What has this man actually done to be labeled as a "racist" or "xenophobe" without verification? Leftists keep using these buzzwords and call you out as one for even questioning their logic
What has this man actually done to be labeled as a "racist" or "xenophobe" without verification...
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Those words mean nothing now.
Yes but what are concrete examples of it?
Drumpf used pretty harsh rhetoric specifically when referring to Muslims - you may remember he promised to ban all Muslims from entering the US - or when he spoke of illegal immigrants - most of whom have paid more in taxes to the US than Heir President Elect. Those are just two examples wherein his xenophobia is displayed.
"prove it" "thats it??" " Trump did nothing wrong" "Muh leftist"
Fucking faggot cunt.
He has rescinded his invective about Muslims. They where petulant and brash comments, but largely reactionary in nature after the Orlando shooting and the Nice attack.
I wondered this as well, and there is nothing. In order to be those labels you have to insult ALL of a group. The way liberals mean it is if you're talking against illegal immigrants you're talking against all mexicans. Terrorists = all muslims. So it is just them changing the language to suit their agenda.
Off the cuff reactivism is a quality I admire in leaders... Glad to hear he rescinded those remarks.
I believe he refused to hire black people a while back, and that's a bit racist
>what is Merton's paradigm
> What has this man actually done to be labeled as a "racist" or "xenophobe" without verification?
Actually yes. He is 99% obongo. The differences are: much better businessman, not a muslim.
That`s all.
For you. Because this are epithets of feeling-politics, and you try to rationalize politics.
Watch all the democratic crybabies. They can not care less for anything rational. They care for muh feels exclusively, just as illuminati schools taught them to. And their feels matters. The fact is that they are retarded and you not being retarded can sway their feelings in the right direction, if you do not just disregard their basic signals.
You're all embarrassments And you should feel badly.
> muh studies refuted
> muh have been seen as racist
All Muslims from places hostile to America.
And banning all Muslims isn't racist. Being a Muslim is holding a certain ideology, you can always choose to renounce those ideals and embrace the wests.
And people have good reason not to tolerate Islam, it's like saying you have to tolerate religions that practice human sacrifice or cannibalism or you're a bigot.
If you tolerate literally everything, then laws don't exist
> you can always choose to renounce those ideals
For the most part that means embracing opportunism.
And opportunism is ideology of cowards.
Rarely people want to be cowards.
Don't ask them to give you concrete examples, they will just bring up dumb shit he said off the record.
Well Clinton was raped so hard she couldn't speak for a day.
> Drumpf used yada
Das ist Herr Drumpf für dich.
Dumb shit = things he actually said/did
>ban ALL muslims
>illegal immigrants paying more taxes than trump
prove it
Media hates him. So they portray him as that and it's perpetuated in people's minds.
Show me his tax returns.
>ask for proof
Changing your ideology does not make you a coward. People with weak egos interpret it that way because they're afraid to admit they made a wrong choice or held an idea that no longer applies to them.
'most illegals are rapists'
wasnt he being sued for not letting blacks live in his apartments in the past?
Sued for racial discrimination
Retweeted a neo-nazi twitter account with falsified statistics on black crime
What more do you need, guy hates blacks. This isn't even getting into everything hes implied in speeches and interviews
Nothing actually. Theyre buzzwords used to attack people.
Hes a chill dude.
No he has
>Trump said the ILLEGALS that are coming to America aren't our best they're not sending you or me they're sending the criminals, their murderers and their rapists
They are. If they have to hop the border instead of coming in legally they're not the best Mexico has to offer. Could it have been worded better? Yes. He could've left it at they're not sending their best.
>Trump said he wanted a TEMPORARY ban on Muslim travel to the US until we can figure out what is going on.
Putting a ban on travel from a war torn country where they have already admitted they use the refugees to insert ISIS members into other countries only makes sense. It would be temporary until we can identify, prevent and eventually control Islamic radicalization. Until this is solved we shouldn't just be letting in people who could be dangerous without having a handle on the situation at hand. Just blindly accepting them is fucking stupid.
>Example: I have a bowl of peanuts I imported from North Korea. 50% of them we know are poisoned but you should go ahead and grab a handful anyways.
>Trump said my fellow African American at a rally when referring to a black man in the crowd.
This isn't racist in the slightest. Sure he could've just said my fellow American but he didn't want to rip away the individuals cultural identity. At least he called him African American instead of calling him my fellow black brother or some stupid shit like that.
Anyone who says Trump is racist or xenophobic obviously hasn't listened to him enough. The MSM has been called out as liars and biased but some cucks still lap it up like a cat with a saucer of milk.
