):D'@"$G'
I'm not surprised bernie sanders was made in china.
Maoism was all the rage in 1964 when he was running communist front groups.
Shouldn't you be working on the wall Pedro?