Fellow leafs it's time we actually started to contribute to our nation. I constantly see leafs posting in despair about the state of our country but they only seem to bitch and whine about it without even thinking of a solution. For too long we have let ourselves believe there is no chance, we can work to make Canada great again, it will be an uphill battle but we certainly are capable. Instead of whining about how awful our country is and pretending to be ctr we need to open up a memetic warfare front in Canada. If we aggressively shill on social media and organize through pol we can possibly turn the tide. We have 3 whole years left till the next election and we need to start shilling fast for the conservative party leadership election in May. Unfortunately as the debate has shown all of our choices are pretty awful, the least bad being Kellie liettch, but that doesn't mean we don't try. The conservative party is finally open to be changed after Harper and we need to capitalize on that fast or we risk losing the party to those that are basically big oil liberals, like Chong, who advocate social policy very similar to that of the liberals with neoliberlal economics. In order to even have a chance we have to get a good strategy going and that means developing a large online presence, especially on Facebook. We have to
1. Take advantage of the rebel, they have their faults but it's the only right wing media outlet in Canada that is relevant and that would be supportive.
2. we're gonna need international support like the Americans and British got as the more participants in memetic warfare the higher the chance of success. French participants would be greatly appreciated for Quebec.
Can/pol/- A Fresh Start
Other urls found in this thread:
3. In terms of candidates, only Kellie, Chong, Maxime, and Scheer have a serious chance. We need to choose one to shill and I recommend we make a very Machiavellian choice here, we should go with Chong. The reason behind this is simple, Trudeau is probably gonna win in 2019 regardless of the candidate. The quality of the conservatives is lacking on all levels, Kellie is a wannabe populist without a doubt and proven ttp shill. But if we meme her to go against Trudeau he will probably win and because of her immigration stance it could lead to a major setback within the party itself. The loss will be blamed on going too far right and thus the liberal elements of the party could seize power. But if Chong is the leader he will lose and then it's the fault of going too liberal and hopefully by then there will be some newer blood in the party that will contest the leadership and actually espouse genuine conservative values.
4. We need to get involved in the grass roots of the party
5. In our infiltration of the conservative party we can also push our agenda from within and encourage a populist coup among the grassroots. The media constantly tries to claim the grassroots are going more liberal but as brexit and trump have shown the media don't know shit about right wing politics. There is a clear undercurrent in the conservative party and among Canadians that would support us as shown by all the polls being done showing 60%+ of people want thougher screening.
This will be a long war for sure. Canadians are quick to forget and rarely dissent, especially against liberalism. Outside of Alberta and Saskatchewan and rural Canada it becomes very socially unacceptable to be even slightly conservative. We need to change that and we must cause a shift in Canadian thinking. This meme war is our best hope. I will keep posting this as a copy pasta to open the general untill it starts to take off and become regular.
bump for support
Thanks bro, we're gonna need it
You want conservatism in Canada even after all the faggotry Stephen Harper did to our country? Just go die already!
Steven did fuck the country and none of his cronies deserve to be prime minister, However we can fix the party and put our people in charge after 2019 because after that loss the harperite purge can be completed. We need a strong right wing party to keep the left honest otherwise Trudeau or worse, the NDP, will cause irreversible damage to our nation
definitely gonna need support for this, have a pepe
We must attack our terrible universities. They are beyond cucked. Dalhousie has classes where white males must sit in the back and answer questions last. UofT is waging war on Jordan Peterson
The NDP are finished for at least a decade. Those idiots lost seats this past election despite all of the "le 2015 xd" tier bills they were promising.
They will inevitably come back, just like how the Liberals came back...but for now, conservatives are in a much better way to rally back and kick some liberal ass.
uncucked anglosphere when?
I'm gonna dump the campaign websites for the candidates that can win the nomination
>ironically shilling for chong
kys my man
Talk to your retired red pilled teachers. They will be weapons and sensors for discovering the weak spots in the globalist corruption of our education. we must find documents.
I don't want a Donald Trump in Canada. At the very moment it becomes a possibility then Trudeau will need to know what is Sup Forums! We need to get out of "Liberals Vs. Conservaives" paradigm, we can't fight forever for ideologies anymore!
What is our cyber police state at? Will Trump save us?
We're with you leafs all the way!