>without verification
fgt pls
>get disproven
>start spamming gay shit you have on your hard drive
user, please don't be an obnoxious faggot :^)
he wasn't that off with those crime statistics though
You've just been ignorant, there are plenty of other charges
He was ~80% off with the blacks killing whites stat
Bloody bogan
> Changing your ideology does not make you a coward.
It does. Kikes are created opportunists since birth of their "nation" in northern europe in 17th century and look how much everybody love them.
Ask yourself - why ideologies are a thing in general? Because it`s fundament of societies. You change your personal ideology - you betray your nation. That`s not an argument, that`s a true fact.
The only way without it is to change ideology of the nation in general. Perform reform.
This is why they hate alavites and their leader - Asad. Because alavi leader can legally state the ideology "because allah gave us our leaders" and others must follow. And if the ideology would be an islam without 16th century innovation named "sharia law", or transitional ideology, that will fuck up neocolonialism in middle east big way.
Can you elaborate a little more?
>other charges
he's president now no point in trying to correct the record anymore you pathetic cunt
>he spoke of illegal immigrants - most of whom have paid more in taxes to the US than Heir President Elect
You don't actually believe this do you? I mean you would have to be beyond retarded.
He creates jobs. They pay taxes. He pays property taxes, VATs, state and local taxes, capital gains taxes.
Just shut up already
If you oppose unchecked immigration you are a racist. If you have sexual thoughts about women you are a sexist. Welcome to the progressive brain.
charges of racism i.e. racial discrimination suit
Good argument. Your probably racist anyway why do you care.
I'm almost certain you read Breitbart. Educate yourself
>getting sued
>in America
>meaning anything
Please leave, Aussie, you are embarrassing yourself.
this is the pinnacle of strayan shitposting
better keep it up. canada is a close second
Can you read my man. He didn't just get sued once as a one off thing, the scope of the suits were enormous.
>Complains about Breitbart
>Sources Lawnewz
>Sources thinkprogress
Same thing Ron Paul did 4 years ago to be labeled racist and xenophobe : he went against the establishment
Good sources on that, Straya.
and old lady Hilary kept yelling at frogs
Think progress link was just for the tweet, you can see that on any outlet yourself
Lawnewz doesn't have any bias and regardless its only reporting on facts
He espoused the principles of national sovereignty, patriotism, American exceptionalism and the idea that a nation should seek to protect and serve its own people over those of other nations.
Which according to modern rabid leftists makes him Super-Hitler.
I'm not saying that they are not useful or that you should change them like the wind changes, I'm saying that if in the face of evidence you cling to your old ideas without a solid base you're doing it of a place of fear, you fear that someone might persuade you otherwise through logic, thus meaning that some of your current beliefs were illogical or at least not thoroughly investigated by you, which a lot of people aren't willing to admit.
No its because there is solid evidence that hes a racist
Can you source your shit?
Note that I'm talking in general here not necessarily pertaining to Islam.
Put yourself in the shoes of a liberal for a second,
>Literally have no thinking ability or capacity to retain knowledge
>Is subscribed to buzzfeed
>Smokes cartel amounts of weed on a daily basis and somehow has an intellectual superiority complex
You can understand how "Illegal immigration is bad" could translate to "Mexicans are bad" In the fucking knee high hedge-maze that is the liberal brain.
>OMG, he retweeted something about black crime, that means he's literally turbo-Hitler!!!
I've directed you to this before
He retweeted Neo-nazi propaganda
You do realize the election is over already right?
You're not going to be getting paid anymore.
But muslim isn't a race.
Fuck me I hate conservatives
I do this shit for free homes it was never about the cheddar
>He retweeted Neo-nazi propaganda
Not an argument.
Donald Trump is one of the few people in this country that isn't racist. He just believes in winning.
Fuck off you boomerang throwing cunt
Literally nothing.
This whole rioting shit happening now is just an excuse to loot new Jordans.
Thread lads.
Retweeting neo-nazi propaganda is typically associated with racism given that it is a racist movement.
But hey not ALL people re tweeting neo-nazi propaganda are neo-nazis just like not ALL muslims hold radical beliefs
Its just the truth, some conservatives are pretty smart and argue positions well but most of are very low IQ leaving them liable to fall for meme right wing arguments
No hes racist
Let me guess, you're from Melbourne aren't you?
More of her, its for my geological survey.
Will Trump do ANYTHING good for minorities?
Muslims arent a race. Illegal immigrants arent a race. What racist things has he said again?
Who gives a shit
Accusations. They work for their Father the Devil, and will do all they can to sully a good mans name
He was fined for discriminating black people from his apartments.
