Can we have a symbiote thread? I like them

Can we have a symbiote thread? I like them

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But it's not Symbiote Sunday.

Who cares? I like them too.

Remember, symbiotes aren't to be waifum

I feel like they should have stopped at carnage

But they didn't get it right until later...

huh i never noticed before that antivenom looks so much like toxin
i also didnt know toxin had a chest symbol. awesome. he's still an ugly color though. i love carnage's offspring the best, and my fan symbiotes were colors like dark blue and metallic gold

Hybrid is best.

i remember there was a story of a symbiote invasion in New York , i never see it now, so i guess it wasn't canon or was a ultimate event, one thing i remember good there is a cocker dog possesed by a symbiote

so is the venom movie gonna be the start of a SCU?

>i remember there was a story of a symbiote invasion in New York , i never see it now, so i guess it wasn't canon or was a ultimate event, one thing i remember good there is a cocker dog possesed by a symbiote

Toxin has had a few different looks, even with the same host, when Eddie was host it tended to look more like Venom, sometimes drawn one way and sometimes another regardless


Symbiote Sunday has been replaced by Superman Sunday user.

Also, give me all your Symbiotes

Is Hybrid still around?

Tendrils/ Regen/ Natural Weapons

Every symbiote except Venom and Anti-Venom with Flash are gone. Except Scorn, but Scorn's been in comic limbo for a long time.


The entire symbiote Squad from Carnage USA was killed, but all of the Symbiotes latched onto a dog, then Deadpool during Deadpool vs Carnage, only to later return to the dog at the end of the mini. Mania is also still around and stuck on Lee in the current running Venom Inc. and was Raze killed off at the end of Carnage? I know that Toxin got divine powers and forced Not Chutulu back into nothingness, but I can’t remember what happened to Raze

This is fun.

Natural weapons / regeneration / strength / Tendrils
Vigilante / Reporter
I'll take Nemesis to make things interesting


I don't.

Anti- Venom
Regeneration/Natural weapons/Tendrils
Vigilante and Bro

Man I don't remember what happened to Raze either, lemme go check

I guess she got absorbed into the divine symbiote thing Toxin turned into? All that was really an asspull, I have no idea.

Shapeshifting - Regenerations - Tendrils
Reporter and Vigilante


How many times has Venom done that trick?

I can’t tell his face in the third panel, for a second I thought his head was suddenly gone


This thread needs more cute

No, give me all your Symbiotes.

And the complete nobodies like Payback or the diabetes centaur that periodically pops up in Deadpool.

It was practically a once an issue thing.

He'd also spit the bullets out a lot.

Get out of here old man!! It’s our time now!!

I miss the Sentry Symbiotes from Contest of Champions


Anyone who says Mania is a mary sue symbiote has no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

Latest issue confirms Andi is alive, just hospitalized. I don't think she's getting Mania back, though.

A face only a mother could love

IIRC they just transformed into a dog. There's no actual dog in there at the end of Deadpool vs. Carnage.

So knowing what the full effects would be would anyone here actually allow a symbiote to bond with you?

It would suck if they didn’t let Mania come back, but I don’t think that would be the case, if they were going to kill the character off forever then Andi would have been killed. Price is the kind of villains you’re supposed to hate, so killing off the character that has a small cult following would have been the obvious thing to do. Instead they left it open for her to get her symbiote back. We were all also convinced that Slott and Costa would kill Andi when Venom Inc was announce, and looked what happened.

True enough, but never underestimate modern Marvels ability to pull some old dumbass shit that pleases nobody.

I would

Of I can get my bond with it as deeply as Cletus is bonded to Carnage, then yes, Carnage makes Cletus pretty much fucking immortal.

Honestly, they haven’t done much to offend me in the titles I’ve been pulling (Save for canceling GotG). I’m really surprised by how much I’ve been enjoying Venom Inc considering Marvel’s current track record with some of their comics.


You will get a newborn blank slate so they will be entirely forged by your guidence.

Then I can only hope that when I’m eventually hurt and lose my symbiote that it wants to come back to me, rather than run off with the next person who hosts it.

There's a channel on YouTube who does songs in a old school Capcom style and a lot of them are related to the Symbiotes and I like that they feel distinct from his other work, like the Symbiotes warrant a different kind of instrumentation.

Makes me wish for a Spider-Man run 'n' gun in these kind of graphics and music, kind of like Adventures of Batman & Robin for the Genesis.
I've never seen anyone even mention this here so I thought I'd share something I think is cool.

