Now that America and Britain have been made great again, how can we make Australia great again?

Now that America and Britain have been made great again, how can we make Australia great again?

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Australia is fine as it is

Elect Mel Gibson for Prime President Shitposter or whatever that position you have is.

It's simple

They need their guns back.

Give them their guns back.

No one cares about us, we're just shitposters to the rest of the world. All this Trump shit makes me wish it was so easy to run, get elected and MAGA. Alas, such is impossible. I just hope the world gradually uncucks itself now and a strong leader rises, bringing us all into prosperity.

Also, we need a leader that gives us a law to shitpost for a living.

Also free speech

Forgot the pic

>meme magic a DJT pardon for Assange
>elect our boy ft. pauline hanson
>the australian government has yuge dirt on every cunt
>cuck everyone into doing what we say
>ensure that we're still fucking full
>get guns
>annex new zealand
>bomb china

Done. It's simple, really.

can we kill two birds with one stone and uncuck canada at the same time as australia?

i can only dream of pic related

>oy cuck

You need to challenge the emus to a rematch and prove your superiority once and for all.

We need our easy access to guns back

It's actually not, we need easy access to guns and less nanny state

We need to reinstate the white Australia policy

when are France and Germany having their elections?

Fucking Mike Baird, let me buy fucking long necks after 10

This guy will make Australia great again


nice bait

Can we meme EU out of existence?


Australia used to be purely white apart from the abos. Despite us only being criminals we've become a 1st world country before India

You guys need yer gunz bak tbqh Koala bros.

david leyonhjelm, check his policies pro gun pro small government , complete legalisation of marijuana for recreational purposes

What cunt Australia is the greatest and will always be great.

We have had 20 years of continual anti gun propaganda how do we reverse the damage

With a shit tonne of help son, I doubt we could have done it if we were dropped here and made to fend for ourselves

That was the point though. To develop the land for the 1 pound poms

you need to prove that guns are harmless. go shoot a baby with a 9mm, it'll giggle and you can have your guns back.

Shills are scared of these threads they are paid to keep Australia from becoming great again, we are their experiment

Lets not get crazy.

Guns are safe. we need easy access to guns back

Why do you want a gun?

[spoiler]don't say defence[/spoiler]

Redpill melbourne pls

Praise Kek

But if I praise kek hard enough, will it happen?

This is how we get sick gainz in USA

the fucking scam train that is fucking 457 visas.

shut that shit down, complete fucking scam, literally stealing jobs, sending them off shore and then off shore moves over here once they get sponsorship. the person who organizes all this shit gets a portion of their wage.

vote hofer

well. the popular tactic for banning guns is the slippery slope, isn't it. it worked here, it worked there, though it was certainly a steeper slope for you. it'd make sense that the opposite could bring them back, couldn't it? Convince them you only need minor, the safest and smallest guns, just for self defense in these dangerous times, then you ask for more if that works, and you keep going. it's like a rope being dangled off the side of the slippery slope you fell down, it's more difficult to get back up but it's certainly possible.

I want to do three-gun competition.

It'll be a black hole, mate.

I just wanna shoot shit and I'm tired of making bow and arrows out of sticks in my yard and my shoe string

plinking cans off a fence on a lazy afternoon while the sun sets behind you. also hunting and self defence. also [spoiler] spoilers don't work on a fucking politics board [/spoiler]


8s for MAKA

Ban them from Sup Forums

Because China wants to make you Puerto Rico: The Continent?

Memes will win the war




Australia already is great. we can do with less arabs, muslims though. and just keep the africans at bay.

Trigger another early election, make One Nation even more popular, bring Abbott back and make everyone realise that he was a good guy all along, and continue to expose Chinese threats, Union corruption, and leftist/Green/Labor hypocrisy.

Nope, a virtue signalling Trudeau-tier cuck that hates Trump and his party will most likely get elected next election. Our current government is a joke as well.

And open borders, you cuck. Vote One Nation.

We do not know the true will of Kek (PBUH)
Perhaps his true intent with the Trump elect is to ruin America beyond salvation, not to make it great again.
Only time will tell

you're right

> great again?
> again


we must become