Get in here bernbros and Hilldawgs. Let's regroup and come back stronger than ever.
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If Trump makes good on his populist rhetoric, what alternative America could the left offer?
The idea is that the left is going to reform as a progressive party, but Trump's just going to cut them off at the pass. They might have a shot in 2024, but it'll be Ivanka vs. Gabbard.
Sorry but Trump's already got the Indian vote
Powerful Tulsi Gabbard
Well since both Bern and Killary will be in the mid 70s in 4 years, the first thing you idiots need to do is get a new candidate.
> Thinking witch would survive another 4 years
> Thinking God-Emperor would ever lose re-election
The lgbt faggot muslime meme will be over then, just hang yourself already
That woman is pretty legit. She camr out for Bernie when 99% of thr hillary shills stood against her. Id vote for her, isnt she a fighter pilot? Also, I hope hillary croaks on Trumps first day.
Her name is Hillary and yeah I know.
If they run Tim Kaine in 2020, which I've heard, they've learned fucking NOTHING.
Gabbard has potential to be a great choice.
>S-stop making fun of her!
Omfg, liberal tears are fucking glorious
nah he sold out, dont go down that rabbit hole
He will fail miserably and go down as a disgraced one-term president if he avoids impeachment. He wil be very easy to defeat after he fails to fulfill his many campaign promises.
> he's not serious candidate, he will not win any delegates
> ...but he will not win primaries anyway
> ...but RNC isn't going to accept it, brokered convention
> ...but he will not win general election, Killary landslide!
> ...but at least he's not taking Florida
> ...but he's not ever going to get re-elected
I bet when he unites the Earth under his rule and colonizes mars, some faggots will still blabber about electoral ceilings and shit.
>literally cheerleaders for a Trump win because he'll unwittingly let Putin garner more international prominence
Go fix another election for Putin, you guys appear to be spectacular at it.
I just came here for the salt.
Fuck off
You are on the wrong site
who is this baby batter mixer?
Tulsi Gabbard
She's not a fighter pilot, she's a US Army major. She got a combat medal in Iraq.
Tulsi's pretty. Wait til 2024 when you guys will have a shot again. Her looks might not hold up that long though, but she'd make a better first female president than Rodham by a mile.
We have a very easy shot in 2020. He will be the worst ever.
>We have a very easy shot in 2020.
It's barely been 24 hours and you haven't learned shit. Jesus Christ.
We're not going away. We're never going away.
If any candidate delivered on all of their campaign rhetoric, we'd be living in utopia. I'm interested to see if he can actually make good on bringing industry back to America since both parties are neoliberal handpuppets. At least his wall will be a decent public works project even if it ends up being a bridge to nowhere.
Michelle Obama. She's awesome.
At the risk of sounding like a fucking idiot exposing myself to the obvious replies - 2020 should honestly be a walk in the park for the DNC. As an outsider the way to fix their mistakes is fucking obvious, so to the insiders it should be plain as day.
First, put up the candidate the people want, not the one the super delegates want. You're in the information age now, you're not going to get a repeat of the 1972 election, there is literally no reason for superdels.
Number two, just don't do anything stupid. A trump presidency will be a fucking disaster. Nationally it might, MIGHT not be a total fuck up, but in terms of the international sphere it will be an unprecedented disaster. If Trump actually seriously makes it to 2020 and if he chooses to run for re-election, the only way they could possibly lose is if they run Hillary again or they get a repeat of the situation with Bernie. Other than that it should be an electoral steam roll, 400+ votes guaranteed.
to be honest there might even be a slight advantage to not regaining congress in 2018. Putting it at a deadlock would be the ideal situation, but from an election point of view, not controlling the house > controlling the house.
For the last time, 73 is not too old to run. Hillary's age won't stop her from a 2020 run, her fucking charred reputation will.
I voted for Hillary in the primary and the general. Tim Kaine is not the guy. We lost. I feel like the Sanders wing now has more power in the party. It's no longer the party of the Clintons. I saw Tulsi Gabbard on tv a lot and she really impressed me.
Here are some good reasons for her imo:
She's a she.
She's young and hasn't built up baggage like Hillary. She wasn't really associated with the losing Clinton campaign. Her foreign policy views differed a lot from Hillary's.
She's Indian. She was in the military. People will get tired of Trump thinking he knows more than perhaps even the generals do.
She's from Hawaii like Obama.
you didn't learn a thing from this election campaign did you?
your over the top rhetoric only hurts you
She is so awesome and I would love the Obamas back in the White House. I just don't see it happening though. Our party needs somebody new and fresh. I don't think she will run anyway.
It's true though. Trump is in such a terrible position. His policies will be an unmitigated disaster if he actually implements them, and if he doesn't, then his supporters will turn on him like nothing before. Last night was a pyrrhic victory.
Thinking like this is why Mr. Trump has a great chance in 2020. A major part of his strategy has been to undermine the media, and now that he is the most demonized President Elect in history, the bar is pretty low. The media is constantly calling you Literally Hitler, so as long as he doesn't put millions in camps, the media will be further exposed. The goal is to erode the Democratic base by revealing just how distorted and manufactured the mainstream reality is.
Also all the median american voter knows about tim kaine is his shitty debate against pence, so the dnc would have to be literally braindead to push for him.
But fuck, they'd have to be literally braindead to push for anyone. Let whoever wants to nominate nominate themselves and let the people decide who gets up.
I feel like I've actually learned a lot from the election but my rhetoric is not over the top. He will go down as a horrible failed experiment.
Tulsi Gabbard is a goddess, make her Prez Merica!
Eh, I think it's too early to speculate anyway. I mean, in 2012 everyone thought that Bush and Walker were the clear favourites for the GOP nomination.
Who knows. 2020 is too fart away right now.
Why aren't you enjoying your two-month break from naysaying yet? If you're going to bitch, at least make it over something substantial like his cabinet picks and his Supreme Court shortlist.
>She's a she.
Holy fucking shit. Please, just pack it up and go home CTR!
I don't think he is going to pick someone from the shortlist.
I'm not a Democrat, But I would vote for Gabbard.
She is an intelligent well spoken and level headed person.
Just my two cents
I want to fuck her mouth.
Would she be the first hawaiian president?
Whatever Dem is running in 2020 is eating a shit sandwich. Go back and look at the 1968 and 1972 elections. Steamrolled.
Kayne West will run in 2020
I'd put my penis in that and move it until it releases it's creamy crowd of little people inside.