Trump said in his victory speech that hillary has served her country well over the past years, which contradicts what he's been saying about her throughout his campaign.. Do you think that he's gonna do the opposite of what he's been saying during his tenure?
Trump said in his victory speech that hillary has served her country well over the past years...
Check the trips.
President Trump now has to govern. We need to reconcile with enough former foes we can get things done. This means being magnanimous even when we would rather be vengeful pricks. We won. We don't need to walk around killing the enemy wounded.
Though personally I wish we hang the bitch, it played well with normies like my mom.
He needs to consolidate power within the executive branch before he can do any purging. He's not even sworn in yet.
But 2bh give it a rest nigger, he needed to look presidential and damn right he did.
The best is yet to come my dude.
it's called lip service
he's offering an olive branch to the opposition
I think Trump was just trying to be a gentleman.
> trump making shit up
Does this really surprise you?
Most slack jawed faggots on this board is just starting to learn this.
He's a gracious winner
Trump's a centrist with protectionist/nationalist leanings. He was a Democrat for several years. He's not going to be the far-right 14/88 Hitler 2.0 demagogue the left says he is but he also won't be the anti-establishment savior his supporters think he is. He'll just try to push the things he's actually been consistent about (trade reform and tax cuts, maybe immigration and infrastructure) and the rest he'll just leave up to Pence and Co
Only old, uneducated trash in flyover states likes Trump.
Donald Trump lied to you to achieve the most powerful position on the planet.
He doesn't care about immigrants or muslims or blacks or jews he cares about being millions of times more powerful than you or anyone you will ever know in your entire existance
You are less than a pawn and the 110 million who didn't vote think you're all fucking retarded monkeys
scratch that a retarded monkey still wouldn't vote, you're a sheep
Politicians saying shit just to win the election?
This is an outrage! The world needs to know
>tl:dr welcome to reality.
Trump no longer sees Hillary as an obstacle, so he no longer needs to fight her in his usual style of insulting attacks of character.
You can see how Trump has always operated when it comes to individuals. If they're just some acquaintance, somebody helping him, or even a nobody, he will throw out some compliments.
If anybody comes at him or are in some way getting in his way, he will shit talk them all night long. He's been shitposting for decades, but he's very selective about it.
Podesta for Prison
Chop the head off the snake
Justin, get off Sup Forums. For Christ sake, you're the fucking Prime Minister, why are you here?
I'll give him six months after he's in office with that majority in the house and Senate , to LOCK HER UP before I call him a puppet
He's supposed to drain the swamp
He's supposed to know how to win
He's supposed to make America great again
We don't need to shake hands with elite pedophile oligarchs at this point , Donald Trump has everything he needs to pass everything he promised. There's NO REASON to "play nice" because we're done playing their game - we burned it down.
Sometimes you say things just to be nice.
The election is over, and it's the time when civilized people act gracious in victory, rather than acting like a roided-up negroid doing a choreographed end-zone dance after a touchdown.
That said, I still fully expect that if something substantive comes of the investigation of the Foundation, that she and Bill will be prosecuted if need be. As for the e-mails, I expect he'll let Congress continue to take the lead on that mess if they choose to pursue it (at this point, it's mostly a moot point, as her political career is clearly over, and she's probably only got a few years left to live). I half expect Obama to issue preemptive pardons on his way out the door, anyway.
Besides, even as far back as his acceptance speech at the convention, he was stressing that while "lock her up" was a great slogan, that the really important thing was to "defeat her in November." That's done now. While it might be icing on the cake for the base to follow through with locking her up, it's important, in order to actually get the things done that need to be done for the country, not to appear to those who supported her to just be piling on.
He's pushed for a lot of things. We've known all along (and Trump has said it himself) that some of them were more realistic than others, and that deals were going to have to be cut in order to get the most important things done. That's how business works, and we need to be realistic about it.
Remember that for the whole campaign, the theme has been the Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want." The message there was to remember that the important thing is to try hard enough so that you "get what you need."
>We won. We don't need to walk around killing the enemy wounded.
This shit pisses me off to no end. We need to put those people in their place and keep them there so that they learn to get along with others. I understand that alot of us are young and have our ambitions and just want to get on with our lives but this is the same cuckery which allowed this shit to happen in the first place. If those people are not kept in their place and forced to learn about others as alot of us have then they will invariably take power again spewing their tyrannical cult like violence once again. It will happen sooner than later. This is so fucking nauseating watching this shit happen again when we get this opportunity after being almost killed off. To put those people in their place and keep them there does not mean killing them it just means keeping them in their place while realizing that if we dont we will get fucked again. It is so stupid to see all of these mr magoo like fools who just want to get on with their life without caring that we are weakened and this shit will easily happen again if we dont give the situation the right kind of seriousness and attention. Fucking idiots.
