Anyone else lose friends over this election?
Anyone else lose friends over this election?
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yep. dont care. fuck globalism.
just some casual triggering and ribbing, all in good nature since the good guy won
The last time I had a friend, nobody had heard of Barack Obama
nah, they think i voted hillary.
>start of fb for the first time in like 2 years
>120 friends
>post pic related
>number drops to 71 in 2 hours
my leftist friend (very good friend, tremendous friend) had a facebook meltdown.
I sent him pic related and he flipped his shit on me.
i told him i love you we are all americans maga
he was still kinda salty.
About 6-7 Facebook "friends" for me...
At this point I don't care, I didnt shout everywhere I was for Donald but it was obvious and when asked I would say what I think...
Some ppl disagreed with me yet still are my friends tho... that's how you know who's your real bros
Yup. I got drunk last night and told them the deportations begin in February and to not ask for any favors
tfw no friends to lose...
Fuck them all. Some of my so called "friends" I helped out money-wise. They still deleted me.
Bye-bye I say.
but they were all the types of people who are having absolute mental breakdowns right now on twitter/facebook/etc and are literally shaking right now and just can't even and calling people like me every name in the big lefty book-o-insults
good fucking riddance I say. I'm ashamed I was ever friends with them in the first place.
you know, it's funny how when you quit partying and smoking weed 24/7, you realize all the "friends" you used to do those things with are actually a bunch of retards and you only tolerated them because of being drunk and high.
Same here. I'll probably admit what I did if things go well a few years down the line, but chances are they'll somehow shoehorn it being a result of Obama's term.
I have literally no friends who are pro-Trump. I have like one acquaintance over Facebook who is but I hardly talk to the guy. Then there are a few who hate Hillary, but that's it.
I don't think I'll ever come out and try to redpill anyone.
Only gained more
>Wanting to have friends that are stupid enough to vote for Crooked.
Gimme a break. I only want Trumpist friends or reasonable moderates. There is literally no defense for Crooked's actions.
They didn't think this was possible, they thought no one liked Trump and he'd get slammed in a land slide.
Even went as far as to say that I was on the wrong side of history.
I woke up, hungover from my partying and revelry to find a message from the biggest cuck I know telling me about how Trump's going to change draft laws and I'm going to have to go to war and it's my fault.
This so much.
Yes and I also had this blog written about me.
Have a group of four, two liberals and two actual people. We're still all good friends, this has been entertaining for us all, Brexit was worse
kek. Nobody is ever bringing back the draft. Its political suicide
Not yet, my white liberal friends are still in denial that their "POC" friend would vote for Trump.
I've lost some fairly good friends over this election.
Oh well, I'm better off without them anyway. Less distractions means more time to make America great again.
my close friends have taken it surprisingly well all election. they're all liberals except for maybe 1 straight outta the twin cities, but i've been vocal as hell about trump and got all but a couple got on board with trump for memes, and a couple for even policy
and i was the most smug jackass to the remaining few, but they've taken it gracefully. it's all been in good fun. you just have to choose your friends wisely.
>Gained several irl friends literally from Sup Forums
You are fucking based
I lost two followers on instagram after I uploaded a donald trump portrait
Bullshit thats about you
"Then he said, “Not accepting other people’s beliefs is the definition of bigotry.”
So apparently it was my fault."
funny read, I only skimmed it of course I'm not that interested
When I met my friends they were my little pony watching nancy boys.
I redpilled the fuck out of 'em.
>tfw when life didn't want you to have tried and true friends so you got them by force.
Tbh is never dump my mates just because they voted for the "wrong" candidate in a fucking democratic election
Anyone who would is a complete shithead
But, honestly, I became a much better and stronger man. Trump taught me so much, and I am grateful.
such baloney
Petty people weren't your friends to begin with. These people are incapable of having friends. They will turn on anyone at a moment's notice, burn any bridge.
These people are only acquaintances. Social media has utterly devalued the bond of true friendship.
my muslim friend got confronted about being a trump supporter, sjw's went up to him and asked him if he supports trump and he shook his head, but they said "look at his nice car" (he drives a fast audi) "he must be one of those privileged types"
needless to say he's happy with the election result
>news websites literally have entire sections dedicated to Tinder stories
>women get paid to write brief comedy-erotica fiction and pass it off as news
No, most of my friends didn't care or were Democrat like me.
Lost my job and my half way red pilled tattooed, pink/blue/purple, choker wearing fine bitch who also worked with me.
We both suicided out of that job. I was to cuck to press the quit trigger so bad bitch did instead which caused me to cry like a fag when she wasn't scheduled and I later start going full Sup Forums on those fuckers and proceed to get fired.
I manage to save job from jew boss only to have them make me a schedule and then I do independent contractor jobs for globalist companies.
Fuck me.
I had a friend from Europe that mentioned the election a few times. I kept my mouth shut cause I could already tell he hated Trump. The election came and went and now he's just moving on.
