Why aren't you married yet, Sup Forums?


I live in the people's republic of New Jersey, am a full time student and work full time. The mojority of the people here are garbage so it's hard to find a quality woman. I have a year left at Rutgers and then I am moving out of new Jersey forever

All the women here are degenerate. I wish to move to Eastern Europe someday.

because im scared to lose what little i have

>A2 stock
>Magpul handguard

I am a reclusive asshole with little money.

because marriage is an outdated, silly institution for the superstitious/people looking for broader validation of their romantic pursuits.

Too poor, too unlikable.

I wish I could caress their feet and thighs

Never met a single woman with good family values. All the girls I knew when I was growing up turned into liberal sluts.

I don't want to.

No virgins or near-virgins left. I don't want to share.

>A2 upper
>rails on the carry handle

He really should restain that deck. I mean, what kind of responsible home owner that is head of the household let's that shit go like that?

Fuck this guy, he clearly rents and is divorced. Degenerate confirmed. He should like himself with that rifle. No self respecting man lets his deck go to shit like that.

Also this

That gun's not going to help him when his daughters lay down for jamal and ahmed.

can't afford flights to canada so I can marry my dog :(

Idahoanon here. I'm married, and I'm 26. Being a student and married is actually cozy because one can work while the other goes to school and... works as well. We have a baby on the way and everything. No gov't assistance, either.
You gotta look for women in the midwestern states. The trashy ones are concentrated in the coastal and eastern states. I also suggest marrying a mormon gal if she lets you- they are generally conservative, traditional, and they do not worship the gov't.

When the woman weight on average 72 kg and around 50% identify as feminists that odds aren't worth the risk.

I'm gay

too autismo to even get a gf

our women are all lunatics and I personally know some who volunteer at refugee housing centres

besides that, my crush didn't remember me when I actually called her, didn't call back a few days later when I tried again even though we had a prior agreement to talk and now acts like nothing happened.

women are all bullshit.

Too many trash tier women in my life, only met a few that were waifu material- and our jobs made it impossible to date long term.

Because I'm not religious, and I don't require the government to sanction my relationship.

I don't have the money yet.

Well I am looking to go into either law enforcement or become a paid Firemen so I've mainly been looking at the Carolinas, Virginia, Florida, Texas, and Georgia, as places to move to. I would like to have a family but I definitely can't see that happening in NJ. I've tried dating a few girls but they are all either extremely sjw or expect you to be their servant since they were spoiled their whole life. Won't Mormon girls try to make you convert to their church? Personally I am agnostic but I don't generally publicly say anything about it.

>No flat top upper

Bro do you even operate?

You are already both fat and disgusting, congratulations

>expensive housing
>expensive and ineffective public transportation
>taxation at +60%
>feminism and marriage laws against males

i could on but i guess you get the point im making you wagecuck

Ima total loser

Stop blushing

>he doesn't have an offshore inc.
If you still pay taxes to the United Cuckdonia so they can flood some more with niggers, socialism and islam you kinda deserve it

women in midwestern states will cuck the shit out of you,no fucking thanks I seen it happen too many times

Because I got tired of being fucked around with an unemployed women who loved me for my money, gold digger you could say. Now I feel even better not being in a relationship with no kids. Have more money for myself more money to save for retirement and other goodies. Long story short, it's great.

I have to improve myself first. If I can't attain the most perfect wife I can there's no point getting married.

I haven't ordered my bride yet.

28, married here.

Not going to have kids, though. Kids are cancer.

Cousin married Mormon girl from Utah best decision of his life. Has 2 kids a house he met her in college. Real lovely people.

As for me I'm just a fucking east coast degenerate playing vidya and smoking weed.

I always let them talk about themselves and then I get instant friendzoned.

I work too much.

The last phallus calice couldn't understand it. I don't let the new semen collector think our relation is serious for this very reason.

Also, due to my work, I see a lot of divorces. Don't make me want to marry except if she has a very good situation.

>save money for retirement
>no progeny
>die alone with no family to pass your wealth onto

Sounds like some nu male shit

i actually dont pay taxes cause i dont make any money
>as far as the italian state knows

actually everything i get from the welfare is basicly free cause i never payed any taxes or done any job, mad?

Not gonna lie it makes my dick hard.
But it would be better with an A2 handgun as well.

Because I've never even tried to get a girlfriend. I just get a hooker once every 2 months or so. Feels weird that I've had sex with like 12 different women, but I don't know how to kiss.

I married my vidya. Greatest decision of my life.

>all daughters
>death of your family name
>No son to do father-son activities with

Fuck that guy must feel terrible.

Still pretty young so looking at all my options

The first great decision of my life was voting MAGA. The second greatest decision of my life was realizing I've made only 1 good decision in my life.

Need to put down the Vidya user and get your life together. Yes most women are literal cum sluts but there are some who want to settle down. They don't want to watch you play Vidya and fap all day.

Make good decisions user. MYGA

>implying you actually get a son who likes you and want to do stuff with you

enjoy being cucked by your son teacher

I've considered an East European bride but I know they are all gold diggers

You're still a virgin unless you went in raw.

Muzzie scum get out of Italy. I'm expanding my ass in peace, prosperity, and freedom, bitch. 'Murica!

