ITT: images that make you think
ITT: images that make you think
What's so bad about this image?
Makes me think that I voted for the right side and secured the correct path for my country.
These people look like me and those other people don't
tbqh i want to scrub the poo out of that loo girl with my penis famalam
On the left; proud Americans
On the right; disappointed cucks
tbqh i want to scrub the poo out of that loo famalam
There's not even a huge disparity between both. I get that one is white dudes and the other chicks, but they look like they're from the same classroom or something. This isn't a little lebanese kid crying while a KKK member celebrates.
Have these people never seen true suffering before?
Your god awful corrupt bitch lost. Get a real problem.
There's not even a huge disparity between both. I get that one is white dudes and the other chicks, but they look like they're from the same university or something. This isn't a little lebanese kid crying while a KKK member celebrates.
ill be jacking off to that image the rest of my life
The more I look at this tweet the dumber it seems. It's almost like she wants the guys whose candidate won to be sad as well lol
Winning never felt so good
This is fucking beautiful,I can watch this image for hours and laugh
>Trumpers choose to dress classy
>Liberals choose to dress casually
Dress for Success I Guess :)
Wow I mean how did Trump even win when u.s.a is 59% white?
For some reason people think you must be obscenely rich because you can rent a suit.
best part is that less than half of the trump voters are white men. the rest of white women, hispanics, "others" (cubans etc) and some blacks
Well, they see Trump as a serious threat to their safety and way of life. They're afraid that Trump will create laws and policies that will actively target them, limit their freedoms, and leave them open to violence.
Liberals do not believe Trump has America's best interests at heart. They believe that Trump will actively, knowingly make the country a worse place. They look at Trump and they see a man who hates America, who wants to burn it to the ground and sell the ashes for a modest profit. His only objective as president will be to hurt as many Americans as he possibly can.
Funny how they never include the full Trump image that has a bunch of non whites
i dont know why the asian cuck makes me so mad. like why the fuck would any asian ever vote democrat?
chills out, why are you in this site
I'm sick of you country bumpkins shitting up my--yes, MY country.
>El Salvador
Fuck off you mud eating monkey.
How do you even have internet
Crybaby's first election?
They should be happy having a chance to vote.
>El Salvador
Fuck off you mud eating monkey.
How do you even have internet
>never include the full Trump image that has a bunch of non whites
Good, why ruin the picture.
They are sexists and racists so they think those white guys shouldn't be allowed to ever get it their way.
Ironic how they are everything they claim to hate, yet don't even realize it.
I know a bunch of "Asian Americans" online and for some reason they are really fucking upset about being seen as the model immigrants who often even surpass the native population.
Don't ask me fucking why, but they'd rather be associated with "muh poor oppressed minorities".
Sorry girls, but the white bogeyman alone wasn't responsible for your tears
What? People are distraught that the campaign they spent a year of their lives working on for no compensation failed?
Truly this has never happened before.
Then they should stop being so willfully ignorant. Your entire post pretty much describes Hillary exactly. Her whole campaign was projection and the media has been ousted as shilling frauds. They need to be held accountable for this baseless hysteria.
Absolutely nothing.
gonna need to see proof on that chief kanga
Damn I had to look this one up I couldn't believe he went back and apologized.
Trump is the fucking alpha president
This image actually makes me smile.
They are all spineless cucks, the only reason they dared to lash out against Trump was because they thought his chances of victory were zero.
Pretty satisfying to watch them crawl back and essentially beg for forgiveness
what do you think of Alfredo Cristiani?
Anybody can buy suits, generic suits are not expensive.
I Almost never wear my suit but I have one and if I was going to be in a room with the potential president I would put it on.
Clinton supporter always look malnourished
>run a campaign on literally nothing other than promising to end mining/steel/coal, etc jobs
>wrap it around a pole labeled "I'm a women"
>have your evil racist anti-white cultists dance around it thinking they are voting to end whites
>let celebrities endorse you, that also call for white genocide
>be fucking shocked when you lose hard
Leftists everyone.