>tfw normies in Russia don't care about American elections despite our media trying to hype them up
On the bright side, I have convinced my liberal father and conservative mom to support Trump and now that he's won everyone in my family feels happy and uplifted.
My fiancee was "literally shaking and crying rn" when she got home today. I wanted to tell her I voted Trump, but instead I ended up trying to softly red-pill her by explaining why Trump won't be as bad as the media has led her to believe. I explained to her why restricting muslim immigration and removing illegal immigrants aren't entirely unreasonable positions.
She still thinks I voted Hillary, though. I feel like I should just tell her, if she leaves me over it then I can always just find a better woman.
find a woman you can be yourself around, you fucking cuck
seriously grow a spine
Yeah, fuck them
Hahaha. You got pussy whipped nigger!
in other words you probably won't
I think I might've. Not certain yet. One of my friends said I am insane for supporting Trump because he's against gay marriage and abortion (both of those are untrue).
Sadly, she's a woman.
Nah, only "in name online" bitch faggot "friends". Feels good to be surrounded by family and okay friends that know what the fuck they're talking about and don't ignore statistics like a fucko.
Girlfriend isn't talking to me anymore...
I mean you can say nothing of value lost but it's still kind of sad and it still kind of hurts
leave Baron alone. Hes like 10 and that little dude was up at like 3 am
I deleted everyone and now ask people if they want to be saved.
I feel like a mormon moron.
>mfw Trump wins
no because I don't have close friends that cared about who I voted for
Lost my gf. Not even mad.
I used to date a chick who hated Obama. No idea how she felt about this election unfortunately
I think I almost redpilled all of them at this moment. Damn man feels great.
I used to date a chick who hated Obama. No idea how she felt about this election unfortunately. Miss that bitch
if they stand against the emperor they are no friend.
my dad took away my xbox
I don't think so, but I had to try really, REALLY hard not to say anything on FB this morning. No post, no comments, nothing. I liked a post by John Kasich congratulating Donald Trump on his victory, I felt that would be kind of a smarmy way of expressing my opinion. Other than that tho, I'm taking the high road and lol'ing at all the buttmad.
I almost reveal my power-level with one co-worker. I've been letting my libfag friends go through the grieving process before I say anything.
These people are cultists and are encouraged to cut people who disagree with them off. Its so fucked.
not me, but my sister did. a lot of her friends abandoned her for having moderate views on trump. i drove out to her place and spent the day with her because she was literally crying for hours thanks to some of the shit she got.
t. califag
Basically being disowned by all of my family. It was worth it for the lib tears tho
>have 777 friends on Kikebook
>post pro-Trump post after he wins
>776 friends
Top kek
>making friends with cultural marxists
Kek, no. But my parents, and my wife's parents may disown us. Oh well, we are poor af but don't gaf about any inheritance money.
wifes friends bf was over and had a panic attack when I told him I thought trump would win, they refuse to come over now, I think he is suicidal (not even american)
Nope. I gained a few over the election, well not friends since they are so young; but I gained a lot of respect and changed many a mind. Work with some young gals, all 16-20. Been dropping redpills on them for for weeks and explaining my position on Trump. Why gun rights matter. Why Hillary is a hawkish globalist. I have become their endeared racist uncle(in my 40's) in many ways. I even told hem that feminism sucks and not sure that women should vote. They all agree. They get on giant rants now about how shitty feminism and sjw's are and how they want to have get married and have sons.
You young guys can thank me later that I redpilled a bunch of young women that you can have a decent family with in the future.
converted my gf, so there's that
Yep, being a brown person who vocally supported Trump was always gonna wreak havoc on my social circle, but I've made new friends with more similar political beliefs and I even made friends with this hippy girl who voted for Jill Stein
Lost one friend who said the riots happening in California were justified. Fuck em.
Don't have any social media accounts. All the people I'm friends with ended up voting Trump. A few thought he was too liberal. So never had an issue.
Uhhhh I fapped to every friend I lost. Suprisingly, being in florida, I lost only white friends, and no black person I know wanted Trump. I'm confused but idgaf.
Yup, two of them.
The one I just can't believe it. Won't text me, won't call me and deleted me from everything. I've known them for 15 years and they're salty just because I said I voted Trump when I asked. I see them going on a mad rampage on twitter retweeting protest and riot tweets and a whole bunch of anti-trump bullshit.
I don't get it. They voted for Hillary and I didn't disown them and still want to be their friend? Why do that to me. I can seperate the politics from the person, but they clearly can't. Feels bad but whatever, their loss.
Ready to lose all of my friends except for
maybe two. Not complaining, they're idiots.
I guess I'm just really tired of buzzwords and hashtags and delusions all over the place.
I wouldn't mind trying to make new friends with more realistic approaches to things...