We just watched Hillarys concession speech where she said they will wait this out and start thier shit up again and you are all acting like sheep who will allow this to happen again. Not smart.
Congratulations your Canada evolved to Lebanon!
Yes, we won. But there's also more than half of the voters that didn't vote for him, and an awful lot of them are scared (irrationally so, but scared nonetheless) that this guy is the second coming of Hitler. If he starts locking up political enemies, and "putting people in their place," it's only going to reinforce their fears.
What we need to do, for the sake of the future, is to win those people over by showing them that Trump is NOT what Hillary and the Dems told them he was: that the Trump does care about that, and that Trump voters want prosperity for everyone. That requires actually fixing the country, not wasting energy on political vendettas.
You can still clean the swamp, but there's a right and a wrong way to go about it: a smart way and a stupid, bumbling Neanderthal way which will only manage to undo everything that was accomplished this year.
Russia's operation has been executed perfectly. America is destabilizing.
Trump elected, protests in the streets, markets crashing, installation of his son into prominent positions & Russian control over Trump.
The CIA could only dream of such success.
I mean we need to have some foresight... Lacking foresight is the mistake we made the first time.. Lets not be stupid enough to do that again. If you dont understand how to do that then that is fine but if we all just assume this attitude of pacifism we will get fucked again in 4 or 8 years.
Yes that is the whole problem.. It actually would be better to kill those people and go 1488 than to do what you are suggesting. This kind of attitude is not serious enough to handle such an enormous challenge and will inevitably allow the same cuckery to happen. It is an enormous endevour to educate these BLM maniacs to get along with others and it is not going to be done with such a simplistic attitude that isnt too different from the bleeding heart liberalism which caused this. If we allow that to happen again we will be killed.. This is a crisis which demands an attitude which isnt just the casual attitude of an ambitious young person such as you sound like. Cock sucker.
The guy was simply being courteous. It's not classy to shit on the losers during an acceptance speech.
>protests in the streets
A few small ones. Nothing really major. Really just some teenagers throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their tendies. All being organized by Soros' MoveOn.
>markets crashing
They regained all of their losses and even reached record highs by the end of today.
Also who gives a fuck if those people are scared.. Look what they did to us. They will not learn without a factor disciplining them such as fear. If you are going to be Mother Teresa then do that but most of us arent serious enough to do that in such a kill or be killed situation and if we dont keep those people in their place we will be invariably cucked into the same spot and killed. You people need to get your shit together. Fucking cucks.
But it is extremely important that Hillary is punished. The world needs to be shown that no matter how elite you are, you are not above the law. People must be shown that what she did was a crime and can be imprisoned.
You have to toss out a gg
TAKE heart faggots, if he had said lock her up, 50% of the country apparrently voted for this bitch, then the rioting we see will be blamed on him, Obama might even try to marshal law this shit, we won, so now we must be slow and steady, then the bitch will die in jail
what happens if the dems freak out and obama straight up pardons her? trump should wait for a right time to play his cards, preferably after he settles in a bit into the oval office
he needs to show he can be presidential if need be
>Do you think that he's gonna do the opposite of what he's been saying during his tenure?
Nah, that was Obama.
In time user.
He needs to consolidate his power at the moment, just wait a few years, maybe his next term.
>This shit pisses me off to no end.
this , whats the point when hussein simply pardons her, this is also why im not that mad at the FBI, you do realise in america even if you kill someone, you can be pardoned by a governor right? see arnie. this way by waiting, we have control of the house, the senate, and the presidence, FBI, CIA, and the DOJ, at that time mybe even obama will go down.
He was just being humble and graceful.
I dislike Hillary and her supporters but it's just wrong to kick them while they're down.
The real stumping will come in January
I agree that we should wait till he gets in power that just duh but if he only assumes the attitude of most of the cucks in this thread then we will be in the same scenario in 4 or 8 years. Yes, half the country voted for him but look at what Obama did with just a minority of people.. It only takes a minority to cause something like this BLM powered cult. We need initiative which takes place in the minds of the few, not the majority. Without this kind of initiative we will be right back in this spot. If we are talking about the majority then we are already cucked because those people are liberals and not by choice.
The BLM maniacs are no more representative of the average Hillary voter than Stormfront is of the average Trump voter, though. The average person is rational enough to be pliable if you confront them with evidence. But you're right that we can only accomplish so much by talking at them: we need to show them tangible proof that the policies we are pushing WORK. Do that, and they will be GOP voters for life, and maybe beyond. That worked for FDR, and he did it with smoke and mirrors. Trump has the opportunity to do it with actually sound economics.
