American """"""democracy"""""" at its finest, and I'm not even a Hillary supporter.
American """"""democracy"""""" at its finest, and I'm not even a Hillary supporter
even for the remnants of ctr, this is embarrassing.
just stop.
We are a republic not a democracy you pathetic failure of an American.
>illegal aliens
You also are ignorant of the system of governance we live under. We do not live in a Democracy, we live in a Federal Republic. If you do not know what system of government we live under you should not be allowed to vote.
We're still on the clock for the rest of the week sorry.
>lmao stupid butthurt liberals only complain about the electoral system because they're sore losers!
The State Governments operate as a Democracy. The Federal Government is run as a Republic.
Time to accept it and move on.
We're a republic, my man.
>mad cuz sad
>sad cuz bad
chew soap!
We live in a representative republic, not a democracy. Go back to 8th grade geography class.
5d chess faggot. He knows we live in a republic hahahahaha
direct democracy is shit
>I would have won if we were playing by different rules
Majorities of both parties' voters wanted to get rid of the electoral college, neither party acted on it. Democrats have been burned by it twice now in a generation. It's not going away because they were counting on their "blue wall" to guarantee them the presidency.
Bet he's singing a different tune now seeing as it's the only reason he won.
This is why we'll never have voting reform or abolish the electoral college, lol.
Rinder that the (((popular vote))) and the (((riots))) are jew tricks to make you think it was alot closer for hillarys ego and to give legitimacy to the progressive (((movement)))
The rigging by the dems never fucking ends, so dont let your guard down. They have alot of skin in the game and alot of money and resources (power) to lose. Why would you think for a second they would stop?
This thread again?
most democratic countries work this way, in fact in many countries it's even worse with leaders being chosen with only 30% ish of the vote.
>h-h-h-he was a-a-a-a-a-a-actually s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-saying it was good obama got elected!!!!!!!!
Trump is expected to win the popular vote.
Not all the votes have been counted yet, only around 93%
>popular vote
>electoral college
>third party
Only two of those go together
Dude, America is REALLY big. Like most of Europe could fit In Texas. U.S. States have rights with the federal government, deal with it.
Not all the votes have been counted yet and the only other states left are red.
America is a republic not a democracy.
Sage goes in all fields.
Everything in this post is a fact.
True democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
You lost. Get over it.
god damn Gary Johnson and Jill Stein taking away more votes from Trump than Clinton
it's okay we all wanna get paid for work done
tfw when people dont know america is a republic
Hey CTR shill, the final vote count was strongly majority Trump. They stopped the count to giver the perception that Trump didn't get the majority. He did. He won the election AND the majority, so BTFO.
Why do I keep seeing this explanation? There's absolutely NOTHING in the definition of a republic that entails having an electoral college nor vice versa. An electoral college doesn't protect against the tyranny of the majority that entails a republic system. Do you guys have any clue what you're talking about?
This country's a democratic republic though. That being said, yes the electoral system is indeed fucked up and we need a more objective yet republic leaning system to replace it so we can have something more fair and democratically republic in nature.
>what is united states
They've not even finished counting the votes yet, dummy.
>Do you guys have any clue what you're talking about?
No. Not at all.
You faggots realize the numbers are lies right?
The rule of the election was winning the electoral college, and that's how people voted.
There were probably many conservatives in eg New York and California who stayed home since they knew their vote wouldn't change anything.
Likewise for liberals in deeply red states like West Virginia.
That fact of the matter is that the popular vote doesn't mean a damn thing when that's not how you win by the rules.
If the popular vote was needed, the candidates would have campaigned differently and the people would have voted differently.
Trump won the only game that mattered.
>california deciding for the entire country
representative republic
anyways, pic related
>working as designed.
We. Live. In. A. Republic.
Here's an explanation of the system you hate in an autism-compatible format.
great countries write their own definitions. Don't be a little bitch boipucci and start helping to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
Trump won in a landslide of at least 20% you CTR libtards
>20 million illegals voting Hillary
>millions of dead people voting Hillary
>libtards voting multiple times in voter fraud
>ELECTION RIGGING in Florida and Colorado
>200,000 Felons last minute given voting rights in Virginia
>They STOPPED the voting of Arizona, but kept adding from liberal states. There was no final tally. If they did this it would have put Trump ahead by about 1.2 million votes and given him majority.
So basically, your retarded.
>An electoral college doesn't protect against the tyranny of the majority
If you had a normal voting system republican voters in states such as CA and NY would vote, while many republicans just don't bother with the current voting system (same with democrat voters in deep red states of course). We can't tell who would have won the popular vote if that was what decided who becomes POTUS.