Anti-Venom kind of seems like a no-brainer

There's an actual dog in there, Carnage and Shriek for some reason left it alone when they slaughtered the Mercury Team.

Do you like him yet, or are you going to make him kill Scorn and take her symbiote too?

Why is Spawn there at all, let alone twice?

And why is Spawn giving the Scorpion the bedroom eyes

But what if symbiotes were cute girls instead?

They're the Brothers Grimm.

I really like that fucking coat, Lee himself needs some work though, he’s an alright heel, but boy do readers hate him more than anything


We are Venom

So how do the symbiotes form the suit? I know the organism is always squirming around their guts or what ever, but how does the suit itself form? Does it come out of the host’s pours? Why is it usually seen engulfing the host from behind? Does it shoot out of their ass? I want to see a host transform by just vomiting or crying up their symbiote.

From Venom #150

More of this qt

It can do all those things and more, Eddie especially has been shown a lot having the symbiote morph into his actual clothing.


Have we ever seen the Symbiote that Venom spawned from?

This scorpion armor is so shit

>Weakeness to AntiMatter

Doesn’t everything made of matter have a weakness to antimatter?

I remember seeing it somewhere else, like a video game or something?

It looks like it's from fucking Bakugan.
Holy shit, it actually made me remember Bakugan.

They are always trying to redesign him and nothing ever sticks....

At least they've stopped pretending a blunt billy club tail works as a scorpion stinger and that ordinary gloved fingers are believable as "pincers", though I guess that makes about as much sense as how Pete sticks to walls even through clothing, bug magic!

I liked his TAS look.

For some reason in this shot he looks like he's about to lay down the baddest beating to an androgynous anime character.

>I like them

ahh come on! Shlomo! what are you doing here?

Yea this is good.
The only thing that worked in comics was the macfarlane, larsen, bagley era suit.
The rest are retarded mechanical bloated messes of all kinds.

A character doesn't have to exhaust all of the characteristics of his theme.
And pincers are a really silly idea, why would you deprive yourself of the ability to use hands.

I agree but I was mostly just commenting on how silly that original pincer idea was, like what, his fingers just magically can cut stuff?

I'm taking the Enhanced shape shifting, and the separate form, combining them to turn my symbiote into my waifu.

She's cancelled, mate. Let her go.

That explains dat ass

Well it was a different time.. of silliness incarnate.
Yeah I just remembered, scorpions have pincers but i don't, but I'll try anyway.
Wow it worked!


Should have been this look but with spidey eys.

I'm not the only one who wishes he had a symbiotefu, r-right guys?

Dunno, it's giving me Captain Falcon vibes here.

Going symbiote style

And might as well go full face at this point.

He could have like wolverine pincers that extend from the back of his hand.

80's cartoon Scorpy had gimmick except they popped out of his wrists spidey-style.

no that's normal

Lets go ahead and open the biggest can of worms, favorite symbiote and favorite host? For me it is only Eddie and the Venom symbiote, the most pure love story Marvel ever told

I like how it was, I would like this Scorpion but with more colors to break it up and more detail in the armor

I don't like venom, I was discussing scorpion suit in this thread before.

Coincidentally, I prefer the look venom had when he was wearing Gargan.
Especially the eyes.

But scorpion should be scorpion, Edward should be consumed by venom.

Should go full Captain Falcon

>I don't like venom
Please leave Raimi

Honestly, I think Venom x Gargan for me. Scorpion got the most character development he ever had from that stint.

The art of that run, my god.

For me venom symbiote is what ends up being the twisted shit from Spider-Man 2099, not a faggot anti hero with offspring all over the place.
Carnage and everything following was a mistake.

how does that even work

>not a faggot anti hero
Please don't talk about Eddie that way he wouldn't like it

Natural Weapons/Enhanced Shapeshifting/Tendrils/Regeneration/Resistant
Villain/(don't wan't any more companions, if i can ill swap one for Mind Control)
I just want to be a beast that terrorises a human settlement. More a predator than a serial killer. Prehaps my nemesis would be a survivor of one of my massacres, or perhaps a dedicated vigilante bent on protecting his hometown, but i would objectively be a scourge upon whatever city i haunted.

I picked the stuff that would most easily allow me to remain relatively unnoticed while still giving me considerable powers. Shame i couldnt pick Invisibility

Eddie is a loser.

I cannot decide between Scream and Venom. Help.
Regeneration, Enhanced Shapeshifting, Strength and Separate Form
Sidekick, Villain, Burglar
Menace, Nemesis
Can I get a futa companion?