Trudeau gets ONE chance to cast off the globalists now, or I will be set to destroy him. His mother was brainwashed and abused, maybe he sees this as an escape from Vault #445 and a chance to save the world.
Most Canadians would be disgusted if they actually knew what was going on in these universities we could start there
You never know though, the left-wing media, and I mean like rabble not mainstream, here have been hitting Trudeau hard and with this leap manifesto I'm scared the NDP could form a far left coalition in a few years if the conservatives don't break cuckoldry
What's Trudeau doing to fuck your country up? I only see a lot of negative shit about him here.
Make Earth Great Again
you have our support leaf
Unchecked spending, pandering across the board, increased syrian migration, no spine or brain of his own; a complete puppet for his cronies.
>we should go with Chong
Ching chong dingaling dong...world is full, except for Canada and here they come!
Any ching chong is just going to open the flood gates for their overpopulated shitholes. We have reached critical mass and the only thing that can save what is left of the country now is some sort of apocalypse and mass die off. Politicians? Wew, good luck with that!
Anti-biology education is our party line. We fail to study the human being and have lost the art of being human. Our biology departments are disgusting anti-biology, neuroscience is anti-biology. its terrible
Trudeau was best buds with all the big dem globalists and bankers. He was totally media made phenom and he married an 18 year old girl at 48 as PM, and no one batted an eye (well they did but women and cucks voted.)
Literally Cuckservative: The Party. No hope for this country! Might as well move to the USA while you still have a chance! Sad!
The point of Chong is to destroy closet liberals. If Chong runs and then loses to Trudeau, which will happen, we will discredit this meme that's going around the party right now about how swinging left is the solution to the fallout from Harper.
Our best bet is for a trump-like candidate to takeover the party. Im not sure its possible though.
We need to remove the CBC. Its the key to everything I shit you not.
We'll be cucked at least till the globalists get hung in the streets of europe. We just need make sure the pipe is built our libtards will be loud and retarded. Attack anti-biology education in the university by redpilling all close friends and family with Trump. Promote the pipe whenever possible online
The closest is O'Leary but he would be more libertarian and is not gonna be socially and culturally conservative enough.
CBC is enshired because of our anti-biology universities. I've heard things said about blacks in Fergusson on CBC that make my sides split
We have too, it honestly was so close to getting the axe from the Canadian people because if all the scandals we have to expose them
This desu. The CPC doesn't stand a chance. It's cucked beyond belief.
I'll be honest, and you won't like it: our only shot is if we get proportional representation in parliament. Then we can form our own Trumpian party that's predicated purely on anti-immigration, anti-native, anti-globalist policy. If we steal even a few seats we can start to redpill the general population.
Good luck leafs
Canada is fucked. We have never had and will probably never have the system of integrity and freedom that the US has.
You can't say anything against muslims, feminism or jews here now, BY LAW.
So fuck it, I'm just emigrating. I'll watch the implosion from afar and say I told you so.
America deserves my talent, energy, and point of view. Canada does not.
I support this cause. Time to get familiar with Canadian politics for another great meme war. Time to uncuck my neighbors to the north.
Canada is fucked. We have never had and will probably never have the system of integrity and freedom that the US has.
You can't say anything against muslims, feminism or jews here now, BY LAW.
So fuck it, I'm just emigrating. I'll watch the implosion from afar and say I told you so.
America deserves my talent, energy, and point of view. Canada does not.
Notley is a walking corpse and so is Kathleen Wynne.
Trudeau still has support but his first year was shit and people took notice.
I want you to realize part of the reason Canada is shit
Canada has no struggles. None. Your defense is entirely paid for by the USA and so your military is a meme even with JTF2. You have less people than Texas. Only like 3 or four major cities and all leftist Americans and losers go to Concordia, Toronto or Vancouver because they think you're like Europe.
The drive for independence amongst Canadians is essentially being hunted down. Universal healthcare, your shitty Human Rights commission is tyrannical.
What do you even want from Canada? Almost everything about you is dependent on the US. Socialist shits in your government are bad but you guys have virtually no danger or importance. Just sjw morons shitting up the place.
Unless you guys have an actual chance at changing the people of Canada, you're better off moving to a country with a chance and just letting us use Canada as a dumping ground for leftists.
I hope you guys can save it. I really do. I just don't know how you'll pull it off. Do you really have a good argument on why things should change?