I don't see the problem. Whenever someone has won without the popular vote it's always by an inarguably negligible amount, but then you're also still getting all the benefits of the college system. Only people who complain about it do so after the fact becuase they're just sore loser faggots grasping at straws. I don't think any rational thinking person would weigh a less than .1% discrepancy in the pop vote over the electoral college as a whole.
It says projected WINNER as in drumpf won the election but not the popular vote
try again drumpfkin
seefuckfag CTR retard
Good thing we're a constitutional republic and not a democracy.
its a representative republic, more commonly known as a psephocracy, so it is reasonable that the electoral college would exist, since they are chosen to represent the voters.
true, there are some funny bits, but the delegates are honor bound to cast a vote corresponding with the popular vote and to my knowledge, there has never been a documented perversion of this trust.
if wikipedia is to be believed then this 2016 election had the lowest voter turnout % since 1828 when records began
no....he is the projected winner of the popular vote as well. there is only 92% reporting and most of those not reported are rural which went heavily to trump.
you fucking lost retard
go away
>so retarded they dont even know how politics work
liberals everyone. this is why they are nothing but a drowning weight around the neck of society
>Thinks having the college students in a select few cities should decide everything for the country and those who work and actually power the economy
Kill yourself. Youve failed as an American.
The electoral college makes perfect sense in the context of the United States being composed of different states which happen to be united. The whole thing prevents California and New York from being able to unequivocally tell some dude in Arkansas who the President will be without him having a fair shot at input.
He is the projected winner of the election but is being beat in the popular vote. That is what CNN's site says. Herr Drumpfh doesn't deserve to be president
this is beyond pathetic user
He's not wrong, but here's the problem. Because we have an electoral college system, some people don't bother to turn out in certain states. Example, in red states that will never ever not be red, Republican and Democrat voters alike often don't bother to turn out. Likewise, in Cali, Washington, and other reliably blue states, voters from either party often don't go out to vote. They will not go red ever again.
Summary: Yes, he lost the popular vote (by a small amount), but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have won it if popular vote ACTUALLY MATTERED!
No, that's just your American '''''''''Education'''''''''.
kek, this is the first funny anti-Trump meme all campaign and it comes after the fact
You just are too blind to see you were actually supporting the tyrannical government that was in place
We don't really live in a bare democracy dumbass
We're a Constitutional Republic. The majority can't just steam roll the minority.
That's an awfully funny way to spell republic
god damn CTR's last stand is underwhelming as fuck
no last bayonet charge of board sliding and spamming
just the few shills that haven't killed themselves yet pathetically clinging to their positions
then why is CNN shilling articles like pic related, using language like "may" and "could still"
published at 10:21pm nov 9th
HAHAHA you moron are too NaCl to admit defeat.
Most of the popular vote majority comes from a lopsided victory in CA. Do want CA alone to decide an election?
because depserate faglords will share them on FB saying there's a chance, and CNN et al. will get more clicks
>the state of your reading comprehension
it doesnt matter to us if there is a chance cause he already won what counts....
the only person it matters to is hillshills
>Why do I keep seeing this explanation?
Because we are CONSTITUTIONAL republic and the electoral college in the constitution you fucking moron.
You wanna change it? Get congress to pass an amendment to the constitution.
>at uni today
>chem class
>white knight faggot sits in front of me
>feasting on his delicous tears
>keeps fucking bringing up the election even tho proff is trying to teach us shit
>make a sodium chloride joke
>glare from the shill, bemused chuckle from the prof
good day
Because it is CNN. Its also because they get more money from ads/commercials and can command a higher price for them when they can show more people are watching at that time frame.
Morons with no knowledge of how politics work actually think Hillary has a chance, when it was already fucking shown by 3am that he won due to the electoral college totals.
Trump won and your butthurt sustains me.
Your opinion is worthless. It will not stop Trump from kicking Otrauma out of the whitehouse.
1) The rules were known in advance, and campaigns were directed accordingly.
A popular vote system would have resulted in completely different tactics, and completely different results.
2) The country is called "United STATESSSSS of America", not "Single State of America".
Every state has its autonomy, every state has its own representation in the electoral college.
3) Solid red/blue states sometimes have fewer people actually voting because the result for their state is already known.
This heavily skews the popular vote.
4) The electoral vote system is based on population anyway.
