Is he actually as homophobic as the media makes him out to be? I really don't want to believe

Is he actually as homophobic as the media makes him out to be? I really don't want to believe.

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I wish he was Mussolini to be honest


Yes. What do you want as sources?

Nah, I don't think he's afraid of gays. May disapprove of their lifestyle but definitely not scared of them.

he's not scared of them

but yeah he does believe that electroshock therapy can be used to cure fags

hahaha kek really?

I need some sauce on that, thats too good to be true

He's the vice president. He has about as much relevance as a pitcher of warm spit.

>muh literal translation of "phobia"

Nobody actually uses the word to mean "afraid" except pedantic internet commenters trying to dodge the label. "Homophobic" is used to mean that somebody thinks that gays are degenerate/mentally ill, it doesn't mean that they need to actually feel anything emotionally.

Mike "The Electric Fence" Pence
Mike "Cock Suckers Are In For A Shocker" Pence
Mike "Three-phase for the gays" Pence

Pence is literally DUDE GOD LMAO the candidate

But Trump runs this ship so it doesn't really matter. Pence was there to get him elected.

No one gives a shit about faggots.

Something he said 16 years ago iirc.

But yes, let's freak out over it because that's reasonable.

I hope so.

Need some sane people in office

Will probably be the most powerful VP in history.

The media that only 6% of people tell the truth? Do you think they are telling the truth this time?

The label is stupid. Why don't people say what they mean?

Not full out ECT, but yes supporting of conversion therapy, he campaigned on giving it federal funding:

"Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior. "

That's from a 2000 campaign website but he hasn't publicly renounced or changed his stance on it at all.

>Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals

i don't hate the mentally ill

not a fan of the gays, but he's always been a social conservative. he won't overstep and the gay thing has been settled.

what he will want to go after is abortion he hates abortion. pushed through a law here about having to bury the fetal remains like human remains.

Pence is an asshole, but I voted for him for governor because he made since.

Trump is so liberal that he had to get a nutbag as a VP to secure the election. that's why he got Pence

>Mike "If you're a fag I'm loading my mag" Pence

>Using "homophobic" unironically

Kill yourself, faggot.

Mike "You Commit Sodomy, You Get a Lobotomy" Pence

hahahah fucking top kek

That's absolutely based

We worry about faggots too much in the USA

mentally ill are not to be feared.

Wrong. Fuck your liberal new speak

Why the fuck is pol hugging fags all the sudden?

abortion is for frumpy feminist twats

Mike "Volt for the faggot" Pence



Homophobia is a made up buzzword and fags and trannies are mentally ill and need to be put back in the asylums.

That's how people actually colloquially use the word when they say it, otherwise they wouldn't apply the "homophobic" descriptor to things incapable of feeling (like laws, or films, or whatever.) Arguing "muh greek root technically I'm not scaredd" just makes you look pedantic and scared of criticism.

I want to belive

God I hope so

Yes, hence "new speak". Doesn't make it right you faggot

I really hope he is. If anti fag legislation would actually be considered I'd be unironically euphoric

apparently so does kek

Homosexuals are mentally ill and/or degenerate. He's just calling it like it is.

Hes not homophobic, he just hates overly expressive faggots parading around the streets. Kids dont need to see that and it makes the country look like a fucking joke

Yes but you do realize that it's called a phobia and not just anti sodomy or something is for the purpose of making it seem like an irrational fear and not a logical conclusion. Thus shitting on this term is A-OK

you want more nigger and beaner children?

The whole gay thing isn't really the issue with him.

His anti-abortion stance an abstinence education is.

Indiana fag here...
He's a Christian fundamentalist at home. A Christian fundamentalist sympathizer legislatively. The standard straight arrow, 'go be gay elsewhere and stop bothering us with your civil rights complaints' kind of republican

We wouldn't have a problem if faggots would stop openly expressing their sexuality in public.

He doesn't like the act of homosexuality. He doesn't care as long as it is kept private. Don't go parading around your sexual stuff in the streets and there's no problem.