And no, I'm not an ambitious young person: I'm pushing 40, and that means I'm seasoned enough to be more circumspect about this. I'm not trying to be casual about it, and I'm certainly not trying to be a bleeding heart (or a pacifist), but I know what the other side is like from my college days (not that I was ever one of them, but that I had to deal with them on a daily basis for four years), and I know that while there will always be committed radicals (and I certainly think that VIOLENT radicals should be prosecuted), that for the vast majority, it's all about impressions.
If Trump leaves the average American with the impression that the liberal narrative about Trump was right all along, it will be all over for him and the entire movement. And that really will get us all killed. He needs to prove them wrong or we all lose.
true enough, but what we have is a certificate of power, its not real power yet. once we are well and embedded, then its rope time
>There's NO REASON to "play nice"
other than the fact that he isn't sworn in, hasn't picked a cabinet, and the enemy still occupies all the critical positions in the executive branch? Nothing will happen until he gets Lynch replaced.
You don't understand how stupid this country truly is. Lets be real here, Trump didn't win the popular vote.
Those retards will be thrown in the same internment camp as her in due time, it's the battle between brain and cunt right now, and unfortunately cunts have the advantage of numbers. However, we have the advantage of strategy and pragmatism, it's in our nature, just think it through and wait.
its called being gracious you lebb cunt
She can't be pardoned without being convicted
truth brothers truth
I know his campaign staff/advisers must read this board.
Trump doesn't play with his cards face up. Part if his campaign was knocking the Obama administration for always announcing their war plans months before they carry them out, losing the element of surprise. Trump will keep the element of surprise, and this includes when he will deal with Hillary, etc.
thats right, this is why we wait, we let the FBI do a longgggg and thourogh investigation, long enough for lynch to fuck off, for obama to fuck off, for GOD emporor to fire all the NWO generals, then its rope time.
Either way this is a very serious matter. This is a crisis and some kind of highly intelligent action is necessary.. We need initiative.. This is an unprecedented crisis and without the right kind of initiative and action we will be screwed. The way i see it, those people who are BLM and liberal do need to be punished.. They need to be disciplined and fear is part of that.. We need to put them in the same spot as they put us. We cannot have bleeding hearts even if we are very good people. To keep them disciplined as they did to us does not mean killing them but we absolutely need to seize this opportunity and keep it safely in our control.. This is the last time we will get such an opportunity as technology will allow the power of one side to remain in control of the other.
Hasn't even TECHNICALLY been elected yet.
That doesn't happen until the electors meet, next month.
Not true. Preemptive pardons are a thing. Ford pardoned Nixon for Watergate without Nixon ever being convicted.
His acceptance speech for being elected president was no place for theatrics.
Truth, thats why we lure them into thinking that their safe. Then its FUCKING ROPE TIME.
> Do you think that he's gonna do the opposite of what he's been saying during his tenure?
> Made billions running casinos
> Do you think he's honest?
i actually looked up trump U, It was about getting abunch of dudes together to show them how to get massive loans from banks,
the assholes that failed were people who fucked their investments,
i personally lost money investing, its a fact of life,
Remember, that Clinton had something like a 37% trustworthy rating. That means that 37% of this country believe that she did absolutely nothing wrong and think her emails business is all a republican political fuckery.
So since you're addressing everyone now, your messaging has to change a little bit. Gotta take into account those 37%. Once we get another investigation into it from a new AG and they find something substantial, the liberals will have no choice but to accept it.
It's kind of like when you're red pilling someone, you have to give small doses.
They also have the advantage of power.. You can be a minority and enslave a majority. Without the right kind of action which demands serious intelligence and initiative this wont be done. This is the root of a politicians job. We are in a battle which has no safe ground although that is what people want im terrified that i am going to see these bumbling bleeding heart doofuses screw it up again. You either need to decide to be very serious and compassionate or go 1488 but when people assume they are compassionate as most people do because they lack the honestly to be humble and serious then we will see this same nauseating shit show again. It is a crisis as in life or death and genocide.
Dude, if anyone starts getting thrown in "camps," then instead of having a few thousand people protesting, we'll have tens of millions (including many who voted for Trump). If he tries to put that down by force, the fucking army will mutiny, or the Congress will impeach him (there's plenty Republicans in both houses who would turn on him in a second if they saw an opening), or both.
He's a democratically-elected president in a constitutional republic, not a dictator with carte blanche to do as he will. Be a little realistic about what is actually fucking possible here.