5) It's extremely close anyway, and Trump might actually still win it because of military absentee ballots
>big part of campaign is how he exploits the system i.e. his tax avoidance
>exploits the E.C. to beat the popular vote
absolute pottery
The electoral college is in place as a system to keep the large population centers from running a train on the smaller ones. It has its flaws and admittedly the big states are still very large deciders, but it still allows for the smaller states to have a greater say in what's going on instead of letting the election be directly decided by Los Angeles and NYC.
So is this the year that people finally pay attention to what they've been taught since grade school? That their vote doesn't count for anything? Too late, idiots, they never kept this secret from you and now you're mad.
>then why is CNN shilling articles like pic related, using language like "may" and "could still"
They want to make sure that the get BTFO one last time and lose every last bit of credibility
i think you are misunderstanding me....
what CNN is saying is that its entirely possible that Hillary will still loose the popular vote as well, which would mean she is even more BTFO
>When we won, we didnt believe it. Everything just kept getting better, we thought it was going to crash sometime. When Trump loses, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and drink deep of their whining. When they actually start livestreaming their own suicides and self-mutilation, Ill know true ecstasy. I dont think my penis will ever be harder than it will be when a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously. Theyll try to convince themselves it was a rigged election. Theyll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them. We will riot! They will say. Race war! Day of the rope! they will cry. Time will pass, and they will do nothing because they only talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything. But best of all, none of their bitching will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go down in history as an embarrassment, as an amusing footnote at best, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president. The entire nation KNOWS that Hillary is a literal criminal, that shes practically bathed in the blood of 4 dead Americans, intimidated Bills rape victims into silence, and her administration will surely be mired in constant scandals and ethical breaches. But all this only drives home just how little the American people think of Trump. After all her bullshit, her crimes, her lies, they STILL see Hillary as being superior to Trump. When the denizens of Sup Forums come to this realization, they shall know true, soul-crushing, all-encompassing despair. Exquisite shall be their pain. I will look into their eyes and watch their spirit break, and wont reach my climax a moment sooner.
I need to fap.
The US is a federation of states. The States elect the President. How is that so hard to understand? What someone in Nevada has to say has no bearing in California and vice versa.
Just like that poll rigging "conspiracy" That really worked out well for ya!
>but m-muh popular vote
It's like you'd never paid attention on why swing states were important
just come back and laugh at them in 3 days when the rest of the ballots are counted and they announce she lost the popular vote too
with how well the meme magic worked getting him in to office, im surprised more arent pushing for kek's assistance in finishing her off in the popular vote
The popular vote is not accurate for people that know how the electoral college system works
>Burger not understanding his own system.
If popular vote was the determining factor Republican turnout in the most populous states and current Democratic strongholds of NY and CA would skyrocket and Trump would take it nevertheless. Now they don't turn up at the ballot because it doesn't matter much. MAGA.
its also not done being counted
So for the next four years we're going to have brain dead left wingers whining about the popular vote, even though they tried their hardest to game the electoral college system and got the asses kicked.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary only won the popular vote through cheating.
Imagine the COLLOSSAL BUTTHURT present on this board if Trump had won popular vote but lost the electoral college. The cries of "rigged" would block out the sun.
The best part of this election is that the conservacucks and the drumpfs now have no one to blame but themselves. They're in power now. Good fucking luck. We'll see how you fare without your favorite scapegoats.
So now that your preferred candidate has lost because of the system that allowed you to win 8 years running, now it's a problem?
Die in a fire, fag.
All true but it doesn't make the rules any less arbitrary
Exactly, it was all through California. It don't mean shit.
>Argument Count: 0
maybe we could you know wait until all the ballots are counted before we call the popular vote.....seeing as how 92% is reporting and the margin is so small
Don't forget that we have the Senate, House, and the supreme court too! Have a nice next 30 years cockfag!
>45 year old based supreme court justices X3-4
I can only get so hard gents!
>An electoral college doesn't protect against the tyranny of the majority
You're retarded
>There's absolutely NOTHING in the definition of a republic that entails having an electoral college
In a Federal Republic there absolutely is. The authority to elect the de facto head of the Federal Government is vested in the States, not the populace as a whole. The Electoral College is the mechanism by which this power is delegated to the states.
States are granted proportional representation based on their entire population. It is their prerogative to decide how that representation relates to the results of the election.
The issue being voted on is how you want your state's representatives to vote for President.
In a purely democratic society, the mob is the rule of law, but in a federal society where there is a separation and protection of the States' rights and powers, there is no liberty in a system where two million excess votes out of California can drown out a half dozen smaller voices.