But I've given up hope. It really sucks
tfw you're just a right-wing califag who can't relate to anyone anymore
same! these were some of my best friends in real life. I paid to have their shitty car fixed because the brakes rusted out, like $700 for new lines, so the girl could finish her master's in music (French faggot fucking horn!?!) I told her at the time I didn't loan money to people, that it was hers with no strings because she was a friend.
anyways, she graduated and my wife got her 2 different jobs - one part time for a seamstress, one at Pitt campus through a friend she had that works there. her bf she's been living with since I've met them lost his job for doing drugs and started doing way too many drugs. once he got a job signing people up to vote he said he resented me because of my views. I called him out on his shit, they never talked to me again.
pic related, it's my wife & I buying the bitch a suit to wear to interviews.
My friend since high school is a bernout with a Mexican girlfriend.
I still haven't told him.
nah, but I hid the truest extent of my support for Trump, the most I ever commented when asked was that I hoped he beat Hillary and left it at that. My family were all hardcore Trump though, so that was pretty great, I didn't even have to convince them.
Didn't have any to lose
My friend since high school is a former bernout with a Mexican girlfriend.
I still haven't told him.
I wonder if this is who I think it is. What are your initials? C B here
I didn't lose a friend in the sense that we don't speak to one another anymore, but I feel like I "lost" a friend. I don't know what happened to him, he's changed so much over the years. He went from being a pretty cool guy who fancied a spot of bantz here and there and was even a self-admitted racist, to a *literal*, emasculated cuckold. I think going to a super liberal university (and browsing a shitload of Reddit) really fucked with his mind. I think what bothers me more than anything was that he was extremely pro-Bernie, very anti-Hillary, and we could both sort of get along, respecting the merits of one another's preferred candidate (he could understand the appeal of Trump, I could understand the appeal of Bernie, etc.) and be united in our dislike for Hillary Clinton (who he said he would NEVER vote for).
Whelp, as time went on, it became very clear what route he was going down. By the end of it all, he was a full-blown shill4hill who believed all of the dumbshit media talking points against Trump, when just a few months prior he at least fancied Trump as an anti-establishment candidate akin to Bernie. Whereas he once viewed Hillary as the most corrupt candidate to ever run, he began to ignore the wave of leaks and other evidence pointing to that same conclusion, and instead began to parrot retarded shit like "TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN AGENT" and "MUH TAX RETURNS" I just feel like his flip from Bernie to Hillary was ideological weakness, and it made me lose a lot of respect for him. As a friend of mine, I hate to say it, but it was EXTREMELY satisfying knowing that he ended up experiencing loss 4 times in a row (Bernie lost our state in the primaries then lost the primaries as a whole, then Hillary lost our state in the general election and lost the general election as a whole). Maybe being a 4-time loser will teach him a lesson.
Only one.
Messaging this lass I was fucking, she was freaking out because muh racism and queer hate, so I told her the truth, that he isn't racist and supports the gays.
She flips shit because she has no counters, ends up blocking me.
Have a pic of her tits as the spoils of war.
My friend since high school is a bernout with a Mexican girlfriend.
I still haven't told him.
Probably fake and gay, but if not, bravo Chad Thundercock. Send her a txt now that we've won.
Pretty sure my roomies are getting low-key triggered by me trying to rationalize how Trump won, but my powerlevel is extremely hidden.
Why did you vote for trump? What sold you?
I'm slowly dropping hints I voted Trump. I think I might just post the Trump swastika on my social media and tell everyone to suck it. Getting tired of their sanctimonious shit
>tfw my brother has never spent a day on Sup Forums or even the chan but he's the one who redpilled me on Trump
Feels so good man
I mentioned that I'm voting for Trump to my Hillary supporting gay friend three times at least, and I think that he thought I was joking, because he's been going on about how fucked we are to me as if I'm on his side.
Lol no, 95% of people here are for trump, we all celebrated last night, it was a very nice evening
>tfw my brother has never spent a day on Sup Forums or even the chan but he's the one who redpilled me on Trump
Luckily I don't live in the US. I'm eating my popcorn and watching "America be great again"
I'm the alpha in my friend circle and they followed what I established as they were not too politically involved themselves.
Losing a girlfriend because of this at the moment. Deep in enemy territory in Calcuckistan.
Yup. Mostly women. I can't believe how the women I know reacted to the election.
One woman, with whom I'd been intimate for over a decade, told me none of Hillary's crimes mattered to her because Trump said he grabbed women's pussies and the sexual assault allegations.
I tried explaining that no charges had been brought, that Trump was suing for libel defamation in court, the rest of those allegations were dropped or proven false, and one of the articles was literally slandering the words of a woman who liked Trump.
>I don't care user. He was still accused
B-but rights of the accused... innocent until legally proven guilty
>doesn't matter user. women should be believed
Even if they're lying??
>yes, because so many go unpunished
B-but UVA, Duke lacrosse
>don't care user
WTF happened? We've slept together countless times, do I now have to worry about being accused of rape?
Repeal the 19th.
I lost friends whom I thought would support him since we were in the Marines together.
You think you know a guy
the fallout was so bad that I ended up losing life long friends
I deleted my entire facebook account