Glad their brand of racism & craziness failed.
At charity shops you can get slacks, a coat, a tie and an Oxford for like 20 bucks. Leftists don't like looking respectable and dont like compromising for second hand, so they pay hundreds of dollars to look like slobs
I hurt myself today..
>fags actually are killing themselves over this
>Trump was Making America Great Again before he even officially won
Yeah nah mate, yeezies are tots worth it ; ^)
Looks like another "Clinton suicide"
what did he mean by this?
>ITT: images that make you think
> Hiro shit management cannot manage to accept a post with a pic
we did not nuke them enough
>type 3 captchas
>still fail
>try without pic
>still fail
fuck you small dick japshit hiro
This one really gets my brain a churnin
>What is sarcasm
It was a beautiful victory but it does scare me that if we don't cut thee border hoppers off they will soon outnumber the older generation that voted Trump in.
I laughed audibly
Don't be fooled
It's not that. It's also what wearing a suit says about you, especially now that we've got the big push to make business appear friendly and go "smart casual" instead.
I want to develop on this, but honestly I just wish we'd end the "smart casual" meme and have businesses stop pretending to be friendly and start trying to command respect and trust again.
Make Anal Great Again
RAYCISS AND SEXISS MUCH?!? I can't even...
Kek nice one
Reminder to meme Rowdy Gowdy for AG
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>maybe it's not too late for me to get a white bf
Thank you based Poos
Well put, ameribrah
There was a thread on here during the last moments of the election. In it people vowed to abstain from pornographic material for all time to come in the event of a Trump presidency. And now the whole board is porn like OP's. Times try the meme magician.
Cuz drumpf voters are privilege uneducated working class rich oppressors!
It will be thinking about it too, with an errection
That's how I imagine Sup Forums to look like
Do they even think before saying such statistics?
I could develop a thing for hot Indian chicks. What's the word for that? Pooabo?
American emphasis on race and class divide never made much of a sense to anyone.
They are too individualistic to be a real part of any group but clump together all the same due to common enemies.
The people on the right couldn't dress up for the occasion
daddy issues / why isnt my dad white the image
who here remembers this qt middle schooler
muh dik
jesus christ
Too bad that they won't learn from this
You don't mess with white men
> Textbook Fascism REEEEEE !
It's a shame lacy green's tits are wasted on such a piece of shit.
This is the result of echo chambers. You see, this was the first election for many people, of course, like every other election. Young Hillary supporters, or at least most of them are Tumblrites HuffPo reading SJW, they haven't held a job in their lives, they study piss-easy majors like liberal arts or gender studies that require no skill or intelligence, they alienate themselves from dissenting opinions and they are used to daddy buying them all they want. All these have prevented them to develop what psychology calls "tolerance to failure". They literally can't cope with things not going their way, they don't understand the concept of losing, they have never prepared themselves mentally and emotionally to the notion of a failure. That's babby's first election: they hoped on the winning team, the methodology and ideology wouldn't have mattered, if it was Trump the one with the rigged media behind and the 99,8% chances of winning according to HuffPo, SJW would have supported Trump instead I guarantee it, mental gymnastics would do the rest.
The thing is that they lost and they never even entertained the idea of losing, so they now resorted to kick and cry because they are baffled. All of us have had their first disappointment, usually at 14 or 15 when we broke up with our first gf or when we got our parents called to the principal, when we have to had to stay home cleaning instead of going out or even when a loved one died... it's unhealthy not to and it leads to this: people in their 20s that think anything barely outside their zone of confort is the apocalypse. Conformism is the death of a country.
poo in the waifu
>That suit and a MAGA hat combo
why does it look so effay
why are trump supporters pure A E S T I C S
Ameribros, Is this true?
Took me a while to realize that this was fake. but then I realized that there's no way that trudeau gets that many retweets on an average tweet.
they're the supreme gentlemen group
>100% white
hes rich for some reason i guess. thats some good deal.
New thread.