Guess I'm a virgin then.


why? why it should be different, its the same thing with or without a protective layer of plastic.

Law enforcement, from what I understand, can be very fulfilling. But if you have a family it will be very hard on your family to be gone for long hours and have them worrying about your safety. That's the single reason why I took my backup plan of becoming a trucker off the table. A failure in the home is still a failure, no matter what they achieve outside the home.
Mormon girls may try to get you interested in their beliefs, but if they do, it's because they want what they believe is best for you.

Funny, even in a conservative looking family The oldest daughter still raises her knee. Anybody notice that?

rightmost one looks like ted

>ftw I had to travel to Michigan to find a gf because Maryland is full of fat fucking liberals

>touching plastic with your dick is the same as touching the vagina
Go eat some pasta, you fuck, your life philosophy is shit.

God just imagine how big of closeted sluts those girls are. I'd love to get a good paying job, wine and dine one of them, then respectfully ask their father for permission to date his daughter.

Then after marraige I'd fuck her brains out, cum on her face, feet, in her mouth, bind and gag her, lead her on a leash, etc. Then using the hand that's slapped her daughters cum covered face and ass, and been inside of her, shake his head while we're having a couple of cold brews during a back yard bbq

>1 post by this ID

Click and hide

well, to be honest, marriage can save relationships

people go through some shit and immediately go separate ways, but if you're married then u think about all the bs divorce papers and give it a second thought

Here in New Jersey everyone is either brown or some type of Italian aka brown. At school it's even worse, Rutgers is literally one ginat sjw fest. Yesterday my one professor canceled class because Clinton lost, we also got a mass email sent out about respecting others opinions after the election. Motherfuckers need to grow the hell up

You have qt3.14 slav girls around you dimitri the fuck is wrong with you.

Tuco Salamanca?

No they are not, but there's like a 5% chance for you to get a good one if you're not speaking the language

Foregrip on an MP 18 ??????

Stop watching porn then. It is a false reality.
Aw, shucks. My snipping tool ran out of black ink :/
It's your choice. However, I have been figuring out that true happiness occurs easiest with hard work. Women are hard work to deal with sometimes, but it's really rewarding to have someone who has similar goals as you to work with. Maybe you should gather up some motivation and figure out what long-term goals you want to work towards.

MAGA, man. You can do it.

>not stock a2 furniture
>railed carry handle

fucking disgusting desu senpai

Because I can't bring myself to even invite someone to a date if I don't feel a connection with them pretty much right after meeting them, and that almost never happens except when circumstances make it impossible to actually see the person for more than a few months anyway.

Feels bad. I just want a decent job, a house, and a family.

Are fathers with daughters the biggest cucks?

Yeah fuck minorities as well as liberals. Massive hypocrites.

I'm white, she's white.

It's a feels good man.

I've red pilled her on muslimes as well.

>I have been figuring out that true happiness occurs easiest with hard work
Ha ahahah ahahahaha hahahahahah
Good goy

I know some polish and czech mainly due to the fact that I spent a summer there awhile back, the people are definitely more so level headed, I am just thinking about how all those east European dating sites are a scam

I didn't find the right woman.

Wait, no, the right woman didn't find me.
That's more like it.

I want to live in a nuclear family so bad. I'm studying mechanical engineering just so I can have a job that pays enough to support a wife and least three kids, but with how I live my life I'll never find someone, especially now that I'm studying.
If you have someone you love, don't fuck around, wife that girl and have at least 2 kids. You owe it to her and your ancestors.

Never use sites

Im trying to get a qt Australian gf

>race mixing


Trips of truth, then how do I go about it? With all my money going towards paying for school, I don't have extra money to spend a few months over there looking for a wife

>trips of truth

So you do really have to go to Eastern Europe yourself and find your own girl senpai?

>So you do really have to go to Eastern Europe yourself and find your own girl senpai?
If you hate yourself that much then yes.

Ja wohl

When you have enough money (even though you probably you're overestimating things but it's good just to be sure) you just need to do some "field work" .

Now regard of the place, be prepared to learn a language, or at least give the impression that you want to
No, but most of the good women are here i guess.

Im sorry user, but everytime I go to Australia to play my dick get's rock hard from those tennis skirts. I can't suppress this feeling.

maybe she realized she hates you

Stop being a moron and express your feelings for her clearly.

this is actually a sound philosophy

cuz they all cheat.
will ask the qt cashier 2 bang next time im in
will see where it goes, might put some kids in her
might wife
all depends on how much she doesnt trigger me

Honestly sound advice tbqh

>should I congratulate you on getting pussy
>or breaking up a marriage

Women are terrible people at the end of the day honestly.

All the women here are degenerate. I wish to move to rural US someday.

Doesn't work with women, pal.

its actually trash
standards are your enemy
perfection doesnt exist

if all you losers accepted your rank in society you would have lost virginity at 13 like a normal person

but noo you didnt want to fuck that girl who was just as ugly as you. well fuck you then. wizard is your punishment you arrogant egotistical fuck ups.

move to Montana or Minnesota

i didnt break shit up
we established what it was from the start
we just fuck

It's just a silly dream, you know that US doesn't want white Europeans.

Really got my neurons firing on all cylinders user.

hehehe right haha


Too many fucking niggers and wetbacks here.