>pretending to be a raging faggot
>secretly democrat
>wanted to bo a raging faggot to make sure the democrats win
>he wins
>explains why he seemingly gave no shits yesterday night
>hes actually depressed that he won despite being a raging faggot
>disillusioned as fuck with america
>will probably end up being obongo 2.0
You faggots should have seen this coming with how fucking extreme hes been. The majority of americans wouldnt vote for some one as caustic as he was during the campaign. He only won because of shit democrat voter turn out and because shillary won over sandman
You brought this upon yourselves
Trump ran for two thing that his money couldn't buy: to fuck his mail order bride in Abraham Lincoln's bed and to get naked with the faggots at Bohemian Grove while the incompetent neocon congress do what they do.
His idea of making America great again to commission a new airport and the world's tallest building in NYC, for which he'll reserve the penthouse, so he can stop feeling insecure around all those new money sandniggers in Dubai.
All that bullshit about jobs and draining the swamp: not gonna happen. He's already forgot about it.
America will never learn. They'll grow to hate Trump more than Bush and then vote for the next rich faggot who grabs them by the pussy and whispers sweet nothing in their ears.
This isn't fucking Wiemar Germany, and Trump isn't Hitler. The vast majority of the populace (even Trump voters) aren't going to stand for anyone being "enslaved."
Besides, you're the one talking like a liberal faggot with your "they did it to us, so we should do it to them." How is that any different than BLM calling for fucking reparations for slavery?
We have to be better than that shit, and better than them. We cannot beat them by playing by their rules and their tactics.
He won because many of us believed he was the only candidate who had a prayer of beating Hillary. Even if he ends up as Obama 2.0 (and he won't, because GOP Congress), that's still better than Hillary and a likely WW3 with Russia.
It's called being the bigger man.
Obviously he can't come out and say "Ay, where that bitch Shillary at now, huh?"
You think he would have won the election with intelligence, facts?
Thats how he would have lost it. Like Ron Paul and old faggot Sanders.
The media knows that he plays their game.
But he is smart and will make a good president
Way to move the goalposts.
My parents said the same thing. They supported Trump, so whatever he does must be good, because if he wasn't good they wouldn't have supported him
Hillarry is toast, but there are a couple possibilities as to how that's gonna go down.
>1.Trump appoints a special prosecuter and lets him take due to the email shit.
His campaign promise, pretty possible, but depends on another factor
>2.Trump unchains the FBI and lets them take her with the emails and Clinton Foundations stuff.
This is more interesting, after Weiner's emails were found, we were flooded with relativily good sources claiming that the FBI and NYPD had found some hard evidence of some shit in those emails, maybe now that Trump will get elected, that evidence will finally see the light of day.
>3.Ongoing investigation into the Clintons nails her and everyone else
Equally likely, but might take a while.
She is gonna go down, but don't expect an arrest warrent to be sent as he sets foot on the White House, this is America and these things take a while.
Nah, he won so he has no need to shit on her anymore. He said so so he looks like a better man
I don't think you understand the gravity of the issue here.
This goes deeper than Trump, or even the US for that matter; it's deeply rooted in psyche. Now whether that's due to genetics or conditioning we don't know, what we do know is that there is an unreasonable majority who will gladly run towards the void and drag us all into that abyss just because they're dumb enough to be deceived by a false light they conjure in their delusional fantasies. This is worse than an "us vs them" situation, because if it's them, then the human race as a whole will stagnate and die physically, consciously and spiritually. An internment camp may not be reasonable now, but when people start seeing what's going on then maybe drastic measures in such a form will take place to contain this corruption of essence.
We got lucky he won, but this is far from over. In 4 years he has to be elected again, but hopefully we can move towards a transcendent system beyond democracy by then.
his only job was to look presidential last night, the battle will come with the policies ahead.
I'm sorry, but did Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only the primaries. Does not having the lead at the primaries count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still campaigning right now and she has been the best candidate in the USA for how many years now? She's fighting one of the worst candidates in the republican party who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of being Donald Trump in 2016. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Hillary is one of the best fucking candidates in the democrat party, she almost won last time and would of won if Obama wasn't black. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump just stepped out of bounds when talking about immigrants, just like Bernie did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hillary topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the candidate because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this fucking candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
To add as someone who rooted for Trump, most of his supporters are fucking retards too, just like the majority of voters who think arguing over balls and dicks takes precedence in politics.
> Even if he ends up as Obama 2.0 (and he won't, because GOP Congress),
Not saying hes going to be able to keep obamas system running, hell surely get his shit vetoed, but considering the evidence hes probably not going to drive for republican ideals either.
the next 4 years are going to be stagnant as fuck if this turns out to be true