I'll start:
Sup Forums
ITT: Sup Forums Characters That Represent Each Board
Sup Forums
For the record, Sup Forums is making
>Not Sup Forums
You had one job.
Sup Forums.
it's making both a TCG and a cartoon series based on the Amerimutts so now it counts as Sup Forums.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
>11 minutes of pure asshurt
cant wait
Sup Forums loves jews.
fuck wrong pic
Kyle is /r9k/ in every way
>tfw even his brother thinks hes ugly
Godzilla vs The Thing?
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
more like /fit/
its 90 per cent self hating fatties there, and 10 per cent gay dudes trying to get you to post in current body threads so they can fap to you.
Sup Forums
Did Cosbydaf have a hand in making this, by any chance?
>not /x/
What's wrong with you
Why do you keep calling me /lgbt/