Is trump racist?

Is trump racist?
Has he ever said something racist?
I dont buy the "he's racist cause he said they're bringing crime, they're rapist" cause is in part true, we don't send them, but those people cross the border
but did he said something about filipinos being animals? has he said something else?

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He hasn't. Anyone saying he did is being dishonest because they think not allowing hordes of third world immigrants to come and go as they please is racism

Whever I ask, all I hear is the criminals line and a few other old ones you already know. I think deep down he probably is a little racist, but I think everyone is.

Most people have generalizations for races they aren't a part of, but as soon as they meet a person of that race they treat them like the exception. to be honest family

he said a lot of illegal immigrants that come over belong to cartels or are criminals and rapists.

Lots of crime back this up, police know it, victims know it. Its racist to tell theese anecdotes and facts.

Being called racist, anti semite, homophobic, sexist is what politicians and their news proxies use to attack each other because were taught its all bad and you should REEEEE if someone goes against the narrative.

Is Obama's ICE racist?

somebody's doing the raping

what he said it's true
it's not racist saying that, it's the truth
anything else?

i can understand a bit how they go after him on mexicans and muslims, but they keep saying how he hates blacks, ive never heard him say one bad word about blacks

And he also wasn't talking about Mexicans in general because he said "they're not sending you" and referred to their best and brightest in contrast.

What is such shit is that people thought they could snuff out his candidacy quickly by calling him a racist, and now that he's president-elect that narrative has just gotten bigger and bigger in their imagination to the point that supporters are getting beat up for this meme.

Something about him not wanting to rent to them because they fuck shit up.

He said "all lives matter" oh no.

I wish this was real. Though replace Jeb with Carson.

Wasn't that just alleged and turned out to not even be true and was from the early 90's or so?

The media now has blood on its hands. It's gone from freedom of the press to yelling fire in a theater mode.

mexicans aren't a race they're an ethnicity, they can be black Mexican, white Mexican so it's impossible to be racist towards mexicans

this retarded response
at least read the short thread

He is not a racist. He is a realist. Get ready to see some common fucking sense again, holy shit we did it autists

explain why it is a false claim?

still not racist

you guys really are autists?
do you want me to make a thread for xenophobe, misogynistic and retarded liberal bullshit? and it's already been said in the OP that the racist towards mexicans doesn't fly

Reminder that Hillary called blacks "superpredators" and told BLM she'd "talk only to white people" - it's on fucking record.

It's a damned nationality.
An ethnicity is like slavic or anglo.
Learn more about race newfag.

It was old as shit, but I'm pretty sure it was real. Even so, like says it wasn't racism, just business.

That was actually his dade though, not him.

Even my liberal history professor confirmed this

I wish I could go back into 2007 and look it up. Anything a search engine turned up now would be astroturfing articles about how he lynched a poor black orphan and left his body hanging there for the next tenants to use a a pinata for some white kids birthday party.

>they're rapist
you see this is what everyone got wrong
it's not "they're," it's "their"
very important bit of information

Seriously WHAT THE FUCK?

A pinata? That's cultural apropribation!


This article by huff post (lol) details some controversial statements and actions he made

I can't be arsed to read the whole thing so I can't vouch for the quality of the article, but I can tell you that the first example given is one that I wouldn't necessarily call racist, but I would call it ignorant and foolish, and immature

Basically it wouldn't be racist to say that misogyny exists in Muslim cultures, but that doesn't make it reasonable or mature to make insinuations of misogyny against people just because they disagree with you politically

Seems pretty easy to imagine this kind of controversial behavior being interpreted in different ways, and interpretations of a pattern of his behavior could be therefore exponentially more variable, as each example is seen as either yet another extreme offense in a series or yet another harmless thing taken out of context

I don't keep up with what he's saying all the time but he wants to build a literal wall and it's clear he's got the racists' vote.

i want to ultra heal those tiddies
it doesn't include the supposed filipinos are animals, was that fake? or just missinformation just like everything else

He said something about a group of people that didn't involve taking their cock into his mouth and sucking it

Thus, he's a racist