Robot Jones

Original voice or redub?

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The original voice is good as a gag but I like the redub voice just fine, and its easier to understand what he says.
It also makes the episode where he turns into a trap much better.

I understand the choice to redo the voice, and I don't think it's bad, but the original voice will always be my favorite.
I just thought it was a really cool idea as a kid, and was disappointed when season 2 started and he was redubbed.

Original. I've never been able to sit through an episode with the redub.

Robot voice was my favorite of the two.

Original. It was a bold creative choice and makes a lot of the line deliveries all the more unique/interesting. Redub just sounds like another generic kid.

Why was Shannon a bitch sometimes and then totally chill the rest of the time?

She's bitter about being an amputee and having crooked teeth.

I would still fuck Robot Jones.

Can't see why, no one else gave a shit except for Robutt, and he liked that about her.


I'm going off topic but I always wondered what fucked that girl up so hard. I mean goddamn, I never liked how she treated Jones but I could understand it with her injuries

You know how much shit you can't eat with braces? It's dreadful.

Found this episode while watching the show on youtube. Times really have changed, what happened

>that calculator dis

fucking SAVAGE

>why are teenager girls moody?

How many chromosomes do you have?

I've been enjoying these Robot Jones threads lately. It's a nice cartoon.

Grandpa unit pls

I like to think in-universe that he started with the original voice and switched to the other one to try to fit in more

good taste

maybe she got fucked up for acting like a cunt

>boys vs girls episode
>conclusion: i am a superior robot

based. you cant get away with that nowadays

I agree with If there was a supporting character like Bobert in amazing world of gumball, I would say keep the Original voice.
But when he talks for a long time, it seems even longer when it's the original text to speech Macintosh. Like those video reviews on Youtube User that can't afford a Mic.

My headcanon is similar to In that the Dad Unit is the oldest model which is text-to-speech, the Mom is a younger model, which has more speech functions. And Robot Jones being the latest model has better functions of speech. It just makes less sense to revert back to text-to-speech when you could use the same voice box as Mom Unit.


I wouldn't mind a reboot or sequel to this show.

I'd rather they just make a finale that actually answers: whatever happened to robot jones?


God I fucking love AM

>Maybe we can get IT to help us with our projects.

I hate you



Original voice all the way. I don't exactly hate the redub voice, but I just think the original voice is more fitting for his character.

The original Macintalk voice, obviously. Comparing the redub to it is like comparing "New" Coke to classic Coke.

Robot voice, mostly because it was the one I was introduced to so It was established in my brain that’s how the character sounds. Also I hate kid voices.

Just got mine off yesterday, it's fucking liberating. Popcorn everything.

>whatever happened to robot jones?
he exterminate humanity

>you SHOULD go in the girl's bathroom. Especially if you like to vomit .
For a second I thought this was a bulimia joke