In other words, based.

5 minutes of doing some of your own research will show you. What kind of answers do you expect from this place?

Monroe county here, 1 of only 4 blue counties.
I have the glorious pleasure of wearing my Trump hat around these lib cucks. I can't wait to just walk around IU saturday for fun and get shitty looks from people. i wish i could open carry just to add more butthurt but obviously GUN FREE ZONE.

I want to see Pence wipe out degenerates while making this face

Bisexual palaeo-libertarian here.

The media attacks on Pence are reprehensible; he is a good man with whom I have may agreements (although I would characterize myself as socially libertarian or socially agnostic).

Moreover, Pence -- as vice president -- only has one formal power: breaking Senate ties; anyone having a terrified paroxysm over him is delusional.


>Muh gay marriage

People who utilize such argumentation possess no understanding of how our court system works; a repeal of gay marriage is unlikely and if it did occur and became a state issue: so what? If anything, we should have federal civil unions and allow state deliberation on marriage.

>Muh abortion

Never happening. If it becomes a state issue: so what?

>Muh discrimination

There is literally nothing wrong with legalizing free association.

>Muh conversation therapy

Is for people who desire it. We should refrain from judging people's choices in such matters.

And finally, Hillary opposes gay marriage and -- worse still -- desires open borders and an immense increase in mudslimes coming in who literally believe gays should be killed.

Basically: Trump and Pence are both fine and arw being -- once more -- mendaciously attacked by (((The Mainstream Media))).

I am so glad I voted for Trump. The Jewish media is no ally of ours (especially because Jews often push Muslim immigration).

Yeah didn't you hear he's gonna start gassing queers from day 1?

>What kind of answers do you expect from this place?
the truthâ„¢

I sincerely doubt that, if only because Cheney was basically the President of the Bush II administration.

He will certainly be more than just a figurehead.

I hope he is. I'm sick of the out of control faggotry out in the world.

what're ya a fag?

except that when kaish was asked to be vp apparently trumps people told him he could basically run the whole foreign policy/have a say in all issues himself

But yes


faggots don't deserve to live anyway

>15 years ago
Pick one

Who gives a shit? Homosexuality is a non-issue.

No. He spends most of his days with Jesus Christ's dick in his ass.

He's a real gay fella.


Of fucking course Kasich would try say something to weaken public opinion against Trump, that faggot neocon backstabbed the party. Even Paul "Congenital Heart Disease" Ryan ended up bending the knee.

Nobody fully understands jewry quite like a jew.

Mike "if you are gay prepare to pay" Pence

He literally doesn't believe in evolution.

>supported a bill 15 years ago that would have some federal funding going to programs for people who wanted to "fix" their sexuality

This wasnt a strange position to hold in 2000 at all. Hillary and Obama ran on being anti-gay marriage in 2012

Why does it matter? Homos are irrelevant.

I've seen lots and lots of Americans as of late going 'moderate' on fags? Is this a creeping thing or is it just CTR getting desperate?

American republicans are basically yesteryear democrats.

Mike "Spray the Gay Away" Pence
Mike "Take it in the Ass? You'll Be Pushing Grass" Pence
Mike "Feed the Faggots to the Maggots" Pence
Mike "Gas the Dykes, Gay War Now" Pence

honestly who fucking cares?
people have been faggots for years.
the only difference now is they don't get to demand things or parade in the streets.

Yes, I hope he bans fag marriage and brings back shock therapy and chemical castration

it is probably a creeping thing. Internet generation being indoctrinated by the lefty tumblrina and leddit crowd.
>it like you've never even heard of common filth
The millennials are supposed to be A.OK with the gay. Or at least that's what the media citing polls is telling every one. Maybe it's a jewish media lie or maybe it's the truth; I've never bothered to research the polls they are quoting.

eh, it pretty much always been this way. Politically, Americans I think are pretty much always about the same regardless of party. They form parties and arguments over minutia, but over all we probably have a hive mind. That's why I don't think more than 2 parties would ever work for us and they always seem to not last long.