>you will live to see American civil war 2.0
what a time to be alive
desu, Sup Forums wanted start one if Trump lost. why shouldn't liberals think the same?
>you will live to see American civil war 2.0
what a time to be alive
desu, Sup Forums wanted start one if Trump lost. why shouldn't liberals think the same?
Wouldn't be much of a fight since it's a rural vs cities scenario and they can easily be starved off until surrender.
>all those years shitposting in the basement weren't for nothing
Yea, no.
No, they stay in there until they eat each other
I can't wait for those Russian imports, going to get me some libtard hunting machines.
the south would be the ones fighting for the union this time..... funny how times change.
Jesus, these digits.
By the way, this is just for the lulz, don't V& me pls
Nah, I think they are too disorganised to have any real effect. Ultimately they play the PC game for their own agenda to get points for caring about shit. They can't come together because they are all divided trying to outdo each other. They will probably just turn on themselves.
We can help for establish constitution order at Alaska, Hawaii and California.
Yeah I definitely see that happening
Liberals are too chickenshit. Most of them are beta pacifists wearing their identity politics as a twisted for of navel gazing. The irony is that they actually wanted Hillary as president, who is a war mongering control freak who used idenity politics to achieve her alpha tendencies.
Liberals can be horse whipped and the most you will get is crying, complaining but eventual compliance. They make shitty enemies, would be a boring first person shooter game.
comservatives have all the guns plus the military is overwhelmingly conservative
>threathening US
>cant feed their own people
This thing's old like shit
This should be the last of your concerns.
can't we antagonize this by showing up armed to there rallies? or encouraging LGBT to form militia groups. Can't we spread rumors about FEMA mobilizing concentration camps/making more mass graves. they did cointel why can't we?
>inciting a civil war
Reported to the FBI
Because they're pussies
More white men are going to die over nigger rights? SO MUCH PROGRESS!'''''!!!!!!!!!!!!
contributing to hypothetical thread labeled civil war.
>reported to the FBI
they can't even find deleted emails.
Liberal don't know how to use a weapon. The next civil war will be fought on Twitter.
Alaska is fine tho
As for cali, have at it
California secedes
Civil War2 : Electric boogaloo
Then California remembers they only have arsault rifles with bulletbuttons and retard nopistolgrip stocks...