He settled the case, yes, but did you bother reading the details of it? he marked requests from black people with the letter "C" which stands for colored.
He is a racist.
>1973 suit against him was settled for zero and dismissed
1973 was a long time ago user. Times were different. Nonetheless the case went nowhere and was just an allegation.
>Trump retweeted a crime statistic that was "RACIST"
Page 3 the table actually lines up with what Trump posted. Just because the tweet came from a neonazi site doesn't mean he's racist or affiliated.
You post pepe I'm sure and he's a white nationalist symbol now supposedly.
You got anything better that isn't twitter based or things he's allegedly done that even the simplest of google searches can debunk?
You got something of him being blatantly racist?
Not an answer.
Double not an answer.
Well it's his apartments, he should be able to choose who stays in there.
Again, did you bother reading the details of that case? he marked requests from black people with the letter "C" which stands for colored.
He also said mexicans are rapists but some are good people, instead of saying mexican are good people but some are rapists. he flipped it
GTFO of my state.
everybody with a high IQ doesnt fall for the "all races are equal" meme
muslims arent humans so its ok to hate them
Doesnt matter the details.
If he wasnt arrested, or charged, its bullshit.
Next you'll claim he's still a rapist even though that one "victim" KEEPS dropping her own case against him.
Not charged
He did not get convicted, he settled the case even though it was known he actually did it.
Are you the same kike who wanted Clinton to be elected so she could nuke Iran?
I've seen a kike shill using this image many times before.
Read this post again, slowly, and in its entirety.
His case never got any ground. If he actually did something they would've arrested him or he would've had to pay for that case to be settled. Neither of which happened.
>He also said mexicans are rapists
This is what he actually said.
>When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
All of which is true. If they have to hop the border illegally they're definitely not the best Mexico has to offer. He was talking about illegal immigrants but you'd rather believe he was talking about all Mexicans to paint him the enemy just like a fucking kike would.
Jew tricks 101
>Divide and conquer
>Spread misinformation
>Perpetuate blatant lies
>Crop what is said to reinforce your argument even if it's wrong
Nice try rabbi but you have no power here.
>1973 was a long time ago user. Times were different. Nonetheless the case went nowhere and was just an allegation.
What the fuck are you talking about he lost and received a court order to no longer discriminate and advertise the apartments as being available to all races. Sure its a while back but thats pretty fucking bad and certainly says something about him.
>Page 3 the table actually lines up with what Trump posted
That table doesn't even have a break down of the race of the victims and offenders
>You got anything better that isn't twitter based or things he's allegedly done that even the simplest of google searches can debunk?
No because you just made up shit
I've never seen anything like this. Where were these libtards when Bush was elected? What makes Trump worse?
I feel like this is a lot of their first elections to vote in and this generation is notorious for being a bunch of sensitive, entitled pussies who can't handle differing opinions.
>Ask a question
>Get mad at the answer
Op asked why liberals call him this. If you dumbasses stepped out if your safe space for more than it takes the time to shitpost on Twitter you wouldn't be asking. Trump said things pertaining to people libshits don't like, hence they call him racist (in reference to Mexicans, who are mostly racially homogeneous) and xenophobic (in reference to Muslims). It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, this is why.
Unfortunately he hasn't done enough tbqh.
>received a court order to blah blah
Funny how there's no proof of it outside of a little conjecture without evidence. Isn't that so odd? Isn't it?
Do you really think someone in the journalistic community would just make shit up to slander Trump? Nah man never.
>Republican nominee Donald Trump responded briefly, noting that his company’s involvement was merely part of something larger: “We, along with many, many other companies throughout the country … were sued. We settled the suit with zero—with no admission of guilt.”
No admission of guilt seems to be everywhere but nowhere to be found is the court order he received to change it.
>That table doesn't even break down the race
Pic related.
You don't know how to read do you abo?
You're the only one here making shit up you fucking straya abo.
I just find it eternally hilarious how these cucked out liberal shitheads keep screaming about Trump being racists while they voted for Hillary, completely ignoring the fact that she was "dear friends" with Robert C Byrd, who was a LITERAL exalted cyclops in the KU KLUX KLAN, calling him a MENTOR. She also idolized Margaret Sanger, the woman who founded Planned Parenthood for the sole purpose of eliminating retarded babies, disabled babies, and NON WHITE BABIES.
>B-b-b-but T-trump is r-r-racist....
Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit
Blacks residing in the neighboirhood decrease property value
>sole purpose of eliminating retarded babies, disabled babies
Is this really a bad thing?