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anything in arizona, everyone is quiet in this state noone really cares and we went red we are always red.
They got Ezio! Trump confirmed for Templar?
oh shit nigga, Arizona is finna blow up any minute
kek'd and check'd, rip my nigga Ezio ;/
Go ahead. Go ahead and galvanize the republican party for the next 50 years.
absolute madman
This. I hope they dig their own graves.
sad kek
Nobody likes Trump except old people in flyover states.
>They got Ezio!
Here, have this link for a video that might be legit.
>Burning down the libshit baby daycare cities that nurtured them
fucking good
So how long before the National Guard has to show up?
good old california
So how long before the National Guard has to show up?
Also Sup Forums is acting like a motherfucking cunt again.
My street is nice and quiet. We still have crickets in November! Can you believe it?
sensationalist bullshit, I was with the protests in Berkeley and you losers wish it was violent
They're burning the Flag! I am disappoint... how could you do this?
...Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay...
That tweet is fake.
Haytham all the way.
so these cunts are fucking up their own city?
weren't they ever told that you don't shit on your own doorstep
Secret service will be at his house very soon
If any Liberals resist moving or say they will move to Canada call them racist!!!
Wasn't the CIA just gloating about being able to detect civil unrest 30 days out?
>west coast
literally who cares
niggers burning nigger cities or cucks burning cuck cities
either way, we win and trump is still president
fucking why
Never change commiefornia. Now you know why trump won
Who says they haven't?
What could they have done to prevent protests?
>west coast
>living in PA
nah i'm good bro
Kill Blacks
Is there a happening in FL? I want to know if we should stock up on ammo or not
Wonderful vibrancy
Some people are ever so uncivilised aren't they.
reckon ICE can do a lot of work at these protests
Fuck off. Your whole country is a flyover state.
>Act like complete fucking retards
>Constantly insult everyone that doesn't agree with them
>Force their shit on everybody that comes within talking distance of them
>Wonder why your candidate lost
I wish it was legal to shoot rioters.
Ahh shit you got me there.
Nope. Closest would be ATL. I'd keep a wide berth from that literal shithole, and they would be wise to confine their hissyfit to the city.
is this a chimpout?
Their assassin got caught by generic PD.
The left is seriously killed itself in the cuckshed this week.
Any good streams?
Not until they start burning entire buildings down and lynching trump supporters
It won't come to that though. Limp wristed libshits don't have the stones to take their little temper tantrum to that level. As soon as the teargas starts flying and the worst of them have some respect for the law beaten into them they'll go scurrying back into the woodwork like cockroaches. That's how it's always happened, and how it will always be.
Coming soon to California a communist democrat dictatorship government where they have every right to line them up and shoot.
My home city is such a fucking embarassment, just nuke it. Fuck LA.
>Burning your country's flag
Things like that make me sick
Mostly just triggered libs having a tantrum so far.
You aren't protesting shit. This is a Republic, not a democracy you degenerate.
Could the Soros plan B be to destabilize the U.S. internally, then build a European army to go after Russia instead?
I'm glad we can end this meme. Show how anti-American you really are. Yell about how everyone a privileged bigot. Cause that worked great this election.
So democratic, so liberal, so progressive.
Its literally nothing
This is what Obama will be remembered for.
Massive rioting under his presidency, it aint even Trump in the white house yet.
Also rioting is good it redpills the silent majority in the city for free.
And I bet these "protesters" describe themselves as "tolerant"
Jesus Christ this election is the gift that keeps on giving
>tolerant left
I think I heard a gunshot over here near downtown San Jose.
nothing in my county so far or I'd get called in to work
You're one to talk, froggy.
He deleted it but it still exists in archives.
>Act like complete fucking retards
>Constantly insult everyone that doesn't agree with them
>Force their shit on everybody that comes within talking distance of them
My dad in a nutshell. Why couldn't I have had a strong conservative role model.
> Sup Forums is acting like a motherfucking cunt again
> again
> implying it sometimes doesn't
What did he mean by this?
probably, but the european army will get shreked by the russians.
Do you see all those female defense ministers those stupid european countries have?
also I wouldn't be surprised to see blm start rioting again
Drift loop king for president 2020
>no one cares
Crybaby leftists will do nothing.
Remember they hate we're safe!
>west coast
not my hair don't care
huge explosions when?
This is why Trump should have and did won.
Violent fascists terrorising the streets whenever they don't get it their way, America would have turned into a third world country under killary's controle. An incompetent leader kept in place by unruly thugs funded by her sponsors.
That isn't an hourly occurrence?
I consider this kind of shit part of Obama's legacy.
The pictures are nice but I don't trust the source. More info if you can find it please.
FBI his stupid fucking ass.
Why do Hillary and her supporters always support violence and war? What the fuck is wrong with that country.
Being a cop now in the US must be so much fun.
>law and order candidate wins in a landslide
>get to beat up libcucks for chimping out
This. People are going to get sick of this shit real quick. These whiny snowflakes and their bullshit were already a driving force behind getting Trump elected in the first place. These silly kids don't even realize how badly they're buttfucking their own cause.
>Burning the american flag
Looks like the good guys won
>libshits becoming more like niggerboos every day
Black cultural appropriation was a mistake
Millions dead
everyone get in here
Colorado is seemingly quiet.
>libtards saying "why would you need a gun to protect yourself from a tyrant government, that would never happen"
The irony is tremendous i tell you.
holy fuck
chris is losing his little tranny mind
Good luck, since when has invading Russia ever gone well?
damn boi he did it
The conspiracy is now. This is the crux not the election. You guys are seeing it happen. You memed Trump right in. Played into the Globalists hands. This is the endgame folks. It starts right now.
lol that's good!
Any American out there protesting, likely:
- does not have a job
- does not believe in America's constitution
- got fooled by cnn&co into thinking Hillary had won weeks before election
- should get a job and stop crying
WTF is wrong with america? Colour revolutions they made are actually backfired?
Is this serious or just just a meme? Cause I don't even see any stories about those riots on russian tv.
This is the future you chose.
Far from making America great again, you just accelerated its decline.
it's mostly just west coast liberal sanctuaries having chimpouts
any protest streams?
""""""""""""""peaceful"""""""""""""" protests
Police state, WHEN? Make America Great Again, shoot the niggers and deport the spics.
I hope no one here lives in Miami, Orlando, or Tampa. They all fucking suck and it's the only place where something this stupid would happen.
Maybe Key West as the last place but those fags just probably had a party down Duval street and took part in degenerate actions to get over their asspain.
Since the golden horde. Oh, and also polish intervention.
Was politics always this toxic? Seems like people are completely losing their shit over this. I can't remember such hatred and vitriol in previous years. The same happened with Brexit, but this is a new level. This is hysteria.
Yo I was just at nick the greeks earlier getting some grub.
>tfw trump won't help out us cucked californians with these shitty gun laws.
I want my 30 round magazine and no bullet buttons.
Also this roster bull shit on handguns.
>no glock gen 4s
nuke them with a 1000Mt bomb pls