Also: influence kids. Teenagers and kids. Leftists always start with the schools. Target these. Otherwise you're fighting a losing battle
Yea Stephen "Marijuana is a class 5 drug" can suck my dick
We need someone else cuckservative free, what about a new party?
Hope you're better at this then at shitposting leaf fags
Canada is fucked. We have never had and will probably never have the system of integrity and freedom that the US has.
You can't say anything against muslims, feminism or jews here now, BY LAW.
So fuck it, I'm just emigrating. I'll watch the implosion from afar and say I told you so.
America deserves my talent, energy, and point of view. Canada does not.
If Sup Forums lets me post this reply, America is behind you leafs.
t. country with another country's flag in its corner
>muh election
no this is how it will go
trudeau crashes the economy
then armed revolution
by the way the current Conservative party is only a few points to the right of the libs. literally voting for the other side of the shekel. THE CONSERVATIVES ARE THE FUCKING ESTABLISHMENT TOO and there is NO anti establishment candidate or party
Conservatives suck, Liberals are worse.
Who is voting /NDP/ next election?
This is why I'm moving south
Why oh why did the NDP have to fuck it all up with their immigration policies? I liked almost everything else about them except that. They were practically the closest thing to a nationalist party we have, but they cucked themselves.
Lmao SMD. Were getting rid of fptp scum. PC will not win again. Praise kek all you want, i will be the one with his chance blessing with these dubbs.
Lets make canada great again
Peterson is kek
Why the fuck is McKay not running?
May as well have Lauren putting her hat in the ring. All the other candidates are pretty mediocre at best.
'Berta born and raised and support thid message.
Fuck the NDP and fuck those libcuck faggots.
>you're better off moving to a country with a chance and just letting us use Canada as a dumping ground for leftists
That's the problem. We can't move down there any easier than you can move up here. Most of us have no hope.
It's our only shot.
I see this as a waiting game. I personally don't care if we have PC or a liberal in office if they're going to be ineffectual fucks either way.
So we wait for someone who isn't an ineffectual fuck (and doesn't want to invite the unwashed hordes into the country) and meme behind them. Until then I don't see much point.
WE need a nationalist populist candidate to take over the cuckservative party. The opening is...it's our chance.
Somehow this must happen or we'll just have a Jeb Bush tier * conservative * and I'll just end up voting NDP again.
They just need a good nationalist leader and we're in business. Layton wasn't it despite popularity * asian wife * , and obviously this crypto jew in charge of it now isn't it.
The universities are the breeding ground for cultural marxism.
Push STEM and business degrees. Cut funding for liberal arts...specially sociology, gender studies, women studies, etc
This tbqh, Trump is great for America. We need someone logical and articulated. This will take 2 election cycles, how do we even start leaf bros?
>Why the fuck is McKay not running?
McKay? you mean red tory McKay? the stupid faggot who when justice minister literally cribbed and implemented Sweden's prostitution laws which were grounded in feminist rhetoric, in canada? no thanks.
as to the rest of the thread, it's pointless. the federal conservatives aren't terribly much different from the liberals and will remain that way for much of the foreseeable future. and the change you seek to bring from within it will take longer than a few years if ever.
it's time to face reality, what happened in the USA will never happen here unless it occurs immediately after a complete and total social collapse. the progressive problem is pretty much everywhere not just Toronto. this is canada.
Damn, I kind of feel bad for you leaf. You'll probably be getting wave after wave of our shitskins and shitlibs to vote for the Trudeau now that Trump has won. I wish you guys the best, I hope Trudeau doesn't cuck over for them.
Im leaving this shithole of draft dodging cuck betas.
I love Canada but the liberals have fucking ruined it. Im moving to the US seeing Trump's victory.
Canadians only care about hockey and wait like zombies for 45 mins at timmies.
You would need to find someone with power to form and run it m8, and also meme it to a national scale.
>The universities are the breeding ground for cultural marxism.
it starts earlier than that. have you been to a grade school or high school lately? the indoctrination starts early and it isn't a new phenomena.
pic related
I interact with a lot of Canadian daily and they basically remind me of American leftists to a T.
I need more information about Trudeau and your failing economy for weapons. I want to redpill them, they're all pretty young (18-25), so I think I could do some good.